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6˘ w/frame line, Designer Proof in black w/defacement line on tissue-like paper,

approx. 90mm x 130mm, VF



12˘ w/frame line, Designer Proof in black w/defacement line on tissue-like paper,

approx. 90mm x 130mm, VF



6˘, 1880 issue Designer Proof in yellow w/defacement line on thin watermarked paper,

approx. 90mm x 130mm, scarce and VF



12˘, 1880 issue Designer Proof in red w/effacement line on thin watermarked paper,

approx. 90mm x 130mm, scarce and VF



3˘, 1881 issue Designer proofs in black and purple w/defacement line and printers inscription, both on very thin tissue-like paper,

approx. 90mm x 130mm, attractive and scarce, VF


39 12˘ IMPERFORATE Corner Margin Pair, og, hinged, VF $75.00

64 & 102 Shifted Color and mis-aligned vignette varieties, og, LH, VF $45.00

67v (Sanabria 138b), $5.00 UNICEF Imperf Sheet of 4 large size (63x49mm)

NH except hinge mark in top margin,

VF, Scott $160.00+/San. $175.00

67v 67v (Sanabria 137b) $5.00 UNICEF Imperf sheet of 4 small size (51x39mm)

NH, Scott $160.00+, Sanabria $200.00

69av (Sanabria 105a,b) Ashmun Souv. Sheet – 25¢ & 50¢ Airmails without frame, RARE, only 6 known, NH, VF, Sanabria $350.00 $95.00

(Sanabria 105c) Ashmun Souv Sheet – 3¢, 5¢, 25¢ without frame, RARE,

few known, from specialized collection, NH, VF, San. $750.00



1¢ pair TRIAL COLOR OF FRAME in black on front and Red,

Brown & green frame on reverse,


115v 1¢ Coffee Plantation, Imperforate Block of 4 on NH thin paper, unlisted, VF $30.00
153a 1¢ on 2¢ Strip of 10 diff types, og, NH/LH, VF, Scott $35.00+ $19.00
178a,b 5¢ on 10¢ Buchanan, Double Surcharge one Inverted and Inverted Surcharge, LH, VF  
178v 5¢ on 10¢ Buchanan, Inverted “1” and Italic “2” in 1920, used and NH respectively, VF $24.00
178-82 5¢ n 10¢ Ovpts, Pairs showing normal and “Italic 9” in 1920 in right stamp,

NH except #180-1 LH, V

178-82v Complete set of Pairs showing Normal & Italic “2” in 1920, LH/NH, VF $49.00
178-82 5¢ on 10¢ Ovpts, Pairs showing normal horiz bars at left and vertical & horiz at right,

.all NH except #80 dist. gum, scarcer and VF

178-82 5¢ on 10¢ Ovpts, each with “Italic 2” in 1920, NH except #180 LH, VF $49.00
178-82v Ovpt set each showing Italic “9” in 1920, LH/NH, VF $29.00
178-82v Ovpt set of 5 in Pairs – one showing Inverted “1” of 1920, LH/NH, $49.00
179,81,82v 3 vals showing Horiz. & Vert. Bars variety, LH/NH, VF $29.00
288A 1¢ on 2¢ Block of 25 with glassine backing, unused, VF, Scott $232.00 $49.00
290A, 292A 2¢/5¢ & 4¢/10¢ Panes of 50, unused with glassine baking, Scott $300.00 $69.00


Arthur Szyk lithographed regular issue in set of Progressive Proofs,

5˘ value with added “Specimen” print, og, NH

309-12, C63-4 Complete set IMPERF PROOFS, NH, VF $75.00

309-12, C63-4   1949 Regular & Airmail Colonial set on Paste up Die Proof Cards, VF $75.00

309-12, C63-4 Complete set mounted on card and signed by Arthur Szyk, VF $49.00


309/12, C63-4 Complete set except for 2¢ in Blocks of 4 all signed by artist Arthur Szyk, NH, VF $60.00

