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1 5¢ Franklin with “between the eyes” Pre-Printed Paper Fold Variety, used w/very light cancel, 4 margins and one w/scissor cut well away from border, very strong brown color, a nice addition to any specialized collection, $575.00 sold  
10var 3¢ orange brown on PART INDIA PAPER, major Scott listed variety, used w/"PAID" cancel, PF certificate, Scott $1,100.00, $875.00  
65 3¢ rose, group of 3 w/Pre-Printing paperfold, used, $150.00  
68 10¢ green, Pre-Printing paperfold through center of stamp, $125.00  
77var 15¢ black, used w/dramatic pre-printing paper fold, sealed tear, nice item, $250.00  
90 12¢ black, E Grill, used w/light cancel and light corner crease lower left, showing PARTS OF 3 STAMPS, interesting FREAK perforation, scarce stamp, Scott $425.00, $250.00  
92 1¢ blue, “F” Grill, Two-way Perf Shift Freak, used, Weiss certificate, Scott for normal $575.00, $400.00  
114 3¢ Locomotive, used, nice example of Pre-Printing paperfold variety, $95.00  
147 3¢ green, Pre-Printing paperfold variety, used, nice exhibit enhancer, $125.00
150 10¢ brown, used w/stunning Pre-Printing paperfold, VF, $150.00
158 3¢ green, Two pre-printed paper fold ERRORS, striking, $150.00
206, 211 1¢ & 4¢ PERF FREAKS, unusual, $95.00
267 2¢ carmine, wonderful example of INK STARVATION, Margin Block of 4, og, hinged, VF, $125.00  
295 2¢ Pan-Am Expo, examples of HIGH TRAIN & LOW TRAIN, both og, NH, $125.00  

2¢ carmine, Margin Block of 4 w/paper fold variety LL, og, hinged, VF, $200.00

331 1¢ green, PERF ERRORS & INK SMEAR varieties, og, hinged, $49.00  
332 2¢ carmine, Rosette Inking Error, used, quite unusual, VF, $75.00  
375 2¢ carmine, Foreign Object Imbedded in paper, "Blindfolded Washington", $75.00  
405 1¢ green, fabulous Margin Block of 4 w/paperfold variety, og, NH/H, great exhibit enhancer, $350.00  
406 2¢ carmine, FOLD OVER PERF ERROR, rarely found used, nice item, $160.00  
406 2¢ carmine, Block of 8 INK STARVATION ERROR w/normal at right, og, NH/LH, $90.00  

498 1¢ green, og, LH, Dramatic Paper fold Inking error, nice item, $125.00  
498 1¢ green, Block of 6 with Eye-Catching Pre-Printed paper fold ERROR, hinged, $160.00  
498b 1¢ green, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between, og, NH, VF, Scott $950.00, $750.00  
501 3¢ violet, Strip of 3, IMPERFORATE AT TOP, 1NH/2LH, rare, $450.00  
503 4¢ brown, large PERF SHIFT, used, $25.00  

5¢ rose (ERROR), Block of 9 w/ middle stamp #505, og, Block is 6 NH/3H, the error is NH, fine centering, $500.00


505 5¢ rose (ERROR), Block of 12 w/ 2 middle stamps #505, og, Block is 9 NH/3 LH and the error stamps are NH and LH, very nice item, Scott $1,300.00, $1,050.00  
506 6¢ red orange, Block of 9, MISPERF ERROR, og, hinged, $175.00  
507 7¢ black, FREAK PERF PAIR, og, LH, top stamp diagonal crease, eye catching variety, $120.00  
507 7¢ black, Block of 8 with STUNNING FOLD OVER ERROR, og, NH/LH, $475.00  
514 15¢ gray, STRIKING FOLD OVER ERROR in Block of 4, og, LH, $275.00  
515 20¢ light ultramarine, HUGE PERF ERROR pair, appears Imperf Between but perfs are above the value line in the top stamp such that if separated the top stamp would have no value indicated and bottom would show values at top and bottom, og, NH, $125.00  
516 30¢ orange, STRING ON PLATE Printing Variety, og, LH, $125.00  
526 2¢ carmine, type IV, Bottom Strip of 10 with PHANTOM PLATE NO’s and ARROWS, og, 8 center stamps NH – LH ends, perf seps at center, a unique showpiece, VF, Scott for singles alone $150.00+, $350.00  
526-28A 2¢ Offset Printing, types IV, V, Va, VI, all og, 526-7 hinged, 528A NH w/light pencil mark, VF, Scott $178.00, $85.00  
528 2¢ carmine, type Va, og, hinged 3-strip with PHANTOM PLATE NO., interesting freak, $49.00  
528 2¢ carmine, type Va, Block of 15 with Huge PERF ERROR, og, 7NH/8LH, nice show piece, $250.00  
528B 2¢ carmine, type VII, Plate No. Block of 6, EXTREME HEAVY COLOR, og, 3NH/3LH, striking item, $325.00  
530 3¢ purple, Huge Mis-cut Freak, NH, VF, $65.00  
564 12¢ Cleveland, Corner Block of 6, MAJOR PERF ERROR, og, NH/LH, $295.00  
565 14¢ Indian, Block of 4, DRY PLATING PRINTING, og, NH/LH, $79.00  
565 14¢ Indian, DRY PLATE PRINTING, og, LH, VF, $25.00  
565 14¢ Indian, Block of 4 with large Ink Smear Error upper right, og, 2NH/2LH, $85.00  
569v 30¢ Bison, DOUBLE TRANSFER lower right 30, og, LH, quite elusive, Scott $450.00, $195.00  
571 $1.00 Lincoln Memorial, Plate No. Block of 6, STRIKING PERF ERROR, og, NH, $475.00  

571 $1.00 Lincoln Memorial, Block of 4, DOUBLE PAPER ERROR and quite unusual, og, 2NH/2LH, $250.00  
633v,634v, 640v 1½¢, 2¢, 8¢ Imperf Dry Print Pairs (printers waste…see Scott), unused, VF, $95.00  


