
OFFICIAL POST OFFICE YEAR SETS OF ALL SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES Easiest low-cost way to acquire new issues. The list below includes OFFICIAL year sets through the year 2011 while they remain in stock, and UNOFFICIAL year sets thereafter that contain the same NH stamps as the official sets, but without the packaging. PLUS, we put in many back-of-book issues and souvenir sheets sometimes not found in the original year sets. For convenience, we have grouped the earlier years into 5 year segments, however, individual years can be ordered separately.....please inquire for prices.


1945-49  64.70     -    163.10       -      19.00    294.40   239.90   188.20    412.50
1950-54 115.40     -    279.80       -      96.30    548.10   217.80   181.00    324.00
1955-59  31.70     -    376.30       -      93.40    165.30   278.50   211.40    444.50
1960-64  59.00     -    236.40       -      43.60     58.00   233.40   255.90    516.50
1965-69  73.60     -    130.10       -      25.90    102.50   119.40   289.20    410.10
1970-74  92.20     -    248.90       -      23.90     93.30   147.80   317.50    288.60
1975-79 111.20   60.20  192.70       -      27.00     74.80   159.00   156.40    151.80
1980     19.30    8.70   28.50       -      10.90     16.40    16.70    33.90     45.80
1981     27.70   13.00   28.50       -      12.10     22.80    19.80    46.20     27.90
1982     24.20   14.10   28.70       -       9.80     37.40    31.90    29.20     35.90
1983     32.90   24.20   34.00       -      19.70     67.20    52.80    45.10     36.70
1984     48.40   34.00   27.60     14.90    14.20     35.40    43.50    49.50     46.00
1985     60.00   32.50   49.30     13.00    14.90     32.00    40.40    49.50     46.20
1986     55.40   31.40   46.10     26.30    10.90     56.50    43.90    49.00     51.20
1987     36.70   29.70   53.70     25.20    19.30     40.40    55.10    52.70     55.70
1988     55.30   26.10   56.70     20.90    17.10     29.70    53.90    55.10     63.40
1989     58.30   28.40   54.80     17.70    17.60     61.10    56.10    62.20     68.40
1990     51.40   28.50   45.20     15.60    29.40     51.50    70.70    80.20     75.90
1991     50.80   27.70   61.70     23.30    58.30     90.80    67.30    82.00     74.80
1992     49.60   34.70   51.70     30.80    54.00     62.70    69.40    81.60     87.50
1993     48.00   30.80   76.00(2)  27.50    27.50     34.00    67.80    68.40     77.40
1994     48.00   30.80   86.90(2)  28.00    39.60     35.10    61.00    70.30     79.10
1995     49.00   35.90   76.90(2)  27.50    40.80     46.00    65.00    80.10     90.20
1996     48.30   38.50   63.70(2)  28.70    38.90     44.60    63.50    74.80     89.50
1997     49.50   38.80   65.00(2)  28.80    37.40     54.10    61.50    85.70     94.50
1998     55.00   41.80   59.60     30.90    39.80     50.90    64.10    91.20     90.00
1999     51.70   36.20   54.50     27.20    39.60     68.00    68.80    83.60     90.00
2000     45.70   38.70   70.50     26.40    43.70     61.30    64.00    69.50     90.00
2001     58.00   58.20    N/A      31.00    57.00     60.00    92.50    115.00    82.00
2002     60.00   57.40   68.80     35.10    49.30     68.70    97.50    106.30   110.00      
2003	 67.00   65.70   74.80     43.30    59.80     71.60    101.00   106.30   110.00	   	   
2004	 75.70   77.90   72.80     45.30    68.90     75.90    101.50   114.40   125.00
2005	 73.50   68.80   74.50     41.60    76.50     83.30    115.00   106.20   125.00
2006	 81.80   74.50   82.00    49.90    76.70     80.20     95.70   116.10   125.00	  
2007	 83.00   79.50   82.00    55.00    79.50     81.80    113.50   122.90   140.00
2008	 79.50    72.10   92.00    50.00    84.20     49.90    110.00   120.00   140.00
2009	 115.50   94.25   113.75   65.30    121.50    67.75    126.30   130.00  
2010     150.00*  76.90   98.70    57.80    106.50    92.40    108.70   121.50   132.50
2011	 106.60	  77.10  102.80    57.20    111.80   110.50    107.50   132.25   145.60 
incl. definitive yearset

NOTE: Prices for Finland 1993-1997 include both stamp and booklet year sets which are necessary for completion.

TERMS All stamps are fully guaranteed to satisfy or return for full, immediate refund. Checks, Money Orders, VISA, MasterCard & Paypal are accepted. Add $3.00 for postage/insurance/handling, or $7.00 for bulky lots and orders of more than 2 Year Sets. NJ residents add 7% Sales Tax. Layaway terms are available for larger purchases...please inquire!

CALL TOLL FREE 800-950-0058 or 973-226-0088 FAX 973-403-2601  E-MAIL


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80 Bloomfield Ave., Caldwell, NJ  07006

 800-950-0058   973-226-0088