315a  3˘ w/”dates added”, used on small piece, scarcer $20.00

315a  3˘ w/”dates added” variety with SPECIMEN Ovpt in red, NH, VF $25.00
332-4,6,7, C68 1952 Ashmun issue, Die Proofs, quite scarce, VF $95.00
332-7, C68-9 Complete Ashmun set w/SPECIMEN Ovpt, Nh, VF $19.00
332-7, C68-9 Complete Ashmun set in SPECIMEN Blocks of 4, NH, VF $49.00

333, 333var  2˘ Ashmun Full Sheets of 20 in Regular and Trial Colors Brown & Green, NH, VF $95.00
333-7, C68-9 Complete set except for 1¢ Imperf Frame Only Proof Pairs in issued colors, NH, VF and rare $69.00

334 3˘ Ashmun Full Sheet of 20 in Trial Colors Green & Ultra, NH, VF $75.00

334 3˘ Ashmun Full Sheet of 20 in Trial Colors Orange & Brown, NH, VF $75.00

334, 334var 3˘ Ashmun Full Sheets of 20 in Regular & Trial Colors Red & Ultra, NH, VF $95.00

336 5˘ Ashmun Full Sheet of 20 in Trial Colors Red & Green, NH, VF $75.00

336,336var 5˘ Ashmun Full Sheets of 20 in Regular and Trial Colors Brown & Blue, NH, VF $95.00
348v 5¢ Soccer, Imperf Between Pair variety, NH, VF $15.00


5˘ w/FLAG ERROR, stamp at left w/Dutch Flag instead of proper German Flag shown right,

og, NH, gum bend, VF

1159-61 Complete set of Flora & Faunt sheets, Nh, VF, Scott $76.50 $39.00

B3 1¢ + 2¢ Block of 10 w/dramatic PERF ERROR, NH, VF $39.00
B19 5¢ Research, Progressive Color Proofs, both per & imperf, NH, VF $25.00

C4-13 Complete Airmail set in Sheets of 100 except 4¢ is ½ sheet of 50, used, VF, Scott $1,547.00 $250.00

C56a Souvenir sheet w/SPECIMEN OVPT, Imperforate, NH, VF, Scott $160.00 $90.00

C56a Souvenir sheet, og, LH, VF, Scott $50.00 $30.00

C56a Souvenir sheets, perf & imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $265.00 $150.00

C61 25˘ Airmail, Spider PROOF Reprint Pairs from original defaced plates, 5 diff colors on card stock, VF $75.00
C63-4v (Sanabria 94bv) Se-Tenant Gutter pair Perforated, NH, VF, San. $350.00 $150.00
C63-4v (Sanabria 94b) Imperf Se-tenant Gutter Pair (crease in gutter only), NH, quite scarce, San. $350.00 $125.00


Arthur Szyk litho airmails in Imperforate Blocks of 4, unlisted in Scott, og, NH,

Sanabria #93a-4a values at $20.00 per set of singles in 1972

C68-9 25¢ & 50¢ Airmails, Die Sunk PROOFS on card in issued colors, both VF $75.00

C69 50˘ Airmail LARGE DIE PROOF die sunk on card 5˝” x 4˝”, XF $60.00

C69a Ashmun Souvenir Sheet of 9, NH, VF, by master engraver Arthur Szyk $14.50

C77 $5.00 UNICEF, Full sheet of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $160.00+ $115.00

C77var $5.00 UNICEF, unlisted in Scott (Sanabria #137b), full sheet of 4, Imperforate ERROR, og, NH $300.00
C77v $5.00 UNICEF Airmail resized to 63x49mm in Sheets of 4, plus same Imperf, NH, VF,

See Scott explanation, perf sheet alone cats $140.00++


C77var $5.00 UNICEF, full sheet of 4, 63x49mm, og, NH, Scott $140.00+ $95.00

C77 $5.00 UNICEF Sheet of 4, plus set of Progressive PROOF sheets, og, NH, VF $250.00

C77var $5.00 UNICEF, full sheet of 4, large size 63x49mm, plus set of Progressive Proofs, og, NH, VF $250.00


