ALAND – Complete Sheets of 100 and Gutter Sheets of 80, incl. Scott #’s 2-4,6,7,11,12,15-17, 20-25, all NH, VF, 16 total sheets, Scott $2,580.00, $495.00 Click here for photos | |
AUSTRALIA– 1913-1960 Collection, Mint and used mounted on home made pages, nice quality throughout, 26 total pages, 13 shown here, VF, Scott $1,252.00, $295.00 Click here for photos | |
AUSTRALIA - WWII and earlier, Group of 18 covers, nice range of material, VF, $75.00 Click here for photos | |
AUSTRIA – HUNGARY EARLY POSTCARD COLLECTION (late 19th Century) of 36 different (11 unused and 25 used) postcards, mostly celebrating Franz Joseph I 50th Anniversary of his crowning in 1848, included are color black and white, real photo Zieher, Gruss Aus and overall high quality scarce postcards, a seldom seen collection well worth viewing, $500.00 Click here for photos | |
BARBADOS COLLECTION - 1852 - 1939, Nice selection of older mint and used on homemade album pages, about half is 1800's issue, 24 pages total, 7 shown here, Scott $2,010.00, $410.00 Click here for photos | |
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Mint collection in 25 large Minkus Albums, 1930's – 1980's, Includes 106 different countries (does not include any Great Britain, Canada or Australia), all mint and mostly complete sets...1930 period generally VLH and modern NH. Some countries begin 1930's, others begin 1960's. Higher cat value countries include: Dominica $1,910, Hong Kong $4,504, India $2,279, Kenya $1,864, Kuwait $2,129, Malaya $3,706, Nyasaland $1,885, Singapore $2,102, Qatar $2,446, cat for all countries $86,877.00. It's a very clean high quality collection all in mounts, $23,500.00 Click here for photos |
BRITISH AREA ERRORS COLLECTION – 191 Errors & Freaks, mostly from the 1980’s period. Includes many inverted watermarks, overprints varieties, and tagging omitted, all mint, VF, owner paid $2,050.00 in 1987, $425.00 Click here for photos |
CANADA COLLECTION - MINT - 1851-2013, housed in 8 SAFE Hingeless Albums (3 of which are genuine leather + 7 slipcases) and pages, exceptional condition and NH after 1946. Includes Jubilees ½¢ - $2.00 and many other scarcer stamps, collector was very particular about quality and while this collection is fairly complete there is plenty of room for expansion, the albums are the best money can buy with a retail price with the pages of over $2,800.00, this is an excellent chance to buy a beautiful high end collection at a very reasonable price, total Scott catalog value is in excess of $25,000.00, Shipping weight is 60lbs/U.S. shipping $90.00, $8,400.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA COLLECTION – 1859 to 1984 housed in two White Ace 3-ring binders, hinged and used, VF condition, also with inscription blocks of 4 hinged in margin. Noted among the better stamps are #17 used ($150.00), #95 used ($175.00) and #302 NH block of 4 ($170.00+). Makes a great starter collection, Scott $2,403.00, $695.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA COLLECTION 1859 - 1940, Mint and Used, 25 album pages total, nice condition overall but some faults should be expected on 19th Century, Scott cat $5,302.00, $995.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA – 1859-1967 Collection, Mint and used on Minkus pages, nice quality throughout, generally VF, 54 total pages, 15 shown here, Scott $5,653.00, $1,250.00 Click here for photos |
CANADA COLLECTION– 1859-1980, used in Scott Specialized album, many better stamps, F/VF or better, plenty of spaces still to fill, Scott $4,570.00, $675.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA COLLECTION - 1868 - 1978 in stockbook, mint and used, many better values including #22U ($160), #50H ($120) and #73H ($600), 35 pages total, Scott $4,348.00, $750.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA COLLECTION 1897 - 1976, Nice collection on quadrille pages, including Back of Book, nice quality, earlies are mostly used, rest are mint, also some early 19th Century on stock page in back, Scott $1,962.00, $350.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA 1917/1951, Group of 50 mint blocks including some plate blocks, mostly NH but some hinged, all VF, Scott as singles $1,718.00, $425.00 Click here for photos | |
CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION - 1870's to 1970's in Minkus Specialized Album, includes mint and used in nice condition throughout, 110 pages total, total Scott is $1,890.00 (Canada $1,450.00/Newfoundland $440.00), $450.00 Click here for photos | |
CATAPULT COLLECTION – Amazing collection/exhibit containing over 60 Catapult covers/cards and loaded with ephemera items – menus, labels, baggage tags, matchbook, leather Ocean Log, trip schedules, etc. Rarely do intact collections like this come into the marketplace. All covers are VF. Take a look and enjoy! $2,950.00 Click here for photos | |
CHILE COLLECTION – 1853 – 1986 housed in Minkus Specialty album, mint and used with numerous better older issues such as #1 ($150.00), #2 ($175.00) #5 bisect on piece ($475.00), #195b s/s ($125.00), neat collection with pages for Peru as well, Scott $2,536.00, $750.00 Click here for photos | |
CHINA-ROC – 1966/71, 81 different sets/singles on presentation cards w/special FDC cancels, 22 shown here, VF, $89.00 Cick here for photos | |
