H3A |
1918, Hungary Naval
cover, ship “ADRIA” boxed purple straight line censor ship cancel and
circular date Feldpost cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H4 |
1914, Hungary Naval card "ADMIRAL SPAUN" circular date ship cancel and
"remember Darbenden" label, VF, $60.00 |
H5 |
1914, Hungary Naval postcard, ship "ARPAD" with purple circular date cancel,
Torpedo Boat Battle scene reverse, VF, $60.00 |
H7 |
1914, Hungary Naval
Feldpost card, ship ‘ALPHA’ purple circular ship cancel and bold red censor
handstamp, VF, $45.00 |
H7A |
1917, Hungary naval
Feldpost card, ship ‘ALPHA’ purple oval ship cancel and circular date
cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H7B |
1916, Hungary
Naval card, ship “ALPHA”, red circular ship cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H7C |
1917, Hungary Naval Ship ‘S.M.S. ALPHA’ in boxed red cancel on censored postcard, VF, $45.00 |
H9A |
1915, Hungary Naval
Card, ship “ARPAD”, circular date cancel and bold red single straight line
censor handstamp, $25.00 |
H9B |
1917, Hungary Naval
Card, ship “ARPAD”, purple oval and red single straight line cancels, VF,
$50.00 |
H9C |
1916, Hungary Naval
Card, ship “ARPAD”, purple circular Kriegsmarine cancel with color rural
scene on reverse, VF, $50.00 |
H10 |
1917, Hungary Naval postcard, ship "ALPHA" boxed red censor ship cancel and
sea scene on reverse, VF, $50.00 |
H13 |
1914, Hungary Naval card, ship "ARPAD" circular date cancel, picture of
S.M.S. "Viribus Unitis" on reverse, VF, $50.00 |
H15 |
1918, Hungary naval card, ship "ADMIRAL SPAUN" boxed purple cancel, VF,
$40.00 |
H17C |
1915, Hungary Naval
card, ship “BABENBERG” red circular ship cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H18A |
1915, Hungary Naval
Card, ship “BELLONA” purple circular ship cancel and red single straight
line censor handstamp, VF, $40.00 |
H18B |
1915, Hungary Naval
postcard, ship ‘BELLONA’ purple circular ship cancel with red single line
censor strike and color picture of farm girl on reverse, VF, $45.00 |
H18C |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship “BELLONA” boxed 2 line purple censor ship cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H18D |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship “BELLONA” purple oval ship cancel, VF, $35.00 |
H18E |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, ship “BELLONA” red circular ship cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H18F |
1918, Hungary Naval Document, Quittung form
with straight line S.M. Schiff “BELLONA” cancel, signed by commanding
officer, VF, $75.00 |
H19B |
1917, Hungary naval
card, ship ‘BALATON’ purple circular date ship cancel and ‘Monarch” circular
date cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H19C |
1918, Hungary Naval
cover, ship “BALATON” red single straight line cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H19E |
1918, Hungary Naval cover, ship S.M.S. “BALATON” in red st. line cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H21 |
1918, Hungary Naval postcard, "BELLONA" purple boxed straight line censor
cancel and picture of Germany Military officer on reverse, VF, $40.00 |
H21P |
1918, Hungary Naval cover, ship “BUDAPEST” purple single straight line
handstamp, VF, $50.00 |
H24B |
1917, Hungary Naval
cover, ship ‘CUSTOZA’ boxed three line purple censor ship cancel, VF,
$45.00 |
H24E |
1918, Hungary naval
card, ship “CUSTOZA” boxed 3 line magenta censor ship cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H24F |
1914, Hungary Naval
card, ship “CUSTOZA” bold purple single straight line cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H24G |
1915, Hungary Naval
card, ship “CUSTOZA” purple circular ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H25F |
1918, Hungary Naval Document, straight line
S.M.S. ‘CSIKOS” cancel, VF, $75.00 |
H29F |
1916, Hungary Naval Document, light
straight line S.M.S. “DON JUAN D’AUSTRIA” cancel, signed by commanding
officer, VF, $30.00 |
H32A |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘DONAU’ small purple circular ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H33B |
1915, Hungary Naval
card, ship “DON JUAN D’AUSTRIA” circular ship cancel and red double line
censor handstamp, VF, $40.00 |
H35E |
1915, Hungary Naval
card, ship “ERZH. KARL” purple circular date ship censor cancel, VF,
$45.00 |
H35F |
1918, Hungary Naval Document, straight line
S.M. Schiff “ERZHEROG KARL” cancel, VF, $65.00 |
H36A |
1917, Hungary Naval
postcard, ship ‘ERZH. FRANZ FERDINAND’ single straight line purple handstamp
with color photo of lighthouse on reverse, VF, $45.00 |
H37 |
1915, Hungary
Naval postcard, "ERZHERNOG FRIEDRICH" red circular date ship censor cancel,
Real Photo sailors on deck reverse, VF, $45.00 |
H37A |
1917, Hungary Naval
cover, ship ‘ERZH. FRIEDRICH’ purple straight two line censor cancel, VF,
$45.00 |
H37C |
1915, Hungary
Naval card, ship “ERZH. FRIEDRICH” boxed red two line censor handstamp, Port
of Pola scenes reverse, VF, $40.00 |
H37E |
1916, Hungary
Naval cover, ship “ERZH. FRIEDRICH” purple two line censor handstamp, VF,
$45.00 |
H37F |
1916, Hungary
Naval card, ship “EH. FRIEDRICH” purple circular date ship cancel, VF,
$40.00 |
H37G |
1917, Hungary
Naval cover, ship “ERZH. FRIEDRICH” blue boxed two line censor handstamp,
VF, $50.00 |
H37H |
1917, Hungary
Naval cover, ship “ERZH. FRIEDRICH”, purple boxed two line censor handstamp,
VF, $45.00 |
H40 |