1 ½¢, 2¢, 8¢ Imperf Dry Print Blocks of 4 (printers waste-see Scott), unused, quite unusual, $375.00  
634 2¢ carmine, Full Gutter Snipe and partial of top stamp, NH, VF, $35.00  
640v 8¢ Grant, Imperf Dry Print Block of 4 (Printer’s Waste – see Scott), unused, VF, $95.00  
734 5¢ Kosciuszko, Plate No. Block of 6 with graphic PAPER FOLD ERROR, og, NH, VF, $275.00  
752 3¢ Newburgh, Cross Gutter Block of 4, no gum as issued, VF, Scott $60.00, $32.00  
791 2¢ Navy, full Gutter Snipe single, LH, VF, $9.00  

804 1¢ Prexie, Block of 6 w/Double Thick Paper and Tape and Red Crayon Rejection markings, interesting item, NH, VF, $85.00  
804 1¢ Prexie, Block of 12 with Full Gutter Snipes and partial stamps above, NH, VF, $85.00  
805 1 ½ ¢ Martha Washington Block of 8 showing Dramatic Over Inking Error, NH, VF, $150.00  
805 1 ½ ¢ Martha Washington, Block of 4, Unique Under Inking Error, NH, VF, $79.00  
805 1 ½ ¢ Martha Washington, Block of 20 with Full Gutter Snipe Error at top showing large part of above stamps, NH, VF, $150.00  
805//07 Three Prexie misperf pairs, 3¢ Jefferson misperfed horizontally showing 3x3¢, og, NH, VF, $90.00  
805b 1 ½ ¢ Martha Washington, Pair Imperf Between, NH w/pre-cancel, VF, Scott as used $20.00, $14.00  
806 2¢ Prexie, Block of 10 with Gutter Snipe Error showing parts of above stamps, NH, VF, $95.00  
806 2¢ Prexie, Block of 16, Striking Printing Error, Nh, VF, $170.00  
806b 2¢ Prexie, Mis-Cut Error Booklet Pane of 6, Imperf Between Vertically at left, og, LH, VF, $65.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Perf Error, og, LH, VF, $15.00  
807 3¢ Jefferson Prexie pair, dramatic INK STARVATION, og, NH reverse, nice collateral item, VF, $65.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Dry Printing Error, og, NH, normal stamp at right, VF, $24.00  
807v 3¢ Prexie varieties, pair smeared plate and pair double paper printer’s waste, $45.00  
807 3¢ Jefferson, DOUBLE PAPER variety, 3-strip w/End of Roll Splice reverse and red rejection mark on front, very scarce and VF, $125.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Thomas Jefferson, heavy over inking ERROR, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, normal stamp at right, $50.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Block of 25 with INK STARVATION ERROR, NH, VF, $95.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Strip of 10 with Gutter Snipe Error showing partial stamps above, NH, VF, $110.00  
807 3¢ Thomas Jefferson Partial Pane of 60 with Ink Smear affecting upper 4 rows, og, NH, top left stamp with small tear, $175.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Block of 40 on exhibit page showing Fantastic Progressive Inking Error, NH, VF, $340.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Half Sheet on exhibit page showing Partial Gumming Error, NH, VF, $95.00  
807 3¢ Prexie, Exhibit page showing Booklet Pane Mis-Cut Errors and one w/full Plate No., NH/LH, VF, $80.00  
807b 3¢ purple, IMPERFORATE BETWEEN Pair, og, NH, VF, Rare – only 10 known, PSE certificate, $2,500.00  
807var 3¢ Thomas Jefferson, Blocks of 4, 2 major overinking and underinking, og, NH, VF, $100.00
810 5¢ James Monroe Complete sheet of 100 with rotary press web splice resulting in full Double Paper varieties on 7th and 8th rows, partial on 6th row, og, NH, VF, seldom seen, $450.00
817 12¢ Prexie, Block of 4, INK STARVATION ERROR, NH, VF, $65.00
835 3¢ Constitution, Gutter Snipe Block of 4, used, VF, $25.00
864 1¢ Longfellow, Gutter Snipe Block of 6 variety w/blind vertical perfs, NH, VF, $28.00

2¢ Defense, Heavy Ink Smear Errors & Block & FDC on page, VF, $45.00

900a 2¢ Defense, Pair Imperf between, NH, VF, $30.00
901 3¢ Defense, Block of 4 w/Dramatic Perf Error, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, $95.00
901 3¢ Defense, Block of 4 w/Major Printing Error rarely seen like this before, NH, VF, $250.00
901a 3¢ Defense, Pair Imperf Between, NH, VF, $20.00
905 3¢ Win the War, Heavy Inking Error, NH, VF, $35.00
905 3¢ Win the War, Block of 9 w/Huge ProductionTear across center with Double Paper Repair and ultimately sold to the public, NH w/hinge at top, unique item, $125.00
905v 3¢ Win the War, Strip of 4 w/Gutter Between, faulty but quite scarce, $70.00
907 2¢ Allies, Block of 4, HEAVY INKING, og, NH, VF, $65.00
909c 5¢ Poland, REVERSE PRINTING, red oval black, og, NH, VF, expertised R. Loeffler, $45.00  
916,a 5¢ Greece, scarce normal and reverse printings in Blocks of 4, NH, VF, $39.00  
917a 5¢ Yugoslavia, REVERSE PRINTING - blue and rose over black, og, NH, VF, from block of 4, ex. R. Loeffler, $45.00  
917a 5¢ Yugoslavia Flag, Reverse Printing of colors, Nh, VF, APS certificate, $25.00  
917a 5¢ Yugoslavia, REVERSE PRINTING - blue and rose over black, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, expertised R. Loeffler, $125.00  
926 3¢ Motion Picture, Ink Starvation & Ink Smear Freaks w/normal at bottom, eye-catching, VF, $65.00  
937var 3¢ Alfred Smith Plate Strip of 20, w/GHOST Plate nos. 23358/23355 halfway up strip, plus others, og, NH, $85.00  
940var 3¢ WWII Veterans issue Block of 8 with rotary press web splice resulting in full double paper on 2nd row, partial on 1st & 3rd, bottom stamps normal, og, NH, VF, $85.00  
942 3¢ Iowa Statehood, Heavy Inking Error Pair, NH, (note: bottom stamp not heavily inked at bottom), quite nice, VF, $90.00  
947 3¢ Wash/Franklin Over and Under Inking Errors with normal in center, NH, neat, $75.00  
962 3¢ Francis Scott Key, Eye-catching Perf Error, unusual for this issue, NH, VF, $49.00  
979 & 1064 Turners & Fine Arts, Blocks of 4 w/Gutter Snipes at bottom, NH, some errant ink on turners gum side, VF, $20.00  
986 3¢ Poe, Block of 4 w/Raven-ous Perf Error, og, VF, $95.00  
1002 3¢ Chemical Society, Pair w/stunning Perf Error with bottom stamp from upper and lower pane, NH, VF, $125.00  
1002 3¢ Chemical Society, Block showing 6 stamps with Major Perf Errors, NH, Show Piece!, VF, $145.00  
1007 3¢ Crossing Guard, Block of 30 with only 10% gummed, found in P.O. this way, interesting freak, $75.00  
1009, 1115,