COOK ISLANDS COLLECTION – housed in 5 stockbooks, over 100 sets from the 1970’s and 1980’s, og, NH, VF, many with souvenir sheets and First Day Covers, includes Aitutaki, Niue, Palau and Pehrhyn, Scott $1,441.00+, $395.00 | |
CUBA COLLECTION 1855-1973, housed in a Spanish specialty album with slipcase. Early to 1950 is mostly mint hinged, while the newer issues are mostly used. Nearly complete except for the 1898-99 overprints. Among the highlights are #3 NG ($800.00), #5 U ($300.00) and $62 H ($350.00). There are also 3 early bisects on pieces, Back of Book, telegraph issues. Cuba collections are not frequently offered and this is a strong collection with many better values, Scott $7,571.00, $2,350.00 Click here for photos | |
DANISH WEST INDIES SPECIALIZED Collection – 1866 / 1915, on 59 annotated pages, includes mint and used, blocks and a few covers, especially strong in bicolors, where all but a few of the printings are represented, we noted occasional faults but overall very nice quality. This collection does not include many of the very scarce stamps but offers a great foundation for further building, Facit $25,575.00, $5,900.00 Click here for photos | |
DANISH WEST INDIES CANCEL Collection, 50 different incl. British, ring types and all towns including St. Jan and Kingshill, all pages shown, $675.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK & DANISH WEST INDIES – Early collection on album pages, used, many better and nice condition, all shown, Scott $6,092.00, $1,400.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION – 1850's – 1950's, used, duplication, mounted on 11 European quadrille pages of which 11 are shown here. Previously estimated market value at auction $750,00-$1,000.00, $375.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION 1851-1990, housed in a Facit album, a strong collection with a nice variety of NH issues, some earlies are used, but the vast majority mint…the collector placed the mint hinged stamps upside down. Includes booklets and fluorescent paper varieties. A sampling of pages shown here, Scott $10,749.00, $2,900.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION – Early better collection on stock pages, mostly used and some shade varieties, nice condition, all shown, Scott $3,860.00, $850.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION – Used on pages, many better and generally F/VF to VF, all shown, Scott $3,348.00, $750.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK CLASSIC COLLECTION - 1851//1940's, on 140+ annotated pages, primarily used w/some mint and containing over 70 covers including stampless and airmails, starts with 13 copies of #2 in shades and continues w/bicolors and frame varieties, the collection does not include scarcer stamps such as #'s 21-4, 82, 135, 138-41 and back of book otherwise it is fairly represented , high value, $925.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK – 1851-1963, Mint and Used collection on homemade pages with Back of Book, strong coverage in early issues, better issues include #15 and #20 ($175) #6 ($190), #82 ($200) and #C5 ($300 minor fault), duplication throughout, 34 total pages, 12 shown here, Scott $4,478.00, $895.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION 1854-1990 housed in Lighthouse Album w/slipcase and individual mounts, neatly arranged with virtually all mint and never hinged and hinged. The collection contains many better stamps with high catalog value such as #C1-5 NH ($975.00), #10 Used (#650.00) and #82 H (#500.00), a very high quality collection, Scott $19,403.00, $5,500.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION – 1851-2002, in Scott Specialty Album, includes mint and used with a number of better older issues (for example #135 used/cats $175.00) and NOT COUNTED but a scarce faulty #21/cats $3,500.00, includes a page of color and frame varieties and overall a VF collection, Scott $4,718.00, $1,395.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION – 1853-1978, neatly arranged on Quadrille pages in an Elbe springback binder. Nice grouping of mint and used with higher values, includes Back of Book, 102 total pages, 14 shown, Scott $4,332.00, $800.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK COLLECTION 1904-1980 on 79 quadrille pages, all mint hinged, includes Back of Book Issues, very good coverage throughout, neatly arranged, 17 pages shown, a small amount of stamps in glassines included, all VF, Scott $2,088.00, $460.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION – a total of 1,700 covers, 1936 -2007 fairly complete, 1936-1988 addressed, 1989-2007 unaddressed, many issues in singles and blocks of 4, prior to 1982 some without cachet, after 1981 all with cachet, all VF, includes 20 early FDC’s (1936-1940) not counted in the Facit catalog value of $4,200.00+, $995.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK STOCK, Early Issues, Cancels and Shades, quite nice and high Scott cat value $12,509.00, great lot for the specialist, $1,400.00 Click here for photos | |
DENMARK & FAROES CANCEL COLLECTION - including Star, Mute Star, Numeral, Town and other specialized cancels. Over 100 Faroes and 1,400 Denmark items - blocks, singles, on piece etc. Nicely presented on homemade pages, VF, $275.00 Click here for photos | |
