COVERS Net Price List |
Please click on any image to enlarge and enhance it. |
ITEM # |

125X |
Schleswig Holstein (belonged to Denmark) 1686 prephilatelic cover to Hamburg, top quality, signed Pollak, VF, $125.00 |
125XS |
1861, 4sk wavy lines tied by Itzehoe Numeral #119 to Frankfort routed to Hamburg via Lubeck, the KDOPA Lubeck receiving postmark is uncommon, nice item, $75.00 |
125YF |
1862, 8sk gray (Facit 6a) VF 4
margin stamp on attractive folded letter to Sweden, Nielsen certificate,
AFA $1,400.00, $590.00
125YP |
1863, 16sk,
rouletted (Facit 10) tied on folded letter to SWEDEN, extremely
attractive and rare exhibit cover, Nielsen certificate, AFA $8,500.00,
125Z |
1865, 16sk Pair
(Scott 15) tied by Numeral 224 (Fieldpost #3) to ENGLAND, top right
stamp w/some blunted perfs, various transits, rough cover opening but a
scarce usage, Facit $975.00, $210.00 |
126AY |
1881, 10ore postal
card to DOMINICAN REPUBLIC via London (bkstp), unlisted in Facit
possibly UNIQUE, $375.00 |
126AYM |
1887, 5ore card +
5ore tied Kobenhavn to POLAND, unlisted destination in Facit, VF,
$100.00 |

126AZD |
1893, Incoming Registered cover from NEW SOUTH WALES, Kobenhaven arrival, nice item from down under, VF, $125.00 |
126AZN |
1899, VIBY Star Cancel on 5ore postal card, VF, $24.00 |
126AZP |
1899, 10ore card
used to ARGENTINA, VF, $70.00 |
126AZPB |
1900, BRAASKOV Star Cancel tying 5ore on picture postcard, bold strike, VF, $24.00 |
126AZPK |
5ore tied on cover to Norway with bold ALTERKALKEN handstamp in purple,
$19.00 |
126AZPN |
1904, Postcard to
PUERTO RICO via NY (bkstp) and arrival cancel on front, unrecorded
destination, scarce and VF, $225.00 |
126AZPP |
1904, SONDERSO Star Cancel on 5ore postal card, bold strike, VF, $22.00 |
126AZPQ |
1904, VESTER-HASINGE Star Cancels each tying a 5ore to picture postcard, VF, $35.00 |
126AZPT |
1906, LADBY Star Cancel tying 5ore on picture postcard, bold strike, very scarce, VF, $150.00 |
126AZPU |
1906, SOBY Star Cancels tying 1ore orange and 2ore red to picture postcard, VF, $24.00 |
126AZPV |
(1906) DAMSHOLTE Star Cancel on 3ore postal card, VF, $24.00 |
126AZPW |
1906, THURO Star Cancel plus X tying 5ore to color picture postcard, VF, $18.00 |

126AZPX |
1907/1912, 3 diff cards with straight line Fra Ronne, Fra Kjobenhavn and Fra Bornholm strikes, VF, $55.00 |
126AZQ |
1907, 10ore tied by Star Vandel on card to MADAGASCAR, scarce destination, $210.00 |
126AZQA |
1907, ESPE Star Cancel ties 5ore W/Christmas seal on postcard, VF, $22.00 |

126AZQB |
1907, Star Cancel BJERGBY on postcard, VF, $22.00 |
126AZQC |
19-- , Star Cancel VEGGERLOSE tying 5ore on postcard, VF, $18.00 |

126AZR |
Christmas seal + 5ore tied Helsinge on postcard, VF, $24.00 |
126AZRA |
1908, GLYDENHOLM Star Cancel ting 5ore to picture postcard, VF, $20.00 |
126AZS |
1909, 5ore envelope
+ 15ore tied on cover to ALGERIA (bkstp), VF, scarcer destination,
$80.00 |
126AZT |
1909, 5ore +
Christmas tied Odense on postcard, VF, $22.00 |
126AZTA |
1909, RAVNHOLT Star Cancel tying 5ore on picture postcard, bold strike, VF, $24.00 |
126AZTN |
1910, SELDE Star Cancel tying 5ore to picture postcard, VF, $20.00 |
126AZTP |
1910, Star Cancel VEJGAARD tying 5ore on postcard of town, VF, $24.00 |
126AZU |
1911, postcard from
Kjobenhavn, Denmark with 5ore on front to South Africa, 1d postage due
tied at Johannesburg, VF, $120.00 |
126AZV |
1911, 3ore +
Christmas Seal tied Kjobenhavn on postcard, VF, $25.00 |
126AZW |
1911, TIDSVILDELEJE Star Cancel tying 5ore to picture postcard, VF, $24.00 |