Dramatic Perf Shift Errors in 3¢ Dam Block, 4¢ Lincoln and 4¢ Silver pairs, NH, $75.00  
1025 3¢ Trucking Industry, Block of 4, og, Nh, HEAVY INKING VARIETY, VF, Normal stamp at right, $39.00  
1031 1¢ Washington, Block of 4 w/Heavy Over Inking ERROR, NH, normal at right, striking, $75.00  
1033/1055 2¢ Jefferson, eye-catching Perf Error Pairs, NH, VF, normal at right, $65.00  
1035 3¢ Statue of Liberty, Block of 4, Dramatic Ink Starvation Error, NH, VF, $75.00  
1035 3¢ Statue Of Liberty, Block of 27, found at P.O. with gum only on part of lower row (folded over to illustrate), interesting freak, $60.00  
1035, 1057

3¢ Statue of Liberty, exhibit page w/Ink Smear, perf shift, paperfold creases & others, VF, $50.00

1035var 3¢ Statue of Liberty, Complete sheet of 100 with prominent Wiping Plate defect causing dramatic streak through 6th and 7th vertical columns, og, NH, VF, intact pane, $90.00  
1036 4¢ Lincoln, Block of 6 with GUTTER SNIPE showing part of stamp, og, NH, VF, $50.00  
1055 2¢ Jefferson, Dramatic Perf ERROR, NH, VF, $24.00  
1055var 2¢ Jefferson dry print, large hole line strips of 5 combined to show 100% plate #25068, og, NH, VF, $25.00  
1058 4¢ Lincoln, dramatic Perf Error, og, NH, VF, $22.00  
1058 4¢ Lincoln, Joint Line Coil Strip of 4, Big Perf Error, og, NH, VF, $48.00  
1058a 4¢ Lincoln, Imperf Joint Line pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $225.00, $130.00  
1094 4¢ Flag, two dramatic Perf Errors, not often seen on 1950's issues, og, NH, VF, $75.00  
1106 3¢ Minnesota, Gutter Snipe Block of 4 variety, NH, VF, $18.00  
1132 4¢ Flag, Plate Block of 4 Perf Error & Miscut, NH, VF, $75.00  
1153 4¢ Flag, Plate No. Block of 4 w/Perf Error thru Plate # and date misplaced, NH, VF, $60.00  
1168var 8¢ Garibaldi, horizontal misperf error, Plate Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $49.00  
1206 4¢ Higher Education, “Flame Missing” Error, og, XLH, VF, normal at right, $125.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over White House, Huge horiz & vertical perf error with denomination split right and left, NH, VF, $75.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over White House, Perf Error, NH, VF, $18.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over white House, two dramatic Perf Errors, NH, VF, $50.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over white House, Preprinting Paperfold error cuts diagonally across both stamps in pair, NH, VF, $75.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over White House, Plate No. Block of 4 with Perf Error splitting plate number, NH, VF, $60.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over White House, Block of 4 Large Perf Error showing parts of 9 stamps, og, NH, unusual and VF, $48.00  
1208 5¢ Flag Over White House, Plate Block of 4 misperf Error w/perf thru plate #, NH, VF, $65.00  
1209 1¢ Andrew Jackson, Complete sheet of 100 with dramatic vertical wiping smear through right side, og, NH, VF, $165.00  
1264var 5¢ Kennedy Memorial issues upper left pane of 50 with foldover variety at ul creating ‘crazy perfs’ through plate number, og, NH, VF, $175.00  
1280, 1280d 2¢ Frank Lloyd Wright, Pane of 100 with Tagging omitted error on 80% of Pane – only vertical rows 4 & 5 are lightly tagged, og, NH, VF, $135.00  
1281var 3¢ Francis Parkman Pane of 40, in original packaging, horizontally misperfed with large 25 ½ mm spacing on 3rd row instead of normal 21mm, og, NH, VF, $175.00            

3¢ Francis Parkman, Complete sheet of 100 with dramatic solvent smear covering upper 1/3 of stamps, og, NH, VF, $175.00

1282, 1303 4¢ Lincoln, Collection of perf errors and Miscut Coil stamps, including 3 singles, 1 Block of 4 and 2 Line Strips of 6, NH, VF, $85.00  
1284, 1305 6¢ Roosevelt Perf ERRORS, og, NH, VF, $22.00  
1286var 10¢ Andrew Jackson Block of 70, misperf error, vertical misperf through chin, unusual, og, NH, VF, $175.00  
1287var 13¢ John F. Kennedy Vertical Plate strip of 30, change of design misperf error, perfs bisect ‘1’ of 13, og, NH, VF, $360.00  
1290b 25¢ Douglass Magenta Shade, Block of 6, NH, VF, normal shade included for comparison, Scott $90.00+, $48.00  
1297c/2609a 10 diff Imperf Pairs, og, NH, VF, Scott $166.00, $94.00  
1304/2225 Group of 5 Mis-Perf Errors, NH, VF, $60.00  
1305a 6¢ Roosevelt, IMPERF PAIR, og, NH, VF, Scott $55.00, $35.00  