FALKLAND IS & DEPENDENCIES & SOUTH GEORGIA COLLECTION – housed in Lindner hingeless album, covers the years 1982 to 1994, complete except for a few sets, all VF, 10 pages scanned here, Scott $1,565.00, $625.00 Click here for photos |
FAROE ISLANDS SHEET COLLECTION – 1977 – 1987, 123 total complete sheets, mostly different, all og, NH, VF, housed in a 6 ring binder, Facit $3,037.00, $875.00 Click here for photos | |
FAROE ISLANDS FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION – 900 different covers, nearly a complete run 1975 – 2006, unaddressed (the year 1975 addressed), all with cachet, nearly all on beautiful Postverk Foroya official cachet envelopes, single stamps through 1982, from 1983 most issues are collected as singles, blocks of 4 and sets, all clean and VF, Facit cat value 23,500kr ($3,055.00), $650.00 Click here for photos | |
FINLAND COLLECTION – 1856-1962 in Lindner Hingeless Album, includes Mint and Used, VF and very clean with plenty of room for expansion, the binder and pages alone retail for $218.00, Scott $2,366.00, $495.00 Click here for photos | |
FINLAND Semi-Postal Collection on Scott pages, Complete through 1996, all used and VF, Scott $848.00, $225.00 Click here for photos | |
FINLAND – 1860's Study Group of 61 early Serpentine Rouletted stamps (#'s 4/10), exceptional perfs and cancels on some, Scott about $3,000.00, $750.00 Click here for photos | |
FRANCE COLLECTION – 1849-1994, in Scott album on specialty pages, a loaded album with nice coverage throughout. A mix of mint and used, VF with the exception of a few early issues with minor faults, lots of better issues with Back of Book included, also Official and Occupation, there are several stock pages with additional stamps as well, Scott $8,825.00, $2,495.00 Click here for photos | |
FRANCE Mint & Used collection, 2 volumes, covering the years 1853-1979, nice quality throughout, cat $3,925.00, $800.00 Click here for photos | |
FRANCE COLLECTION - 1862 to 1964, housed in Minkus Specialty album, over 90% mint hinged and never hinged with many better singles and sets. there are a few with a bit of toning which is not unusual, otherwise VF, only 12 of 83 pages shown here, Scott $7,700.00, $1,900.00 Click here for photos | |
FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, FDR Collection 1945-1950, housed in two Minkus Specialty Albums. Worldwide with Never Hinged singles and blocks of 4, also includes covers, proofs and a few sheets, all Mint NH, VF. It's a unique collection not often available, 96 total pages, 10 shown here, Scott $2,312.00, $675.00 Click here for photos |
FRENCH MOROCCO COLLECTION– 1891 – 1985, all postally used except for a few mint, virtually complete, includes Back of Book and some Morocco issues, includes #8 ($240.00), #22 ($120.00) and #21 $80.00), 32 total pages 11 shown here, VF, Scott $2,118.00, $750.00 Click here for photos | |
GERMANY ALLIED OCCUPATION – 1945-50 Collection of 33 covers, interesting franking and well annotated, also includes nice 1951 Marienkirche semi postals on cover, Michel $1,000.00+, $425.00 Click here for photos |
GERMANY COLLECTION – 1852 – 1972, neatly arranged in Scott Specialty album including DDR, Berlin, Occupation, Locals and Back of Book. Mint and used with many better such as #28 used ($450.00), #25 used ($410), DDR #82-4 H ($325.00), nice quality throughout, Scott $7,303.00, $1,950.00 Click here for photos | |
GERMANY COLLECTION - 1949-1985, housed in two Safe hingeless albums, used, nearly complete, only missing about 10 issues, includes Back of Book, also includes computer vended, VF, 11 of the 125 pages shown here, Scott $2,058.00, $495.00 Click here for photos | |
GERMANY and GERMAN STATES 1852-1877 on quadrille pages (8 pages total). Many better values including Thurn & Taxis #27 Used ($1,250.00), #14 Used ($875.00) and Germany #28 Used ($425.00). Mostly used, a few with minor faults otherwise VF, also includes some Blocks of 4 and used on piece, Scott $11,161.00, $1,450.00 Click here for photos | |
GREAT BRITAIN - #33, 1p red Plate Reconstruction Study, a total of 335 stamps which includes a page of dupes, quite nice and a monumental task which will be appreciated b those of us ever undertaking “plating”, VF, Scott $3,685.00, $675.00 Click here for photos | |
GREENLAND - #10-18, Complete set of 9 in Full Sheets of 100, og, NH, VF, quite rare and perfect for specialist or investor, Scott $55,000.00+, $13,750.00 Click here for photos | |
GREENLAND PLATE NO. BLOCK COLLECTION - 1972-1997, 211 Blocks, all NH nearly complete, neatly arranged on Lighthouse hingeless pages, a total of 68 pages, a sample shown here, Scott $2,856.00, $900.00 Click here for photos | |
GREENLAND COLLECTION 1937-1997, in 2 Lindner Hingeless albums with slipcases. The pages are fine, but the binders show some heavy wear. An extensive collection, all Mint NH, VF, including semi-postals, Thule, Pakke Porto with Blocks of 4, booklets, reprints and Cinderellas. A fantastic virtually complete collection, Scott $7,739.00, $2,200.00 Click here for photos | |
GREENLAND – Mint Plate No. Blocks of 4, collection of 100 different including several scarcer, 1950-90 period, all VF, DAKA 6855Dkr/$960.00, $275.00 Click here for photos | |