126AZY |
1911, Star Cancel GJORSLEV on postcard, VF, $22.00 |
126BA |
1912, 3ore +
Christmas Seal tied on postcard, VF, $22.00 |

126BC |
1912, Star Cancel HJORTSBALLE tying 5ore to postcard, VF, $22.00 |
126BF |
1913, 5ore + Christmas seal tied on postcard, VF, $22.00 |
126CA |
1914, Star Cancel HERSLEV on 5ore card, VF, $20.00 |
126CG |
1915, 10ore postal card to SYRIA with
transit cancels front and reverse, scarce destination, $100.00 |
126CH |
1915, GJERUM Star Cancel tying 5ore to picture postcard, VF, $18.00 |
126CJ |
(1915) GUDUM Star Cancel tying 5ore to cover, VF, $18.00 |
126CL |
1916, GLOSLUNDE Star Cancel ties 5ore with Christmas Seal on color picture postcard, VF, $22.00 |

126CN |
1917, 1-4ore tied w/special cancel and purple Crown Lazarket cancel reverse, scarce strike, VF, $30.00 |
126CS |
1919, ASSENS Star Cancel tying 10ore postal sta. cutout to cover, bold strike, $22.00 |
126D |
19th Century, 8ore postal envelope with PERFIN J.M. (J. Moresco) and tied Kjobenhavn, perfins on postal stationery are quite unusual, $100.00 |
126EJ |
1921, 10ore + 5ore on
card to Sweden w/scarce Fra Bornholm, $75.00 |
126EK |
1921, KARLSLUNDE Star Cancel tying 15ore on picture postcard, VF, $18.00 |
126EKA |
1921, Star Cancel SOBY on postcard, VF, $18.00 |
126EL |
1922, 25ore Postage Due (#J6) tied on incoming France postcard, VF, $35.00 |
126EM |
1922, 8ore Ovpt + Christmas seal tied on postcard, VF, $20.00 |
126EY |
1923, 15ore + Christmas
Seal tied on postcard, VF, $18.00 |
126EX |
1922, 25ore Chr X tied on postcard to
TURKEY with arrival cancel on front, VF, $65.00 |
126F |
(1924) DAMSHOLTE Star Cancel tying 15ore on color picture postcard, bold cancel, VF, $24.00 |
126FS |
1926, 167a,71a,75a (201-12) Complete set in Se-Ten blocks of 4 on photo postcards, Scott for stamps alone $150.00+, $75.00 |

126FW |
1929, boxed HARWICH SHIP LETTER express cover to England, pretty and scarcer, $48.00 |
126FY |
1930, 5kr Svendsen Flight label + others on scarce (only 600 flown) cover, VF, $140.00 |
126FZ |
1932, Zeppelin 3rd So. America Flight card to Brazil, 15ore + 1kr Airmails tied, all proper markings and cachet, VF, $235.00 |
126GD9 |
Advertising cover, 1932, 7ore + 1ore K.K.K.K.,
Facit RE31 & 34 tied Over-Feldborg, $60.00 |
126GD10 |
Advertising cover,
5ore K.K.K.K., Facit RE32, $38.00 |
126GD10A |
Advertising cover 5ore KKKK + 5ore Galle & Jessen (RE33,44) tied, VF, $40.00 |
126GD11 |
Advertising cover,
5ore + 10ore FAMILY JOURNAL, Facit RE35 & 36, $390.00, $180.00 |
126GD13 |
Advertising cover, 5ore GALLE & JESSEN 6-blk + pair and 10ore GALLE & JESSEN pair, Facit Re41-2, registered cover, VF, $85.00 |
126GD18 |
Advertising cover,
10ore 1931 RUNDSKVEDAGEN, Facit RE47 on card to Finland, $62.00 |
126GD20 |
Advertising cover,
5ore 1931 RUNDSKVEDAGEN plus others, Facit RE48, $70.00 |
126GD23 |
Advertising cover,
10ore ALFRED BENZON MALTEXTRAKT, Facit RE60, $320.00, $170.00 |
126GD24 |
Advertising cover,
5ore ALFRED BENZON SODAPASTILLER, Facit RE64, $320.00, $170.00 |
126H |
1936, Denmark Airmails tied on pretty NEPA First flight cover, Horsens to Kobenhavn, pretty and VF, $28.00 |
127PT |
1941, Multi franked
airmail cover to U.S. w/Germany censors reverse, VF, $25.00 |

127T |
1944, Mute Star DAMSHOLTE multi strikes on cover to U.S., VF, $20.00 |
127U |
1944/52, Two diff CROWN & POSTHORN cancels on cards, scarcer and VF, $45.00 |

127V |
1946, First flight cover to URUGUAY franked w/airmail stamps, VF, $35.00 |

127W |
1950's Group of 9 diff TPO's (Traveling Post Office), nice strikes on front or back, VF, $95.00 |