4 diff GUTTER SNIPE BLOCKS, NH, VF, $24.00  
1338 6¢ Flag Over (Under) White House, Perf Error pair with 6¢ just touching bottom stamp, NH, VF, $65.00  
1338 6¢ Flag Over White House, Perf Error with Denomination at left, NH, VF, $17.00  
1338 6¢ Flag Over (Under) White House, Eye-catching Perf Error, NH, VF, $25.00  
1338 6¢ Flag & White House, stunning perf ERROR, NH, VF, $24.00  
1338 6¢ Flag Over White House, Plate No. Block of 4 w/Imperf Right margin, NH, VF, $95.00  
1338 6¢ Flag Over White House, Zip Bock of 4 with horiz. & vert perf error, NH, VF, $65.00  

1338, 1338F,

1519, 1618d

6¢,8¢,10¢,15¢ Dramatic FLAG Perf ERRORS in pairs, og, NH, VF, $120.00

1338 6¢ Flag & White House, perf ERROR Block of 4 showing wide margin at bottom that should not exist, NH, $45.00  

6¢ Flag & White House, Gutter Block of 6 plus stunning perf ERROR, og, NH, $125.00

1338f 8¢ Flag & White House, stunning perf ERROR, NH, VF, $24.00  
1338g 8¢ Flag & White House, PHANTOM FLAG PRINT on pair, NH, VF, $25.00  
1338A 6¢ Flag Over White House, perf error line Strip of 5, NH, VF, $75.00  
1338A 6¢ Flag Over White House, Coil Strip of 6 w/stunning perf error pair middle of flag, og, NH, VF, $75.00  
1338F,g 8¢ Flag Over White House, Group of 3 freaks, NH, VF, $65.00  
1338Fj 8¢ Flag Over White House, Imperf between pair and Transition 3-strip error, seldom offered, NH, VF, $65.00
Flag Wright Brothers Airmail, se-tenant vertical
1338Fi 8¢ Flag Over White House, Imperf error, Block of 4, NH, VF, $60.00 
1338G 8¢ Flag Over White House, perf error pair splits Flag & White House, NH, VF, $25.00  
1356 6¢ Marquette, Plate No. Block with “missing faces” brown color shift variety, og, NH, normal stamp at right, VF, $45.00  
1370a 6¢ Grandma Moses, IMPERF BETWEEN PAIR, og, NH, XF, Scott $200.00, $160.00  
1374 6¢ Powell “Tagging Shift” Error in Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $45.00  
1382 6¢ Football, visually  eye catching Perf ERROR, unused no gum, normal stamp at right, VF, $20.00  

6¢ Christmas Issue, Plate Strip of 20 w/light green color omitted, og, NH, VF, $225.00

1393, 1402 6¢ & 8¢ Eisenhower Perf ERRORS, NH, VF, $28.00  
1394var 8¢ Eisenhower, Vertical misperf error, Plate Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $95.00  
1394d 8¢ Eisenhower, red and blue gray omitted (PS) ERROR pair, unused no gum, listed but unpriced in Scott, rare, $275.00  

8¢ Eisenhower Freaky perf pair error separated for dramatic effect, VF, $25.00

1395a 8¢ Eisenhower, Miscut booklet pane error, og, NH, VF, $65.00  
1400var 21¢ Giannini horizontal misperf “Use Zip Codes” Block of 4, message included in lower left stamp, og, NH, VF, $95.00  
1400var 21¢ Giannini horizontal misperf “Mail Early” Block of 6, message included in center left stamp, og, NH, VF, $75.00  
1415-19var 6¢ 1970 Christmas misperf error, Plate Block of 8, incorrectly perforated horizontally through electric eye bar, scarce, og, NH, VF, $175.00  
1419 6¢ United Nations, Color Shift ERROR showing emblem into red, NH, VF, normal stamp at right, $19.00  
1420 6¢ Landing of Pilgrims, Orange Shift to Left ERROR, NH, VF, normal stamp at right, $10.00  
1421-2 6¢ POW Plate Block of 4 with GHOST PLATE NUMBER 32441 over 32442, og, NH, VF, $20.00  
1448-51var 2¢ Cape Hatteras, misperf error, Plate block of 4 w/vertical misperf, scarce, og, NH, VF, $80.00  
1456-59 8¢ Colonial Craftman, Full pane of 50 with vertical solvent wiping smear through entire pane, seldom seen on this issue, og, NH, VF, $135.00  
1460 6¢ Olympic, ½ of red color circle omitted (upper left), normal at bottom, NH, VF, $12.00  
1460 6¢ Olympic Bicycle, Block of 9 showing “Broken Red Olympic Ring” variety in center stamp, NH, VF, $24.00  
1461 8¢ Bobsled, Plate No. Block of 10, Yellow color shift downward variety, og, NH, VF, $24.00  
1461v 8¢ Olympic Bobsled, Plate No. Block of 10 w/unusual light red horiz lines caused by dragging action in printing process, og, NH, VF, $120.00  
1463 8¢ P.T.A. Block of 4 with INVERTED YELLOW Plate No. NH, VF, $19.00  
1463 8¢ PTA, black Mis-registration variety w/normal at right, og, hinged, VF, $15.00  
1468 8¢ Mail Order, “100th Anniversary of Mail Order” OMITTED at top, major color shift error, $500.00  
1470var 8¢ Tom Sawyer, Plate block of 4 with offset of engraved plate 33811 resulting in doubling of lettering & values, NH, VF, $190.00  
1470 8¢ Tom Sawyer, Red Color Shift variety, Bock of 4, NH, VF, normal at right, $24.00  
1472 8¢ Santa Clause, Plate Block of 12 with Brown Misregistration error (see horn and bag), NH, VF, $48.00  
1477var 8¢ Bicentennial Issue Block of 20, misperf error, misperfed horizontally and shifting vertically, og, NH, VF, $85.00  
1478 8¢ Post Rider, color shift “Ghost” variety, og, NH, normal stamp at right, VF, $24.00  
1480-83var 8¢ Boston Tea Party, Plate block of 4 with huge black vertical color shift causing double row boats, etc, og, NH, VF, $175.00  
1484 8¢ George Gershwin lower right plate strip of 16 with foldover variety at l/r yellow plate number, og, NH, VF, $225.00  
1487var 8¢ Willa Cather Plate block of 12, color shifted producing white bond across face on all stamps, og, NH, VF, $90.00  
1504var 8¢ Rural American stunning vertical misperf causes plate number to reside 100% in perfs, “Rural America” (blue) nearly omitted on bottom left stamp, appears completely omitted bottom right stamp (ps) upper 2 stamps hinged, bottom NH, VF, $650.00  
1509 10¢ Crossed Flags, 3-strip with Perf Shift & Blue vertical line, NH, VF, $24.00  
1509 10¢ Crossed Flags, Sheet of 100 with Dramatic red Color Shift error creating “Droopy Flag”, NH, normal stamp block shown, $495.00  
1510b 10¢ Jefferson Memorial, misperforated booklet pane error, og, NH, VF, $50.00  
1510c 10¢ booklet pane of 8 with PERF ERROR – United States 10¢ at top, quite nice, NH with 1 stamp LH, VF, $65.00  
1510c 10¢ Booklet Pane of 8 MISPERF ERROR, NH, VF $22.00  
1518b 6.3¢ Liberty Bell, IMPERF HORIZ. PAIR, og, XLH, VF, Scott $165.00, $90.00  
1519 10¢ Crossed Flags, Big perf shift pair, NH, VF, $15.00  
1519 10¢ Flags, major perf shift error pair, og, NH, VF, $30.00  
1519a 10¢ Crossed Flags, Imperf Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $19.00  
1519a 10¢ Crossed Flags, Imperf error coil line pair, NH, VF, Scott Errors $50.00+, $38.00  
1519 10¢ Crossed Flags, Imperf Error Coil pair, NH, VF, Scott $35.00+, $25.00  
1519a/2913a 10¢-32¢ Flag Issues, 10 diff, Imperf Pairs, og, NH, VF, Scott $180.50, $90.00  
1529 10¢ Skylab, Yellow & Blue color shift error, og, NH, VF, $25.00  
1529 10¢ Skylab, ‘Broken Weather Vane’ lower left stamp in block of 4, og, NH, VF, $25.00  
1543-46 10¢ First Continental Congress Issue, Extraordinary pair of matching lower panes with foldover at bottom resulting in a partial extra stamp on left pane with companion right pane, impossible to duplicate this showpiece, og, NH, VF, $850.00  
1551var 10¢ 1974 Christmas Issue, Plate strip of 20 with doubled buff plate numbers misregistered to bottom of strip, og, NH, VF, $90.00  
1555 10¢ D.W. Griffith, Dramatic color shift error, NH, VF, normal at right, $19.00  
1555 10¢ D.W. Griffiths unique Plate Block of 4 with perforation procedure paper foldover revealing margin markings usually trimmed off, og, NH, VF, $175.00  
1555 10¢ Griffith, Plate No. Block of 4 w/dramatic Color Shift Error, normal shown for comparison, NH, VF, $45.00  