HUNGARY COLLECTION – 1948/1981 period, mostly Mint Hinged through 1969 and NH from 1970, some used. Includes perfs and Imperfs, many souvenir sheets and mini-sheets, in mounts on black quad ruled pages in 14-hole clear plastic sleeves. An excellent starter collection, better items include #841 sheet (4) Mint, 2018 s/s perf & imperf, #C67a, C128, C304-11 s/s, #CB15-16 (2 sets) and SOPRON Overprints (MBK 1542-8), Total cat $2,770.00, $695.00 Click here for photos | |
HUNGARY COLLECTION 1874-2004, housed in 6 stockbooks, mint and used to 1949, then nearly all mint or MNH, singles and sets, approximately 5,000 stamps, including Postage Dues, Semi-Postals and Air Post, VF, Estimated Scott catalog $8,800.00, $1,250.00 Click here for photos | |
HUNGARY - Partial set of 64 Privately Printed Souvenir sheets, from 1971 to 2000, mint with clean face but each mounted in stockbook with adhesive tape - we did not attempt to remove them, MBK cat approx 250,000 Forint ($1,600.00), $175.00 Click here for photos |
HUNGARY - Nearly complete set of over 100 Privately Printed Souvenir sheets, from 1971-2004, mint with clean face, but each mounted in stock book with piece of adhesive tape - we did not attempt to remove them for fear of damage, 47 total pages, MBK cat approx 400,00 Forint, $250.00 Click here for photos | |
HUNGARY - Group of 130 Mini Blocks, Souvenir sheets, pairs (110 different), mint and used, 1940-2001, mounted in 2 stock books with adhesive tape - we did not attempt to remove them for fear of damaging them, MBK Cat approx 175,000 Forint ($1,100.00), $125.00 Click here for photos | |
HUNGARY COLLECTION – 1948/1981 period, mostly Mint Hinged through 1969 and NH from 1970, some used. Includes perfs and Imperfs, many souvenir sheets and mini-sheets, in mounts on black quad ruled pages in 14-hole clear plastic sleeves. An excellent starter collection, better items include #841 sheet (4) Mint, 2018 s/s perf & imperf, #C67a, C128, C304-11 s/s, #CB15-16 (2 sets) and SOPRON Overprints (MBK 1542-8), Total cat $2,770.00, $695.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND - Collection of 7 diff Postcard Town Scenes of which 5 sent through the mail w/neat frankings tied, includes: Viki Myrdal (2), Stykkisholmor, Kirkuboejarklaustur, Siglafjordur, Pingvellir and Seydisfjordur, VF, $195.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND TOLLUR CANCEL Collection – Including manuscript, sewing machine and punch forerunner cancels and a complete TOLLUR document w/revenue and postal cancels as required, also about 70 diff stamps w/TOLLUR cancels, quite nice and many scarcer, VF, $850.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION 1873-1999, housed in Lighthouse Hingeless album, all mint VF and NH from 1965 forward. Very strong 19th and early 20th Century including Back of Book. Better sets include #108-28 (#977.00), #140-3 (#1,205.00) and many others, a really nice collection, Scott $17,250.00, $4,995.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND Collection of S. Eggertsson Postcards, 1912-1944, includes 25 total items: 13 of 14 major types and 24 of the 30 diff printings plus 1 collateral card. These are much sought after cards and several are very scarce. All are unused except one and all VF except one w/vertical crease. These cards were collected over a lifetime of specialized study and rarely come onto the market, $850.000 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND NUMERAL CANCEL COLLECTION - One Man's collection of 409 singles and pairs with readible cancels spanning #1//#282. Many great strikes on a broad range of stamps and many of the same number on different stamps. Collections like this come to market very infrequently and this is a nice one. Facit catalog exceeds $6,500.00, $1,950.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND CANCELS - Collection of Foreign cancels on Icelandic stamps and covers, includes 15 covers and 48 stamps w/Paquebot, Fra Island and foreign cancels from Scandinavia and English towns, all mounted on pages, very nice and scarcer material, $600.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION– 1873-1987, Mint, Exceptional high quality collection mounted in Facit album with majority NH incl. Older issues (the LH are show upside down and there is a sprinkling of used mixed in), VF, about 90 total pages, 25 shown here, Scott 2022 $28.384.00 PLUS $13,000 in better duplicates on stock Scott over $41,000.00, $8,200.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION 1873-1998, housed in 2 Lindner Hingeless albums. The pages are fine but the binders show wear. A high quality collection all Mint NH, VF, with many better issues, good coverage to 1934, then complete including many booklets and souvenir sheets, a particularly nice clean collection with plenty of room for expansion, Scott $26,638.00, $7,100.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION – 1915 – 1944, Used, neatly arranged on homemade pages, nice assortment of older issues with complete sets of #C4-8 ($580.00), #108-28 ($235.00) and #99-107 ($213.00)m, also small section of Tollur Cancels and a few blocks of 4, VF, Scott $2,068.00, $495.