
$1.00 Legal Tender “Funny Back”, 1928, Fr. #1500, F/VF, $175.00 |
$1.00 Silver
Certificate, “Funny Back”, 1928, Fr. #1600, PMG Grade 65EPQ Gem UNC,
$240.00 |

$1.00 Silver Certificate, 1928A, Fr. #1601, Fine, $22.00 |

$1.00 Silver Certificates, 1935G, Fr. #1617, 4 Consecutive Serial numbers, Choice UNC, $175.00 |

$1.00 Silver Certificates, 1935G, Fr. #1617, 5 Consecutive Serial numbers, Choice UNC, $225.00 |
$1.00 Silver Certificates, 1957A, Fr. #1620, Group of 5 consecutive serial
numbers, Gem UNC, $65.00 |

$1.00 Silver Certificate, 1957A & B, #'s 1620-1, UNC, $18.00 |
$1.00 Silver
Certificates, 1957B, Fr. #1621 – 2 consecutive serial numbers, Choice UNC,
$30.00 |
$1.00 Silver
Certificate, 1957B, Fr. #1621, Choice UNC, $18.00 |

$1.00 Silver Certificate, 1957B, Fr. #1621, Gem UNC, $15.00 |
$1.00 Silver Certificates, 1957B, Fr. #1621, Group of 3 consecutive serial
numbers, Choice UNC, $40.00 |

$1.00 Silver Certificates, 1957B, Fr. #1621, Group of 7 consecutive serial numbers, Choice UNC, $89.00 |

$5.00 Silver Certificate STAR NOTE, 1934, Fr. #1650*, PCGS Grade 63PPQ Choice UNC, $450.00 |
$5.00 Silver Certificate
STAR NOTE, 1934, Fr. #1650*, PCGS Grade 62PPQ UNC, $400.00 |

$5.00 Silver Certificate MULES, Fr. #1651M & 1652M, 2 different, VF, $175.00 |

$10.00 Silver Certificates Mules (#587), Fr. #1701m, 3 consecutive notes, Choice UNC, $595.00 |

$10.00 FRBN – New York, 1929, Fr. #1860B, Choice UNC, light stains, PMG Grade 63, LOW SERIAL NO. 00000059, $750.00 |

$20.00 FRBN – New York, 1929, Fr. #1870B, Fine, $40.00 |

$20.00 FRBN – New York, 1929, Fr. #1870B, VF, $50.00 |

$20.00 FRBN – Richmond, 1929, Fr. #1870E, VF, $85.00 |
$20.00 FRN – Richmond STAR NOTE, 1929, Fr. #1870E*, Fine+, $425.00 |

$1.00 FRN – NEW YORK, 1963B, Fr. #1902B, 5 CONSECUTIVE NOTES, UNC, $30.00 |

$1.00 FRN – New York STAR NOTES, 1969B, Fr. #1905B*, 5 consecutive Star Notes, Choice UNC, $55.00 |

$1.00 FRN – New York, 1969D, Fr. #1907B, Choice UNC, $5.00 |
$2.00 FRN –
New York, 1976, Fr. #1935B, 5 Consecutive Serial Numbers, Gem UNC, $49.00 |

$2.00 FRN – Philadelphia, 1976, Fr. #1935C, 4 consecutive serial numbers, Choice UNC, $35.00 |

$2.00 FRN – Richmond, 1976, Fr. #1935E, 2 Consecutive Serial numbers, UNC, $20.00 |
$2.00 FRN –
Atlanta, 1976, Fr. #1935F, Choice UNC, $13.00 |
$2.00 FRN – San Francisco, 1976m, Fr. #1935L, 3 Consecutive Serial Numbers,
Gem UNC, $40.00 |
$2.00 FRN – San Francisco, 1976, Fr. #1935L, 6 Consecutive Serial Numbers,
Choice UNC, $75.00 |

$2.00 FRN – Philadelphia, 2003A, Fr. #1938C, set of 4 consecutive serial
numbers, better District, Choice UNC, $32.00 |
$2.00 FRN –
Philadelphia, 2003A, Fr. #1938C, set of 5 consecutive serial numbers, better
District, Choice UNC, $42.00 |

$10.00 FRN STAR NOTE, 1934C, Fr. #2008-B*, VF, $110.00 |
$10.00 FRN –
Chicago, 1950E, Fr. #2015G, XF/AU, $55.00 |
$20.00 FRN –
Cleveland, 1934, Fr. #2054D, crisp UNC, $80.00 |
$20.00 FRN –
Philadelphia STAR NOTE, 1950C, Fr. #2062C*, PMG Grade 65EPQ Gem UNC,
$475.00 |
$20 FRN – Philadelphia,
1981, Fr. #2073c, HUGE Serial No. & Seal SHIFT upward, PCGS Grade 58PPQ
Choice AU, $395.00 |

$20.00 FRN - Boston, 2004A, Fr. #2091A*, Uncut Strip of 4 Star Notes in presentation folder w/certificate, GEM UNC, $150.00 |

$50.00 FRN – New York, 1934, Fr. #2102B, Crisp XF, $130.00 |
$100.00 FRN –
San Francisco, 1928A, Fr. #2151L, crisp UNC, $320.00 |

$100.00 FRN – New York, 1934, Fr. #2152B, crisp AU/UNC, $225.00 |

$1000.00 FRN – San Francisco, 1934, Fr. #2211L, tiny corner margin crease UR and natural paper wrinkle, XF, $2,575.00 |

$20.00 FRN – Hawaii, 1934A, Fr. #2305, VF/XF, $125.00 |
$20.00 FRN –
San Francisco – HAWAII, 1934A, Fr. #2305, VF, $110.00 |
$1.00 Silver
Certificates – North Africa, 1935a, Fr. #2306, Consecutive Serial Numbers,
Choice UNC, $495.00 |
Silver Certificate – NORTH AFRICA, 1935A, Fr. #2306, Gem UNC, $240.00 |
$10.00 Silver
Certificate – North Africa MULE, 1934, Fr. #2308m, PCGS Grade 20VF, this is
a very attractive RARE note, $3,475.00 |
$10.00 Silver Certificate – North Africa, 1934A, Fr. #2309, AU/UNC,
$220.00 |
$10.00 Silver
Certificate – North Africa, 1934A, Fr. #2309, Gem UNC, $450.00 |
$20.00 Gold Certificate,
1928, Fr. #2402, XF heavy vertical crease, $225.00 |