10¢ D.W. Griffiths Block of 20 w/dramatic shifted brown engraving, og, NH, VF, $375.00

1557var 10¢ Mariner 10 Plate Block of 30 with GHOST plate numbers 35984 and offset images on face of stamps, og, NH, VF, $245.00  
1560 10¢ Salem Poor, Dramatic Perf Error pair, NH, VF, normal at right, $25.00
1565-8 10¢ Military Uniforms, Strong Yellow Color Shift Error on pane of 12, NH, normal reverse for comparison, VF, $32.00
1568b 10¢ Military Uniforms, Plate Block of 9 w/dramatic (under UV light) heavy/light tagging, NH, VF, $45.00
1582var 2¢ Americana vertical misperf partial pane of 92, dull gum, og, NH, VF, $895.00
1597b 15¢ Flag, Gray omitted error, NH, scarce and VF, normal at right, Scott $300.00+, $200.00
1597c 15¢ Flag, Vertical pair imperf between and at bottom, og, NH, scarce, Scott $350.00+, $250.00
1598 15¢ Flag, Booklet single with pale blue color in star field, neat freak, NH, VF, $20.00
1610var $1.00 Candle Holder, IMPERF Margin single, Major Error, used, $350.00
1618,b 13¢ Liberty Bell, Imperf Pair & Perf Error 3-strip, og, NH, VF, $65.00
1618C 15¢ Flag, Spooky Shadows error in Transition Strip of 7, NH, neat, $150.00
1618v 13¢ Liberty Bell, Coil pair, dramatic misperf error, og, NH, VF, $19.00
1622 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Strip of 5 w/Blue Color Omitted on parts of 3 center stamps, quite unique, NH, VF, $125.00
1622a 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Plate block of 20 containing 6 horiz. Pairs imperf between, NH, VF, quite nice showpiece, $300.00
1622Cd 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Imperf Error pair in Transition Strip of 4, stunning showpiece, $125.00
1622var 13¢ Flag over Independence Hall, incredible matching pair of upper panes with foldover of eight pane resulting in 2 extra partial stamps at left, left pane being resulting trimming error, og, NH, VF, $695.00
1625 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Miscut Error with denomination missing, NH, VF, $25.00
1625 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Split Flag perf error pair, NH, VF, $25.00
1625a 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $16.00
1625 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Misperf Error strip of 5, 1 stamp with crease, NH, VF, $50.00
1625 13¢ Flag Over Independence hall, Dramatic perf error Strip of 6, og, NH, VF, $75.00
1625a 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Imperf error pair, NH, VF, $20.00
1625,a 13¢ Flag Over Independence Hall, Imperf Transition Strip of 10, og, NH, nice showpiece, VF, $150.00

13¢ Bicentennial Block of 4 strips, Plate Wiper Error top stamps, interesting item, NH, VF, $45.00