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION – 1876 – 1933, Used on Thorp & Martin pages. Among the better issues noted are #71-85 ($708.00), #20a ($675.00) and #14 ($300.00), VF, many with light cancels, Scott $5,599.00, $1,395.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION 1873-1960, Exceptional collection in Scott album, fairly complete Mint (NH & LH) with many scarcer sets and singles, nice quality throughout, a sampling of pages shown here, Scott $22,725.00, $6,400.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION - 1873 – 1947, All used mounted on pages including many scarcer, nice quality throughout, 25 total pages, 12 of which are shown, Scott $11,044.00, $2,600.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND COLLECTION – Pairs & Blocks, used, mostly 1900-1930's, unusual and nice quality throughout, Scott for singles $1,812.00, $425.00 Click here for photos | |
ICELAND FRAMA COVER COLLECTION, 20 covers to U.S. and inland, different rates, etc, VF, $45.00 Click here for photos |
ICELAND GREIDSLUMERKI (Fee Stamp) Specialized collection mounted on pages including singles, cancels and documents, VF, Facit $270.00, $150.00 Click here for photos | |
INDIA STATES - Collection of Princely States REVENUES, Court Fee and Fiscals mounted on 41 pages, several hundred stamps from 137 diff States, VF, high cat exceeds $9,000.00, 12 pages shown here, $450.00 Click here for photos | |
ISRAEL COLLECTION – 1948-1999, a virtually complete collection housed in 3 binders on White Ace custom printed exhibit pages. All mint, almost all NH, without tabs. Especially strong in proofs and essays. Includes production proofs of the first set, Yahuda essays, Lion of Judah essays and an Eretz essay. Also imperfs of #1-6 with a certificate. In additiona there are errors, varieties, color proofs, revenues, gutter pairs, postage machine labels, sheets, booklets, booklet panes and 28 presentation folders signed by the stamp artists. It’s a very thorough collection with lots of material not found in most collections, Scott $9,184.00, $3,200.00 Click here for photos | |
ISRAEL COLLECTION - 1948 - 1961 Plate Number Single collection, all NH on pages in 3-ring binder, nearly complete with multiple plate numbers of the first few sets, many higher values, a scarce and ideal collection for the specialist, 74 total pages, 15 shown, VF, $1,500.00 Click here for photos | |
ITALY - 1862 - 1970, Nice collection on home made pages, mostly used w/some mint and overall very nice condition, includes much Back of Book, a total of 132 pages, Scott cat $4,250.00, $950.00 Click here for photos |
JAPAN COLLECTION 1872-1985, in Minkus Specialty Album, virtually complete from 1955-1985, 90% mint NH/LH, VF with Occupation issues as well as Ryukyu Islands. Many souvenir sheets including the National Parks, Scott $4,019.00, $1,200.00 Click here for photos | |
LIBERIA - Balance of Collector's study of the 1910-12 surcharged triangle issues, contains 83 stamps, plus a full cancelled sheet of 50 of Scott #127, includes a used copy of #127b Double Surcharge and an Imperforate pair of #127a, also 2 copies (no gum) of #127E, $425.00 Click here for photos | |
LIBERIA - #347-9, #C88-90var, 1955 Sports Set in Special Colors and in Imperforate Sheets of 25. Seldom seen or offered in these colors let alone in complete imperf sheets, including Tennis, Boxing, Soccer, Baseball, Swimming, Track, quite scarce and suitable for framing, individual prices marked but entire set is $1,600.00 Click here for photos |
LIBERIA - Collector's study of the 1913 8¢ on 3¢ surcharge issue, includes examples of all Scott listed varieties - Double Surcharge, Imperf pair, Inverted Surcharge, plus unlisted color and perf varieties, shifted color and offset on back, stamps are mint or used, VF, $425.00 Click here for photos |
LIBERIA - Original art, proofs, specimens, etc, presenting the 1948 Presidential Stamps from original art to final production including several unique items, plus proofs and specimens, 16 pages total, top quality throughout - exceptional material, $1,400.00 Click here for photos | |
LIECHTENSTEIN– 1961-1995 Collection of over 250 different mint sheets on Lighthouse Hingeless pages covering a wide variety of topics, VF, Scott $6,320.00, $1,400.00 Click here for photos | |
LUXEMBOURG COLLECTION 1852 – 1972 on Scott Specialty pages, mint hinged and used, nice coverage throughout, has #12 used ($240.00) and #O80-98 used ($132.05). Makes a very good VF starter collection, Scott $3,120.00, $895.00 Click here for photos | |
LUXEMBOURG COLLECTION – 1860 – 1960’s, Mint and Used on pages, 21 total pages, generally VF throughout, Scott $1,431.00, $325.00 Click here for photos |
NORWAY– 1867 Coat of Arms TYPE Collection (Scott #11-15), used, 15 stamps + cover front, nice specialized study, Scott $1,740.00+, $575.00 Click here for photos | |
NORWAY COLLECTION – 1855 – 1987, in Scott Specialty Album, mint hinged and used, a nice representation of older issues (a few w/faults) and fairly complete thereafter, includes a page w/color and perf varieties, overall VF, Scott $6,393.00, $1,650.00 Click here for photos | |
OLYMPIC COLLECTION - Outstanding collection in 4 binders w/slip covers on specialized White Ace pages, complete except for a few early sets, includes singles, perf and imperf, souvenir sheets and almost all are NH, over 100 pages of stamps, Scott value is above $3,200.00, this is a very nice quality collection that is seldom offered, $1,100.00 Click here for photos | |
