COVERS Net Price List |
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173T |
1849 & 1851 Stampless covers w/bold strikes ABO and EKENAS, VF, $50.00 |

173V |
1865, Folded Letter from Bjornborg Finland via St. Petersburg w/bold red AUS RUSSLAND Railway postmark to Carlshutte in Holstein, VF, $210.00 |
174 |
1868, 40p type 1 Roulette III tied Wiborg on folded letter to Uleaborg w/ANK arrival markings, strong color and full teeth, VF, $290.00 |

174AC |
1868, 40pen roulette II full teeth tied by boxed RAUMO on cover to Latvia, VF, Facit $490.00, $250.00 |
174AF |
1868, 40pen Roulette III with white Dot in N variety (Facit 9v8) tied by boxed Karis to Riga Latvia, VF, $425.00 |
174B |
1869, 10p pair, roulette III (Scott 8), tied Wiborg on folded letter to Lauritsala, ANK arrival marking, beautiful example of this scarce usage,
Facit retail $2,250.00, $1,150.00 |
174BL |
1870, 40p roulette III + 8p (2)
roulette II, tied on cover to Germany via St. Petersburg, quite scarce
and attractive, Facit $2,900.00,
174D |
1871, 40pen + 8pen (x2) roulette III tied by blue Tammerfors on 56pen rate cover to Germany via St. Petersburg, a beautiful cover with red, blue and
black transit markings, Facit $3,200.00, $1,500.00 |
174DF |
5p (x4), laid paper, roulette III all tied Abo
to Mustiala w/blue ANK arrival mark, stamps
w/some teeth missing as usual, a very scarce and attractive postal
history item, $625.00 |
174G |
1873, 10pen, roulette II, pair tied ABO on folded letter to Raumo, Perfect Teeth and gorgeous exhibition item, signed Richter, VF+, $1,275.00 |
174GL |
1873, 40 pen roulette I (Facit 9v1C1)
with PERFECT TEETH tied by pen cancel on cover to Kristinestad, blue
Uleaborg transit cancel, VF+, Facit $630.00, $350.00 |
174I |
1874, 5p roul. II (Scott 12a) tied by blue Helsingfors on circular, bottom margin copy, attractive interesting printed matter rate, $525.00 |
174M |
1896, Insured Letter w/3 color franking (#39,40,43), wax seals reverse, signed Pollak, VF, $75.00 |

174R |
1902, 4kop tied Borga on postcard to ARGENTINA, scarce destination (bkstp), VF, $65.00 |
174S |
1903, 10kop
(Russian) tied on cover to SOUTH AFRICA (bkstp), scarcer destination,
$75.00 |

174X |
1904, Ship cover to Abo w/20pen tied reverse and beautiful ship cancel on front, nice item, $125.00 |
174Y |
1905, Mixed Finland #56 and Russia #43-4 tied Helsinki o small piece, nice combo item, VF, $95.00 |
174Z |
1905/14, Group of 7 diff cards w/numeral cancels, priced years ago at $135.00, $79.00 |
175C |
Finland Numeral Town Cancels on cover, 9 different, all VF, $59.00 |

175D |
1906-14, NUMBERAL Town cancels on postal cards, 4 diff, all bold strikes, VF, $49.00 |
175HA |
Village cancel MAJANOJA ties 7mk on postcard, VF, $20.00 |
175HC |
1921, 1 ½ mk on 50pen tied on cover with Tourist Stamp to ARGENTINA, pretty and scarcer destination, VF, $75.00 |
175HP |
Village cancel YLIVALLI ties 1mk to postcard, VF, $24.00 |
175JB |
1928, Clock “Otava” advertising cover w/1 ½ mk tied, ad covers unusual for Scandinavia countries, VF, $24.00 |
175KA |
1940, WWII Swedish Volunteer Force in Finland Official mail cover, scarce, signed Pollak, VF, $65.00 |
175KB |
1940, WWII Swedish Volunteer Force in Finland with scarce S.F.K. Cancel, letter enclosed, VF, $65.00 |

175KC |
1940, Sweden Volunteer Forces in Finland cover to Sweden, rare S.F.K. DEPA (R5) and S.F.K. KARSTAB (R4) + censors, rare and scarce WWII cover, $250.00 |

175LP |
1942, WWII Feldpost cover w/Finnish & German censor markings plus st. line SS-Vapaaehtoistoimisto in purple, scarce and VF, $95.00 |
175NA |
Village cancel SUURILA ties 50p to postcard, VF, $20.00 |
175NC |
Village cancel RISTINUMMI ties 1mk stamps to local cover, VF, $20.00 |
175NDB |
1952, 8mk green single franking on cover to U.S., VF, Facit $22.00, $12.00 |
175NF |
1962, Bus Stamps
tied on document (Q6,7,8), VF, $22.00 |
175NFA |
Bus Stamps (Q6-9) tied on 2 separate documents, VF, $45.00 |
175NK |
1963, Military Stamp (M8) tied on FDC from soldier, VF, Facit $160.00, $105.00 |
175NPH |
1965, Bus Stamps
tied on document (Q10,13), VF, $25.00 |
175NQ |
1983, Military Stamp w/1983 ovpt tied
on cover from soldier, VF, Facit $225.00 $125.00 |

175NR |
1983, Military Stamp w/1983 Ovpt (M9) tied on soldiers cover, VF, Scott for stamp only $175.00++, $130.00 |

175T |
1903, Postal card from ALAND to Helsingfors w/ship-on-oval cancel and Abo transit, beautiful bold strike, VF, $80.00 |
175TB |
1904 postal card w/bold WARDO town cancel to Abo, VF, scarcer, $40.00 |
175TF |
Aland, 1906 postcard tied BRANDO-ALAND, VF, $40.00 |
175TM |
1910, 2k pair tied by neat SALTVIK town cancel to U.S., VF, $35.00 |