1683 13¢ Bell Telephone, major perf shift error with 13¢ at bottom, og, NH, normal stamp at right, VF, $39.00
1691-94var 13¢ Declaration of Independence Plate strip of 20, misperf error, misperf splits denomination, scarce, og, NH, VF, $200.00
1698b 13¢ Olympic Zip Block of 4, Imperforate Error, less than 80 blocks known, og, NH, VF, $250.00, $350.00
1699var 13¢ Clara Maass Block of 16, misperf error with angled and misregistered vertical perforations progressively shifting to right, og, NH, VF, $130.00
1705 13¢ Sound Recording, used, Dramatic Perf Error, normal at right, $24.00
1712-15 13¢ Complete Butterfly Sheet showing White Stripe Error in vertical row at right, NH, VF, $150.00
1716v 13¢ Lafayette, og, NH, pair w/PERF ERROR causing value shift to top, VF, $25.00
1716v 13¢ Lafayette, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, PERF ERROR – MISSING VALUES ON TOP PAIR, VF, $60.00
1729 13¢ Washington at Valley Forge, IMPERF PAIR, og, NH, VF, Scott $175.00, $90.00
1729 13¢ Washington Plate block of 20 showing GREEN COLOR variety plus normal color block for comparison at right, VF, $85.00
1737 15¢ Rose Booklet Pair ERROR – 1 stamp w/2 denominations – 1 stamp no denominations, og, NH, VF, $25.00  
1757m 13¢ Capex s/s plate number sheet with vertically shifted perforations resulting in blue color omitted error of Mallard stamp, PF cert, og, NH, VF, possibly unique plate block, $425.00  
1769var 15¢ Christmas, Block of 6 with green Ink blobs from solvent spill, striking and unusual, og, NH, VF, $95.00  
1792,94 15¢ Olympic Pair, Imperforate error, og, NH, VF, $300.00  
1794b 15¢ Olympics, Block of 4, Imperforate error – only 20 blocks known, og, NH, VF, $750.00  
1820 (18¢) Eagle with “head cut off” Perf Error, NH, VF, normal at right, $22.00  
1826a 15¢ Galvez, Red Brown and Blue (engr) COLORS MISSING ERROR, og, NH, normal stamp at right for comparison, only 100 known, VF, Scott $550.00, $350.00  
1826a 15¢ Galvez, Red Brown and Blue (engr) COLORS MISSING ERROR, Mr. Zip Corner Block of 4, og, NH, normal block for comparison at right, only 2 reported known, VF, $1,600.00  
1860v 20¢ Ralph Bunche, Perf ERROR pair, 20¢ missing at bottom, NH, VF, $20.00  
1860v 20¢ Ralph Bunche, PERF ERROR Block of 6, 20¢ missing at bottom, NH, VF, $49.00  
1867cvar 39¢ Greenville Clark Full pane of 100 with horizontal misperf resulting in various denominations including non-denominated in left vertical column, normal 39,93 + 9, also note marginal markings in full on left side stamps, og, NH, VF, nice item, $450.00  
1875 15¢ Whitney Young, Block of 20, w/Freak Ink Smear bottom row, NH, VF, $25.00



18¢ Flower block of 4 with DOUBLE PRINT of blue lettering at bottom of each stamp, og, NH, VF, $85.00
1890b 18¢ Flag Over Waves of Grain, Transition Strip of 3, NH, VF, scarce, $150.00  
1891a 18¢ Flag Over Lighthouse, Imperf pair error and also miscut, NH, VF, $24.00  
1894 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Color Omitted error Transition Block of 6, rather dramatic, NH, VF, $275.00  
1894 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Misperf Error Strip of 7, dramatic, NH, VF, $140.00  
1894avar 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Plate #2 Transition Block of 12 showing part of equipment failure, quite scarce, NH, VF, $450.00  
1894a 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperforate Plate #2 Block of 6, NH, VF, scarce, $195.00  
1894c 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Deep Blue color omitted error, NH, VF, striking example, $90.00  
1894c 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Blue color omitted ERROR (normal stamp shown at right), og, NH, VF, Scott $60.00, $38.00  
1894d 20¢ Flag, block of 13 showing BLACK OMITTED ERROR and progression, NH, unique item, $725.00  
1894d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Black largely omitted color error, NH, VF, normal at right, $140.00  
1894v 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Full sheet of 100 incl. 16 ALL BLACK ERRORS, caused by color mis-registration, NH, ,VF, UNUSUAL AND INTRIGUING, $1,200.00  
1895 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Plate #4 Strip of 5, USED and quite scarce, VF, $125.00  
1895v Registered cover multi franked including 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court Strip of 6 with Supreme Court Denomination omitted, quite unusual production error, VF, $275.00  
1895,2115 20¢ & 22¢ Flags, Misperf Errors on Strip of 5 Plate #5 and Strip of 6, og, NH, VF, $45.00  
1895a 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Coil Miscut error, dramatic, og, NH, VF, $30.00  
1895a 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Plate #6 Coil Strip of 3, USED and scarce, VF, $65.00  
1895a 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Plate #6 Strip of 5, og, NH, VF, Scott $85.00, $50.00  
1895a 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Plate #4 Strip of 5, og, NH, VF, scarce, Scott $250.00+, $150.00  
1895a 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Plate #'s 4,6 Strips of 3, og, NH, VF, scarcer plate #'s, Scott $145.00, $75.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme court, Imperf Plate #8 Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, Scott Errors $160.00, $52.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Plate #5 Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, Scott Errors $300.00, $125.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Plate #4 Strip of 3, NH, VF, Scott Errors $400.00, $170.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Plate #8 Strip of 6, NH, VF, Scott Errors $160.00, $79.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Plate #9 Strip of 3, NH, VF, Scott Errors $160.00, $65.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Strip of 4, og, NH, VF, $16.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Plate #9 Strip of 5, og, NH, VF, Scott Errors $160.00, $95.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Error Plate #10 Strip of 5, NH, VF, Scott Errors $140.00, $80.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Error Plate #14 Strip of 6, NH, rare and VF, Scott Errors $1,250.00, $650.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Miscut Error Plate #8 Strip of 4, NH, VF, $150.00  
1895d 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Imperf Miscut Error pair, NH, VF, $70.00  
1895e 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, Coil Pair Imperf Between error, NH, VF, few recorded – one of the scarcest “Flag” errors, Scott $600.00++, $600.00  
1912-19d 18¢ Space Achievement, Block Tagging Omitted Error, og, NH, VF, signed Loeffler, rare – ony a handful recorded, Scott $1,000.00, $595.00  

18¢ Space, HUGE Perf Shift Freak shown with normal, og, NH, VF, $75.00

1926var 18¢ Edna St. Vincent Millay, change of design error, engraved black shifted to right, og, NH, VF, $175.00  