PACIFIC ISLANDS COLLECTION – 1962-1998, housed in Scott Specialty 2-post album, includes Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Norfolk Island and Papua New Guinea, all Mint NH except for a few LH, many nice complete sets, VF, Scott $2,221.00, $590.00 Click here for photos | |
PACIFIC ISLANDS COLLECTION - Countries include Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Tokelau, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Norfolk Island, all never hinged with many complete sets and souvenir sheets, on pages and stockpages, 41 pages total, Scott $823.00, $195.00 Click here for photos | |
PALESTINE COVER COLLECTION – 76 items, including registered, censored, patriotic, O.A.T., hand-painted, advertising, airmail, early & late usage, slogan cancels, postcards, etc., interesting lot and nice quality on the better covers, $750.00 Click here for photos |
PORTUGAL & COLONIES - Very nice mint and used collection housed in Scott Specialized Album 1840-1960 and 2 stockbooks, many complete sets and scarcer stamps, nice quality throughout, Scott cat over $13,000.00, $3,900.00 Click here for photos | |
RHODESIA – 1924-1977, housed in a Tudor Hingeless album, mostly used with some mint, VF, also includes issues from Southern Rhodesia and Rhodesia & Nyasaland, 32 total pages, 8 shown here, Scott $620.00, $175.00 Click here for photos | |
SCANDINAVIA Collection– 1851-1974, Denmark, Danish West Indies, Greenland, Finland and Iceland, on Scott specialty pages, hinged and used. Back of Book included. Denmark has duplication. Many better values with nice condition throughout, Scott $17,342.00, $3,995.00 Click here for photos | |
SCANDINAVIA Collection – 1851-1960, housed in a Scott Specialty album, Mint and Used with many better values. A nice mix of old and newer issues, including Back of Book. Contains Sweden ($4,665.00), Norway ($1,649.00), Denmark ($2,960.00), Finland ($1,117.00), Greenland ($85.00) and Danish West Indies ($747.00) for a total cat of $12,528.00, $1,950.00 Click here for photos | |
SCANDINAVIAN COLLECTION – Old collection in 2 albums, 1855-1960’s, mix of mint/used, about 80% Sweden, res is Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Greenland, some duplication, very clean, several hundred pages in collection and about 30 scanned here, Scott over $6,000.00+, $995.00 Click here for photos |
SCANDINAVIA POSTAL STATIONERY - A collection of 800+, 1871-1960, high quality of mint and used envelopes, single and double cards, aerograms, etc. Beautifully mounted on album pages, includes Denmark nearly complete listing from Ringstrom catalog about 345 items; Finland about 145 items; Norway about 135 items and Sweden about 200 items, $1,350.00 Click here for photos |
ST PIERRE & MIQUELON and WALLIS & FUTUNA – Proof & Deluxe Sheets collection including: SP&m – 32 Artist Die Proofs (#300-13, 314-21, J68-77) plus 18 Deluxe Sheets incl. a Compound Deluxe Sheet. W&F – Compound Deluxe Sheet (#175-6, C37-8) scarce plus 20 Deluxe Sheets, a beautiful group totaling 71 different, all VF, $650.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN BOOKLET COLLECTION – 187 different (#'s 341//885) presented on 47 stock pages – some of which are shown here, VF, Scott $2,134.35, SPECIAL $650.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN COLLECTION – MINT Outstanding 1855-1990 collection, housed in 2 Lighthouse albums w/slipcases and individual mounts put in by collector; high quality throughout with exceptional centering, light hinging and many never hinged even in the early issues; much specialized material as well: types, varieties, white papers, B.O.B. Etc; the collection is fairly complete but you will see from the scans that there is still more work that can be done, one of the nicest Sweden collections we have ever offered, Scott/Facit $24, 752.00, $6,950.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN COIL LEADER STRIP COLLECTION, 147 mostly different, these were used for feeding coils into vending machines – the first stamp in the coil roll being attached to the strip, quite scarce and unusual, $695.00 Click here for photos |
SWEDEN COLLECTION – 1855-1964, Exceptional Mint collection in Facit album with stamps in individual mounts, 90% NEVER HINGED with used earlies and some LH indicated by owner in upside down mounts, high quality throughout with many scarcer Facit varieties noted in pencil underneath mounts, 74 total pages, 21 shown here, VF, Facit $42,996.00, $8,500.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN BOOKLETS COLLECTION - 1957//1990, 185 unused complete booklets and several booklet panes, including 1974 Stockholmia PROOF BOOKLET not listed in Scott, housed in Lighthouse album, very little duplication, VF, Scott $1,800.00+, $575.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN BOOKLET COLLECTION A total of 156 different, Facit $1,190.00, all VF and between Scott #'s 555a/1645a (Facit #'s H132/H377), cat values up to $45.00 each, complete inventory listing available, $395.00 | |