1916, Hungary
Naval postcard, "ERZHERNOG FERDINAND" blue circular date ship cancel, woman
in steel helmet reverse, VF, $45.00 |
H41 |
1914, Hungary
Naval card, ship “ERZHERZOG FERDINAND MAX”, circular date ship cancel, VF,
$35.00 |
H41C |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, ship “KRON PRINZ ERZHERZOG PUDOLE”, purple oval ship cancel, VF,
$35.00 |
H41F |
1917, Hungary
Naval cover, ship “ERZH.RUDOLF”, single straight line purple handstamp, VF,
$40.00 |
H42 |
1915, Hungary
Naval postcard, "GAA" clear circular date ship censor cancel, nice picture
of S.M.S. "Strassburg" on reverse, VF, $50.00 |
H43A |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘GAMMA’ purple oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H48B |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘HERKULES’ purple oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H51 |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, "HABSBURG" boxed red censor ship cancel, VF, $35.00 |
H51B |
1915, Hungary
Naval cover, ship ‘HABSBURG” circular date ship cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H51D |
1917, Hungary
Naval cover, ship “HABSBURG” boxed purple 2 line censor ship cancel, VF,
$40.00 |
H52 |
1917, Hungary Naval card, "HELGOLAND" circular date ship cancel, VF,
$35.00 |
H52G |
Hungary Naval card, ship “HUSZAR” circular date ship cancel on color
postcard, VF, $40.00 |
H52H |
(1916) Austria/Hungary Naval ship S.M.S. “HUSZAR” st. line cancel on pretty card, VF, $35.00 |
H55B |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I’ and ‘MONARCH’ circular date cancels, VF,
$40.00 |
H55D |
1916, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I’, circular date cancel on real photo card
showing sailors on deck, VF, $40.00 |
H56 |
1916, Hungary Naval cover, "KAISER KARL VI" purple circular date ship
cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H58 |
1916, Hungary naval
card, ship ‘KAISER MAX’ purple circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H58A |
1918, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘KAISER MAX’ purple straight line ship cancel, VF,
$38.00 |
H58H |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘KOMET’ pink oval cancel, VF, $30.00 |
H60A |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘LEOPARD’ purple circular date ship cancel on real photo
card of troops, VF, $40.00 |
H61 |
1917, Hungary naval
card, ship ‘LIKA’ purple oval cancel and ship ‘KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I’
circular date cancel, VF, $30.00 |
H67B |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘MAGNET’ purple oval cancel, VF, $35.00 |
H69A |
1915, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘MONARCH’ circular date and circular ship cancels, VF,
$40.00 |
H69B |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘MONARCH’ straight line and circular date ship cancels, VF,
$40.00 |
H71 |
1916, Hungary Naval postcard "MARIA THERESIA" circular date ship cancel,
picture of naval battle with Zeppelin over ships reverse, VF, $50.00 |
H72C |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘MARS’ red oval cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H72D |
1918, Hungary Naval card, ship "MARS" boxed two line red censore strike on Feldpostcard, VF, $35.00 |
H73 |
1917, Hungary Naval postcard, "NOVARA" purple circular date ship cancel,
picture of woman in window reverse, VF, $40.00 |
H75 |
1915, Hungary Naval postcard, "NOVARA" purple circular ship cancel, scenes
of Pola reverse, VF, $45.00 |
H75A |
1916, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘NOVARA’ purple circular ship cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H75B |
1916, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘NOVARA’ circular date ship cancel, VF, $38.00 |
H77A |
1915, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘ORJEN’ circular date ship cancel and manuscript ship’s
return address, VF, $40.00 |
H77B |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘ORJEN’ purple straight line ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H80 |
1917, Hungary Naval postcard, "PRINZ EUGEN" purple large boxed dated ship
cancel, view of Castelnuovo reverse in color, $50.00 |
H86E |
1916, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘RADETZKY’ circular date cancel and manuscript ship name in
return address and on reverse, VF, $35.00 |
H86F |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘RADETZKY’ boxed single line purple cancel and manuscript ship’s
name in return address, VF, $45.00 |
H91Q |
1918, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘SZIGETVAR’ purple straight line ship cancel, VF, $35.00 |
H91R |
1914, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘SZIGETVAR’ circular date ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H92B |
1915, Hungary
Naval cover, ship ‘SCHWARZENBERG’ purple circular ship cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H92C |
1916, Hungary
Naval cover, registered, ship “SCWARZENBERG’ purple straight line ship
cancel, VF, $60.00 |
H94N |
1918, Hungary
Naval cover, ship ‘STREITER’ red straight line ship cancel, VF, $39.00 |
H94P |
1916, Hungary
Naval postcard, ship ‘STREITER’ circular ship cancel on color photo of
sailboats, VF, $40.00 |
H94Q |
1909, G. Fano postcard
No. 29 with color picture of ships ‘STREITER’ and ‘ULAN’ in rough sea on
moonlit night, VF, $45.00 |
H94Y |
1916, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘SATELLIT’ purple circular ship cancels, color picture of
