Classic Issues (#1-63)
Net Price List

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325NA 1 (1) 4sk Lion, used w/grid cancellation, large 4 margin stamp, VF, $125.00
325NB 1 (1) 4sk Lion, used, VF/XF, $115.00

1 (1) 4sk Lion, used w/decorative pen cancel, $145.00

325NE 1 (1) 4sk Lion, used w/Stavanger cancel, VF, 4 margin stamp, $120.00
325NF 1 (1) 4sk Lion, used w/Christiana town cancel, F/VF, Scott $165.00, $80.00
325NR 2, 2sk orange, used w/306 numeral cancel, VF+, Scott $150.00, $79.00
325NU 2,3 (2,3) 2sk & 3sk Oscar, used, very nice examples, VF, Scott $200.00, $90.00
325P 4sk Lion 1855 – Norway’s 1st Stamp, 20 page booklet, written in English, including plating reference for varieties and souvenir sheet, VF, $28.00
326ZX 2-5 (2-5),  2sk – 8sk Oscar set complete, used, VF, Scott $273.00, $140.00
326ZY 2-5 (2-5) 2sk – 8sk King Oscar, Complete set used, all VF, Scott $273.00, $150.00
327D 2 (2) 2sk Oscar, Group of 5 used, F/VF, great for plating, Scott $800.00, $295.00
328B 2,3(2,3), 2 sk & 3 sk Oscar, each w/ socked on nose BLUE Frederikshald town cancel, pretty and scarcer, $200.00
329AY 4 (4) Group of 12 4sk Oscar, used, all sound and great for plating, Scott $156.00, $59.00
329B 4E (4N4) 4sk Oscar, Nyman's Red ESSAY reprint on full page, only 300 made, VF, $120.00
329C 5 (5) 8sk Oscar, used, VF, Scott $60.00, $30.00
329CA 5 (5) 8sk Oscar, used w/rarely seen red cancel, VF, $38.00
329CD 5 (5) 8sk Oscar, used w/full Christiania cancel, VF, $45.00

329CE 5 (5) 8sk Oscar, Group of 4, used, sound and nice cancels, good for plating, Scott $240.00, $89.00
331D 6 (6) 2sk yellow, used w/1867 Bergen cancel, some purple ink reverse, VF, Scott $250.00, $125.00
332E 7 (7) 3sk Lion, og, hinge rem, very fresh and genuine by Pollak, scarce and VF, Scott $400.00, $200.00

332F 7 (7) 3sk lilac gray, used, VF, Scott $400.00, $200.00

7 (7) 3sk gray, used, small thin otherwise VF, Scott $400.00, $95.00

333 8 (8) 4sk Lion, exceptionally fresh unused regummed, VF, signed Pelander, Scott $240.00, $89.00


9 (9), 8sk rose, used, XF stamps, Facit retail for top quality $130.00, $60.00
335A 10 (10) 24sk Lion, og, VLH, VF/XF, Scott $45.00, $25.00
335D 11-15, Complete set, used, F/VF, Scott $336.00, $110.00


12 (12), 2sk orange, used pair, Scott $110.00+, $48.00

336FE 13 (13) 3sk lilac gray, og, hinged, F/VF, scarcer stamp, Scott $450.00, $175.00
336FM 13 (13) 3sk used pair on small piece, VF, Scott $320.00+, $149.00
336FN 13 (13) 3sk lilac gray, used, VF, Scott $160.00, $82.00
336G 13v (13b), 3 sk clear print, used w/nice town cancel, VF, Scott $160.00, $82.00
336NA 15a (15b) 8sk CLEAR PRINTING, used, VF, APS certificate, Scott $425.00, $250.00
336NB 15a (15b), 8sk rose, CLEAR PRINTING, used w/light cancel, F/VF, APS certificate, Scott $425.00, $215.00
339 20, (20), 6sk used w/town cancel, great centering for this issue, V, Scott $72.50, $39.00


21 (21), 7sk used, great centering for this stamp, VF+, Scott $72.50, $39.00


24v (25), 5ore ultramarine, used, NO KNOB ON 5 variety, Facit retail $130.00, $65.00
340F 24v(25), 5ore shaded posthorn WITHOUT KNOB on 5 variety, used, very clear and VF, Facit $130.00, $70.00
341V 28 (30) 25ore lilac shaded posthorn, og, hinged, small thin, scarce stamp, Scott $500.00, $90.00


28 (30) 25ore lilac shaded posthorn, used w/1880 dated cancel, VF, Scott $150.00, $75.00


28 (30) 25ore lilac shaded posthorn, used w/Kragero cancel, VF, Scott $150.00, $79.00
341WB 28 (30) 25ore lilac shaded posthorn, used w/full 1878 cancel, thin but very attractive, Scott $150.00, $35.00


38v (51Ab) 3ore brown orange, used, VF, Facit $300.00, $140.00
343M 41 (41) 12ore green, used, VF, scarce stamp, Scott $400.00, $210.00
344FZ 47a (65) 1ore Knudsen Printing, p. 13 ˝  x 12, Strip of 3, used, VF, Scott $90.00+, $49.00

52 (78) 15ore brown, og, NH, VF, Facit $450.00, $200.00


55 (81) 30ore slate gray, og, NH very slightly toned, VF, Facit $375.00, $150.00


59-61 (87-9) Complete Ovpt set, used, VF, Scott $230.00, $115.00

345CX 61 (89) 2kr on 2sk Ovpt, Margin single, og, NH, F/VF, Facit $390.00, $150.00
345CY 61 (89) 2kr on 2sk Ovpt, used, scarcer and F/VF, Scott $100.00, $52.00

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