18¢ Alcoholism, small block tagging, Block of 50, og, NH, VF, listed but not priced in Scott, $125.00

1942-5 20¢ Desert Plants, New ERROR sheet discovery, VF, NH, $499.00  
2002Ac 20¢ Sheet of 50, WRONG BIRD/WRONG STATE Perf Error and botto row NO STATE, quite dramatic and scarce, NH, $775.00  
2048-51 13¢ Olympics, Block of 4 w/Dramatic Perf Error – LL stamp w/o denomination, og, NH, VF, $400.00  
2048-51 13¢ Olympics Dramatic Perf Error pairs – top stamps without denominations, og, NH, scarce and VF, $250.00  
2073 20¢ Woodson, Color Shift Error “Purple Face”, Plate No. Block of 4, normal show for comparison, og, NH, VF, $39.00  
2089var 20¢ Jim Thorpe misperf error, Plate block of 4 with eye catching horizontal misperf, scarce on issue, og, NH, VF, $195.00  
2091var 20¢ St. Lawrence Seaway, NEW DISCOVERY TAGGING OMITTED ERROR, og, NH, VF, PF certificate, $200.00  
2108var 20¢ Seasons Greetings Santa Claus, misperf error, vertical perfs diagonally shifted through Santa, og, NH, VF, $35.00  
2114var 22¢ Flag over Capitol Dome Plate strip of 20 w/blue & black wiper roller streaks at left edge affecting all 10 stamps, og, NH, VF, $100.00  
2114 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Plate #3 Block of 4 w/Dramatic perf error, NH, VF, $65.00  
2114 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Block of 4 w/huge perf error, NH, VF, $28.00  
2114 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Huge color shift error pair, top stamp in margin without denomination, NH, VF, $35.00  
2114 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Plate No. Block of 20 w/dramatic Blue & Black Ink Smear error, NH, VF, $250.00  
2115 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Strip of 3 w/Plate #8 at TOP due to color shift, og, NH, neat variety for PNC collector, $24.00  
2115 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Strip of 4 with large perf shift error, NH, VF, $24.00  
2115 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Strip of 3 w/Perf Error, NH, VF, $18.00  
2115, f 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Imperf pair & Perf shift pair errors, NH, VF, $27.00  
2115f 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, double error – imperf & Huge shift, og, NH, VF, $85.00  
2115f 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Imperf Transition pair with perf at right showing where equipment failure occurred, NH, VF, $60.00  
2115f 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, electric eye Imperf Miscut Error Strip of 4, NH, VF, only 50 pairs recorded, $300.00  
2115f 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Imperf Plate #3 Strip of 4, NH, VF, very scarce, Scott Errors $1,000.00+, $350.00  
2115f 22¢ Flag Over Capitol, Imperf Miscut Error Plate #18 Strip of 4, slight vertical gum crease, NH, VF, Scott $550.00+, $250.00  
2168 1¢ Mitchell, Plate No. Block of 4 with INK STARVATION variety, normal at right, NH, VF, $24.00  
2170var 3¢ Paul Dudley White, MD, Complete sheet of 100 with dry printing affecting right 3 vertical columns, dull gum, large block tag, og, NH, VF, $200.00  
2181 23¢ Mary Cassatt, Ink Smear variety on Block of 6, NH, VF, $24.00  
2216p 22¢ Presidents Sheet of 9, Tagging Fully Omitted ERROR – possibly only one known as listed but not priced in Scott, expertised and signed R. Loeffler, VF, $700.00  
2218l 22¢ Presidents sheet, TAGGING OMITTED ERROR, og, NH, minor abrasions in top margin only mentioned on PF certificate, only 2 of these recorded, $375.00  
2219 22¢ Presidents sheet Big Tagging Shift to Right Error – tagging barely touches left row of stamps, og, NH, VF, $150.00  
2280 25¢ Flag Over Yosemite, Strip of 4, perf error, Block tagging, NH, VF, $28.00  
2280a 25¢ Flag Over Yosemite, Double Error – Imperf & Miscut Pair, quite dramatic, NH, VF, $65.00  
2280c 25¢ Flag/Yosemite, Plate No. 14 Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, scarcer $75.00  
2280v 25¢ Flag over Yosemite, “Burning Trees” EFO in used strip of 5, VF, $75.00  
2361 22¢ CPA, MUDDY PRINT ERROR Pair, NH, normal at right, VF, $125.00  
2378 25¢ Love, INK BLOB Errors on strip of 20, NH, VF, $65.00  
2399a 25¢ Madonna, Gold Omitted Error and normal at right, NH, VF, $19.00  
2445-48var 25¢ Classic Films, Complete sheet of 40 with dramatic ink error at bottom, og, NH, VF, $150.00  
2452 5¢ Circus Wagon, down the middle Perf Error Pair, NH, VF, normal at right, $24.00  
2523 29¢ Flag Over Mt. Rushmore, Strip of 6 w/Perf Error between 2 and 9, NH, VF, $75.00  
2566b 29¢ Comedians, Booklet Pane of 10, COLOR OMITTED ERROR – scarlet & bright violet are missing, pane separated vertically and with original booklet cover, NH, Scott $650.00, $250.00  
2579 (29¢) Santa, Complete sheet w/dramatic PERF ERROR – stamps horizontally bisected, NH, scarce and VF, $495.00  
2607c 23¢ Presort, IIMPERF PAIR, og, NH, VF, Scott $65.00, $42.00  
2607c 23¢ Presort, Imperf Pair, og, NH, VF, normal at right, Scott $65.00, $39.00  
2609a 29¢ Flag Over White House, Imperf Miscut Error pair, stunning flag at bottom, NH, VF, $75.00  
2609a 29¢ Flag Over White House, IMPERFORATE Plate No. Strip of 4, #4, og, NH, VF, $60.00  
2609a 29¢ Flag Over White House, Imperf Transition Strip of 6 showing perfed right edge, NH, VF, $75.00  
2609bv 29¢ Flag Over White House, Strip of 6 Plate #4, Imperf Between stamps 2 & 3 and 4 & 5 w/alternating part perf pairs, og, NH, rare and VF, APS certificate, $350.00  
2616var 29¢ World Columbian Stamp Expo with “Mzy” variety Pane of 50 with 5 variety stamps, as ‘tipped ‘ in Linn’s 1/30/11, only 10 out of every 200 stamps has the variety, og, NH, VF, $39.00  
2619v 29¢ Olympic Baseball, og, NH, Double Print of U in USA error, VF, normal stamp shown at right, $49.00  
2625var Voyages of Columbus s/s, dramatic green ink smear across center of sheet affecting 2nd and 3rd stamps, not often seen this on this issue, og, NH, VF, $100.00  
2897var 32¢ Flag Over Porch, Transitional Strip of 7 – perf, part perf & Imperf, NH, unique error, VF, $300.00  
2904c (5¢) Non-Profit, IMPERF PAIR, og, NH, VF, normal pair included for comparison, Scott $450.00, $315.00  
2913 32¢ Flag Over Porch, Perf Error Pair, NH, VF, normal at right, $20.00  
2913a 32¢ Flag Over Porch, Imperf pair, og, NH, VF, $20.00  