ships reverse, VF, $36.00 |
H94Z |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘SATELLIT’ purple oval cancel, VF, $30.00 |
H96 |
1917, Hungary Naval card, "SAIDA" purple straight line ship and censor ship
cancels, also date cancel with ship "KAISER FRANZ JOSEF", $50.00 |
H96S |
Hungary Naval cover, ship ‘SEBENICO’ purple circular ship cancel, VF,
$39.00 |
H96V |
1917, Hungary Naval
postcard, ship ‘SZENTISVAN’ purple circular censor cancel, F/VF, $39.00 |
H97A |
1914, Hungary Naval
postcard, ship ‘TEGETTHOFF” purple circular ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H97B |
1912, Hungary Naval
photo card ship ‘TEGETTHOFF’ purple oval ship cancel, commercial ships in
Pola harbor, VF, $22.00 |
H97C |
1917, Hungary Naval
postcard, ship ‘TEGETTHOFF’ straight line purple cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H97E |
1915, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘TEGETTHOFF’ circular date cancel and manuscript return address,
VF, $32.00 |
H97F |
1915, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘TEGETTHOFF’ circular date cancel on front and circular
ship cancel on reverse, VF, $40.00 |
H98Q |
1918, Hungary Naval
Document, bold purple S.M.S. “TURUL” straight line cancel, VF, $65.00 |
H99V |
1918, Hungary Naval
Document, purple straight line “II. TORPEDOFLOTTILLE” cancel, signed by
commanding officer, VF, $40.00 |
H100B |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘TRABANT’ red oval cancel, VF, $32.00 |
H102A |
1917, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘ULAN’ purple circular ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H102C |
1917, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘ULAN’ purple oval cancel, VF, $32.00 |
H104A |
1918, Hungary
Naval cover, ship ‘VIRIBUS UNITIS’ magenta boxed two line ship censor
cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H104B |
1916, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘VIRIBUS UNITIS’ circular date cancel and handstamp ship
return address, VF, $40.00 |
H104C |
1915, Hungary
Naval cover, ship ‘VERIBUS UNITIS’ purple circular date ship cancel and
single line censor strike, VF, $45.00 |
H107A |
1917, Hungary Naval post card, S.M.S.
“WEIN” purple cancel , sailing ships reverse, VF, $45.00 |
H107D |
1910, color postcard, picture of ship 'WIEN' franked with Austria 5h green
to Vienna, VF, $38.00 |
H107E |
1916, Hungary Naval
postcard ship ‘WIEN’ purple circular date and ship cancels, VF, $40.00 |
H111 |
1915, Hungary
Naval card, ship ‘ZRINYI’ circular date ship cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H112 |
1916, Hungary Naval
card, ship ‘ZARA’ purple circular cancel, VF, $39.00 |
H112C |
1899, Fr. Scholer
postcard 812 with photo of ship ‘ZENTA’ franked with Austria 2kr brown to
Agram, VF, $40.00 |
H125 |
1915, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “19” card, red circular cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H126 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “21” card, purple oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H133 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “55” card, red circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H135 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “56” card, red oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H139 |
1915, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “57T” card, purple circular cancel, VF, $50.00 |
H141 |
1917, Hungary Naval
Torpedo Boat “57T” card, purple circular cancel, VF, $35.00 |
H142 |
1917, Hungary Naval
Torpedo Boat “58” card, red oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H145 |
1915, Hungary naval
Torpedo Boat “58T” card, purple circular cancel, VF, $45.00 |
H148 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “59” card, purple oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H149 |
Hungary Torpedo Boat
“59” card, purple straight line ‘S.M.BOOT 59’ cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H154 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “63T” card, purple circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H158 |
1915, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “65F” card, purple circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H159 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “66” card, purple oval cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H161 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “66F” card, purple circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H162 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “67F” card, magenta circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H166 |
1916, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “69F” card, purple circular and ‘MONARCH’ circular date cancel, VF,
$40.00 |
H168 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
boat “71F” card, red circular cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H173 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “76” card, purple straight line ‘S.M.BOOT 76’ cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H182 |
1917, Hungary torpedo
Boat “86F” card, red circular and ‘MONARCH’ circular date cancel, VF,
$40.00 |
H183 |
1917, Hungary Torpedo
Boat “88” card, red oval and ‘MONARCH’ circular date cancel, VF, $40.00 |
H184 |
1916, Austria/Hungary Torpedo Boat S.M.B. “93F” on postcard, VF, $35.00 |