SWEDEN SPECIALIZED RINGTYPE COLLECTION including p.14, p.13, p13 w/Posthorn on back (Scott 17/49), all used, includes over 735 stamps mounted on pages w/emphasis on shades, varieties, offsets and freaks, great for the specialist, Scott for the most common type $4,930.00++, $1,500.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN COLLECTION 1858-1970, on Scott Specialty pages, predominately used, strong on early issues with some duplication, good representation throughout, includes Back of Book and a stock page with additional stamps and some booklets, about 100 pages total, 12 shown here, Scott $3,066.00, $575.00 Click here for photos | |
SWEDEN - Extensive OSCAR and NUMERAL Collection of stamps and covers, very specialized including Inverted watermark in all known colors, marginal guide lines, cancels, shades, multiples mint and used, varieties and interesting cards & covers of which there are 56, clean and unique offering, $2,500.00 Click here for photos | |
SWITZERLAND COLLECTION 1854-1951, on Scott pages and blank pages, the earlies are mostly used, then all mint hinged. Includes Back of Book. Includes numerous high values such as #56a ($270.00), #58 ($170.00) and #64 (170.00), 45 total pages, 10 shown here, Scott $5,047.00, $995.00 Click here for photos |
SWITZERLAND COLLECTION - on Minkus pages, up to 1958, used w/some mint includes early airs and semi postals plus 3fr Peace Issue, clean and VF, 12 of 65 pages shown here, Scott $2,200.00, $450.00 Click here for photos | |
SWITZERLAND COLLECTION - 1850 - 1960's Collection on Scott Quadrill pages, mostly used, including reg. issues, semi-postals, souvenir sheets, etc., very clean, Scott $3,200.00, $975.00 Click here for photos | |
SWITZERLAND COLLECTION - 1930-1960, in Monarch Album,, mostly used except for recent issues, only 10 35 pages shown as examples, Scott $747.00, $190.00 Click here for photos | |
TOGO COLLECTION – 1916 – 1967, on White Ace pages, all mint, many complete sets including Airmails and Postage Dues, VF, Scott $568.00, $145.00 Click here for photos | |
TUNISIA & SYRIA AIRMAIL COLLECTION, nearly arranged on 31 album pages, Mint Hinged and Used. Tunisia virtually complete to 1955 and includes #1-8 Used ($559.50) and #9-27 Used ($332.25). Syria virtually complete to 1945 and includes #C4-6 Used ($340.00), 14 of 31 pages shown here, quite nice and VF, Scott $3,600.00+, $1,100.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED NATIONS FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION, 1977 - 2012 totaling 2,962 different covers and postal stationery including U.S., Switzerland and Austria, virtually complete for the period although there may be a few missing as we did not confirm completeness, all top quality and fresh from the UNPO, ranging in catalog value from $1.00 to $15.00 each - estimate of total cat is $5,000-$6,000, $695.00 | |
UNITED NATIONS FIRST DAY COVERS - Collection of 600 FDC's, cacheted, 1950's to 1982, addressed and unaddressed, mostly NY/Geneva/Vienna, stamps and some stationery, includes UN #38 souvenir sheet of 3 used with First Day cancel not on cover, minimal duplication other than 4 complete sets of 1981 NY flag singles, very clean and VF, $120.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED NATIONS INSCRIPTION BLOCK COLLECTION, 1951-1999 on White Ace pages in 5 albums, all og, NH, VF, from N.Y., Geneva and Vienna, including Souvenir Sheets & booklet panes, Scott $3,719.00, $720.00 Click here for photos |
UNITED STATES COLLECTION – 1926-1963 Airmail Plate Blocks on White Ace pages, all og, NH, VF, many better values with a complete set of C7-9 and C25-31, a total of 47 different blocks, Scott $511.00, $189.00 Click here for photos |
UNITED STATES COLLECTION – 1893 to 2001 in two neat Scott national 3-ring albums. Stamps are hinged to 1938, the newer ones are NH, included is Prexie set ($143.25), Nebraska overprints ($265.25), $1.00 Franklin NH ($95.00) plus many more, nearly complete from 1980-2001, makes a fine starter collection, Scott $2,696.00, $845.00 Click here for photos |
UNITED NATIONS COLLECTION – on homemade pages, including #38 and First Issues, also numerous inscription blocks of 4 and 10, singles, souvenir sheets, all NH, plus a few flag sheets, VF, Scott $331.00, $95.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED STATES PROPRIETY STAMP COLLECTION – Housed in Speciality Heritage Album and pages, RB1a//RB33, nice quality with much rooom for adding some of the scarcer issues, Scott $1,450.00, $365.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED STATES DUCKS RW1-32, 1934-1965, Mounted on pages and includes used plus mint on some later issues, fresh and F/VF, Scott $2,004.50, $595.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED STATES DUCK STAMP COLLECTION - 1973-2008, #RW40-75, Complete collection of Plate No. Blocks of 4, duck stamps mounted on special Scott pages, all are NH, VF, Scott $3,690.00, Note: also included are special Scott pages for RW1-39, plus the binder, $1,750.00 Click here for photos |
UNITED STATES PRECANCELS – Wholesale lot of thousands (estimate approx. 22,000) of local and BEP precancels sorted by State (Alabama to Wisconsin) and City, on 40 stock pages plus a shoebox crammed full of 300 glassines, mostly 1920’s Presidentials, some earlier, up to the 1950’s Liberty series plus Back of the Book in single, pair and block format. Many small towns and types, heavy duplication in some larger towns. Approximately 80% locals, mixed condition (from sound, perfectly centered, clearly legible to faulty), Precancel Stamp Society catalog retail estimated to be $2,000, $650.00 Click here for photos |