UN Technical Assistance 12˘ issue, Complete perf sheet of 25 with 10 blank tablet errors,

og, NH, 1972 Sanabria cat $25.00/pair



UN Technical Assistance 12˘ issue, Complete imperf sheet of 25 with 10 blank tablet errors,

og, NH, 1972 Sanabria cat $25.00/pair


C78-81  UN Technical Assistance Complete set of Color Proofs, og, NH, VF $70.00

C78-81 U.N. Technical Assistance, Complete set in full sheets of 25, Imperforate Color PROOFS, og, NH, VF $650.00
C90av (Sanabria 153a) Sports Issue, pair of unsevered imperf souvenir sheets, NH/XLH, scarce, San. $200.00 $79.00
C90a Sports Issue, Perf and Imperf Souv Sheets, NH, VF, $19.00
C93-6var Complete Airmail set in Imperf Souvenir sheets, NH, VF, rare, Sanabria 164-7 ($175.00++) $125.00


25˘ + 5˘ Air Post Semi-Postal sheet of 16, missing red Cadusus  ERROR,

mentioned but not valued in Scott, og, NH, VF, 1972 Sanabria cat $160.00



25˘ + 5˘ Air Post Semi-Postal Imperf sheet of 16, missing red Cadusus  ERROR, 

mentioned but not valued in Scott, og, NH, VF, 1972 Sanabria cat $160.00

F10-14 Complete set WATERMARKED, NH, VF, scarce $150.00
F11v 10¢ Grenville, Color Error in Orange Block of 4, NH, normal at left, VF $29.00
F12 10¢ Harper Color Proof in purple, Block of 6 mounted in sunken card, scarce and VF $150.00
F12v 10¢ Harper, Color Proof Pair on Heavy Card, VF $19.00
F13v 10¢ Monrovia COLOR ERROR in Blue (only 1 sheet of 50 known), LH, normal at right, VF $45.00
O48v 5¢ Chimpanzee, Imperf with Triple Ovpt/one inverted, no gum, VF $24.00

O51 20¢ Egret, Block of 4 PERF FREAK, no gum, VF $24.00
O58v $5.00 Mansion, Imperf pair with Ovpt Omitted, NH, VF $24.00
O66v 30¢ Barclay, BLACK Ovpt instead of red, LH, VF, scarcer, $24.00
O68v 75¢ Village, Double Ovpt – one Inverted, LH, F/VF $18.00
O87-8 1¢ & 2¢ Ovpts, STRIPS of 10 DIFF TYPES, 1¢ LH/2¢ NH, Scott for hinged $60.00+ $37.00
O155b. O156 2¢ on 1¢ Se-ten pair showing 2 diff surcharges, og, NH, scarcer and VF $49.00
O165 4¢ on 10¢ Pane of 50, unused w/glassine backing, Scott $600.00 $125.00

1990's period, Large group all different Mint sets & Souvenir sheets,

many popular topicalys and all VF, collection orig cost over $525.00 and cat much more


Complete set of PROOF SHEETS in 3 colors of the Arthur Szyk design of the Ashmun set

plus the Final printing of stamps, NH, VF,

1891-2, H&G 1-5 postal cards, unused, VF $19.00
1893, H&G 4-6 envelopes with SPECIMEN perfin below indicia, VF $19.00

1905, Commercial cover via Liverpool to Boston, nice usage $45.00
1928, Official cover w/ms “Paid” to England, scarcer and VF $75.00

1952, 294 (pair), C46A (pair), C48 (pair), revalued issues on cover to U.S., one C46A with INVERTED value

and the other with a missing ”X” over left “1”, VF, scarce franking

1952, C30, C33, C34, C46, C46Avar, C48 revalued airmails on cover, C46A with Inverted Value, VF $200.00
Click here for photos

Collector's study of the 1909 official issues, Scott O59-61, O63-8 (no 10˘ value issued in 1912),

a collection of 117 stamps and 4 covers on 30 pages,

contains a 2˘ value with the vignette printed on the back, many values with "OS omitted, double overprints,

two imperf 1˘, one without "OS", and other rarities,

many used copies with commercial, registration, paquetbot, seapost and other cancellation varieties,

covers include a 'mourning' cover and two registered covers

For more Liberia, see our RED BOX "SPECIALS" 

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