2913,a 32¢ Flag Over Porch cacheted FDC w/Plate #11111 Strip of 3 and Imperf Error Pair, only 5 made w/this combo, VF, $125.00  
2916a 32¢ Flag Over Porch, Booklet Pane of 10 w/Dramatic Vertical Perf Error, og, NH, VF, $175.00  
2921e 32¢ Flag Over Porch, Complete Booklet w/Pane of 10 IMPERFORATE, NH, scarce error and VF, $400.00  

Civil War Sheet Gov’t packaging ERROR w/2 sheets in package instead of one, VF, $50.00

2980a 32¢ Woman Suffrage, BLACK (engr) OMMITTED ERROR, og, NH, VF, normal stamp shown at right for comparison, Scott $400.00, $295.00  
2980avar 32¢ Women Suffrage issue, Plate block of 4 w/black engravingsshifted to left, unusual, og, NH, VF, $75.00  
3095b 32¢ Riverboats, Sheet of 20 with Special Interrrupted Die Cutting, only 8000 made, VF, Scott $180.00+, $100.00  
4125h (41¢) First Class, og, NH, Copper Forever Color Omitted ERROR, PSE Grade 85 VF/XF, rare, $750.00  
4481d Evergreen Forever Booklet, Block of 4, Die cutting Omitted ERROR on one side/normal on other, VF, scarce $300.00  

4481d Evergreen Forever Booklet, Due Cutting Omitted ERROR on side w/12 stamps, rare – few reported, VF, $450.00  
4706-09 Forever Flag Booklet stamps with Dramatic DIE CUT ERROR, Block of 9, $85.00  
BKC22 $1.00 Airmail combination booklet, each pane miscut: 2 C78a showing 100% plate #(32946,965), 1280c about 50% of plate #, cover uncreased, nice item, $175.00  
C23 6¢ Eagle Airmail, Plate No. Block of 4 with large downward shift of red TOP and Plate No., og, NH, VF, quite scarce, $350.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, Dramatic Ink Starvation Error Pair, NH/LH, normal at right, VF, $49.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, Huge Ink Smear Variety, og, XLH, VF, $30.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, pair showing smeared inking at top, og, NH, VF, $30.00  

C25 6¢ Airmail, Pair with only 5% w/gum, unusual, VF, $25.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, Pair with Heavy INK SMEAR ERROR, NH, VF, $75.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, INK SMEAR & INK STARVATION freaks with normal at right, $60.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, Dramatic Gutter Snipe Pane of 20+, og, NH, rare, $895.00  
C25 6¢ Airmail, Part sheet of 45, GUMMING ERROR – only bottom row with gum, VF, $190.00  
C27c 10¢ Booklet Pane, Mis-cut w/missing 1 in 10¢, NH, VF, $12.00  
C34var 10¢ 1947 Airmail error, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF/XF, $290.00  
C34 10¢ Airmail, Complete with Weak Printing variety at top and progressiely darker toward bottom, NH w/some gum toning at top, interesting item, $45.00  
C56var 10¢ Pan Am Games Airmail vertically misperfed error, Plate Block of 4, nice change of design, og, NH, VF, $125.00  
C59 25¢ Lincoln Airmail, Perf Error showing parts of 4 stamps, og, NH, $30.00  
C67a 6¢ Airmail, TAGGED with normal at right, NH, VF, $3.00  
C80 17¢ Statue of Liberty Airmail, “Blue Ghost”  color shift error, og, NH, normal stamp at right, VF, $45.00  
C81var 21¢ USA & Jet Airmail, Block of 30 w/misregistered engraved Plane & bottom lettering, og, NH, VF, $395.00  
C90var 31¢ Plane & Globes Airmail, vertical strip of 10 with all colors doubled to lower right striking EFO, og, NH, VF, $425.00  
C92b 31¢ Wright Brothers Airmail, se-tenant vertical pair, og, Nh, ultra & black (Engr.) COLOR OMITTED ERROR with normal pair for comparison, error pair from complete sheet expertised by APS, Scott $475.00+, $325.00 
C92b 31¢ Wright Brothers Block of 4, COLORS OMITTED ERROR, NH, VF, Scott $950.00+, $435.00 SOLD  
C101-4v 28¢ Olympics, Block of 4 w/Imperf at bottom, perf fault LR stamp otherwise Vf, og, NH, $90.00  
J80 1¢ Postage Due, DOUBLE PAPER variety – printing beneath has no ink, og, LH, VF, $75.00  
J80 1¢ Postage Due, dramatic Perf ERROR pair, og, NH, $75.00  
  J81 2¢ carmine, GUTTER SNIPE corner Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $65.00  
R59c 50¢ Mortgage, used, dramatic FREAK multi pre-printed paperfolds, VF, $80.00  
R63c 50¢ Surety Bond, used, FREAK, pre-printed paper fold, neat, VF, $50.00  
R126 $3.50 Documentary, used, dramatic freak perfs, Scott $425.00, $170.00  
RE196 $1.60 4/5 Wine, 3 L's in DOLLLAR error, used, VF, $20.00  
  1903, AMAZING cover w/2¢ “String on Printing Plate” and 5¢ “Uninked Corner” varieties, tied Union Oregon to Idaho (bkstp), VF, a real Gem, $500.00  


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