UNITED STATES FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION - Lot of 1,070 FDC's, 1968 to 1981, all with cachet and unaddressed, up to $5 denominations, many plate blocks and blocks of 4, includines stamps and postal stationery, about 885 on #6 envelopes, about 185 postal cards/aerograms/#10 envelopes, some duplication, all very clean and VF, $495.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED STATES FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION - Nice group of LARGE SIZE FDC's such as sheet of 4 America the Beautiful Postal Cards, Legends of the west (2 sheets), Pan Amer. Inverts s/s (2 sheets), Arctic/Forest/Coral Reefs/Prairie s/s, Hawaii Missionary s/s, Pacific '97, 40¢ and 60¢ s/s, Ameripex '86 Presidents set and 15 other items, plus 260 POSTAL STATIONERY FDC'S, #10 size envelopes/aerograms/postal cards, 1980's to 1990's, including Officials, some duplication, a few with heavy duplication, $100.00 Click here for photos | |
UNITED STATES SPECIAL EVENT COVERS - This is a really huge and very clean collection of approximately 1,000 covers and cards housed in a box that's over 2 feet long! They are all in top condition with special event cancels from around the United States, mostly dating from mid 1980's to early 1990's, all franked with interesting stamps of the period. There are approximately 100 different event themes, approximate number of each range from one to up to approximately 40 of each. Cachets and themes include, but are not limited to: FIREMEN, AIRPLANES, COUNTY & STATE FAIRS, BIRDS, BALLOONS, DUCKS, TRAINS, INDIANS, COWS, BASEBALL, MULES, STATUE OF LIBERTY and MANY, MANY MORE, too man to mention. It's a great lot for the cover collector and an opportunity for the dealer to break down and resell individual items, $125.00 Click here for photos | |
U.P.U. COLLECTION – A to Z Countries, all mint, mix of LH and NH, 53 total pages, sample shown here, VF, Scott $1,425.00, $375.00 Click here for photos | |
VATICAN CITY COLLECTION – 1960’s – 80’s, Mint Never hinged on 24 pages and a box of singles/sets in glassines that never got into an album, VF, Scott $905.00, $220.00 Click here for photos |
VENEZUELA Collection - #C338//C553, 21 different Airmail sets on flown registered covers, scarcer and VF, old cat of $2,910.00 referenced, 21 total pages, 7 shown here, $575.00 Click here for photos |
WORLDWIDE BRAZIL//VATICAN CITY - 215 items, mostly souvenir sheets, 1 Int'l Reply coupon, nearly all Mint never hinged or No Gum As Issued, occassional duplication, VF, total Scott $1,667.00, $550.00 Click here for photos | |
WORLDWIDE U.P.U. COLLECTION, on White Ace pages, 1974 100th Anniversary issues all mint and virtually complete, est. Scott $900.00+, $195.00 Click here for photos | |
EVENT & FIRST DAY COVERS - APPROX 1.4 MILLION Here's a HUGE collection of approximately 1.4 MILLION Event and First Day Covers, all unaddressed in top condition, mostly from the 1980’s/90’s w/15¢ to $2.40 stamps. Covers all w/special event cancels, many of which are large and pictorial. Also includes about 90,000 FDC’s of which over 10,000 are Elvis Presley w/different cancels for various hit songs. Over 10,000 different themes including: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts (3 different), ballooning, dinosaurs (5 different), goats, ships, Tom Mix, Wild West, USS Topeka, planes, apple blossom, Halley’s Comet, Statue of Liberty, Pony Express, basketball, trains, zebra, telegraph, shrimp, flags, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, Idaho, Cal Farley’s Boy’s Ranch, mushrooms, Pearl Harbor, Pope John Paul II, Glass & Bottle Show Station, Blue Grass Jamboree, bears, WWII, USS Arizona, buffalo, birds, Red Flannel Town, Indians, San Diego Padres, Festival of Leaves, 20 different Pan Am Games/Sports, Elvis Presley, Christmas, “Hotter than Hell Hundred” Bicycles, space, rodeo, football, baseball, Thomas Nast, Snowflake Arizona, Roosevelt, Indianapolis 500, State Fairs, Radio, Columbus, Knights of Columbus, Nashville, Wildlife, Bumpershoot, violin, chemistry, Bi-Centennial, Oil & Gas, NJ Parks, Street Festivals, Lincoln, Valentine’s Day, Gold Rush, Golf, Martin Luther King, Jr, Wellsville Balloon Rally, Blue Water Festival, Railroads, Festa Italiana, West Virginia Bass Festival, etc. Email us if you have any questions, $69,500.00 | |
MAGNIFICENT BASEBALL FDC'S COLLECTION - APPROX 15,000 Jackie Robinson & Roberto Clemente -diff cachets & MORE This is a must have lot for any Baseball or First Day cover collection. There are approximately 15,000 Baseball related First Day Covers included. About ½ of them are Jackie Robinson w/approx. 75 different cachets, Roberto Clemente w/approx. 15 different cachets and various other baseball related, all top quality and many scarcer cachet makers including hand painted FDC's w/retail values up to $50.00 each. Again, it's a tremendous collection at a great price, $28,500.00 | |
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800-950-0058 973-226-0088