COVERS Net Price List |
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ITEM # |
361A |
1823, Stampless Folded Letter Trondhjem to France via Hamburg w/transit markings, VF, $50.00 |

361D |
1857, Norway to Holland stampless letter, blue Christianssund and all proper transits, VF, $60.00 |
362A |
1876, 1sk green (Scott 16) tied Christiania, scarcer printed matter rate, VF,
$145.00 |
362BD |
1877, Official
MONEY LETTER from Christiania Post Office, wax seals reverse, $65.00
362BL |
U.S. 3¢ Banknote tied by early NORWAY NY cancel, VF, neat item,
$25.00 |

362BN |
RMS, Return-To-Sender stamp postally cancelled on 3sk postal envelope
that was RETURNED (RETOUR) to Post Office…inscription reverse states
“moved, not known where”, neat story as addresses of both sender and
addressee unknown, VF and scarce Exhibit Item, $725.00 |
362BV |
(1880’s) Military
Card in black, unused, VF, $20.00 |
362BW |
1885, Military card
in blue, tied Bergen, $30.00 |
362BX |
(1880’s) Military
Double card, unused, VF, $30.00 |
362BY |
1886, Military
Double card USED BOTH WAYS, reinforced attachment, tied by Vikisogn cancel and Bergen on return, quite scarce, $80.00 |
362BZ |
Military card tied Bergen to Havanger, VF, $30.00 |
363EM |
1896, 5ore, perf
13½ x 12½, (Scott #50), tied on local cover, when is last time you saw a
GREEN envelope like this?, striking, $24.00

364A |
1903, Money Letter with 10ore + 35ore tied, arrival and wax seals reverse, VF, $95.00 |

364B |
1904/13,, Three nice postcards with scarce Spitsbergen and Nordcap cancels to Germany & U.S. respectively $45.00 |

364DL |
1905, 5ore SPITSBERGEN + 10ore tied Digermulen on card w/Hardenger scene reverse, VF, $175.00 |

364DN |
1905, 2¢ U.S. Envelope with Norway Postage Dues (64ore) tied reverse, $85.00 |
364DX |
1906, 5¢ blue (#304) tied Honokaa HAWAII to NORWAY, Honolulu &
Christiania transit cancels reverse, VF and scarcer destination,
$425.00 |
364M |
Colorful NORDCAP scene on unused Mittet
& Co. postcard, VF, $35.00 |
364MB |
Colorful NORDCAP
postcard, unused, VF, $35.00
364MD |
Gorgeous NORDCAP card, unused, VF,
$45.00 |

364MT |
1907, One Penny Reply Card sent from Christiania Norway back to England, VF, $25.00 |
364NA |
1913, 1915, Two unused 5ore postal cards w/HAND DRAWN scenes in pencil,
very well executed, VF, $50.00 |

364QB |
1918, FRAM card "Ship & Dog" reverse, ,F/ VF, $55.00 |

364QC |
1918, FRAM card , “Polar Bear on Ice” reverse, VF, $95.00 |

364QF |
1918, FRAM card , “Ship & Polar Bear” reverse, VF, $85.00 |

364QG |
1918, FRAM card “Ferslewske” type, “Ship in Ice” reverse, VF, $95.00 |

364QH |
1918, All Four diff FRAM card scenes and all postally used, quite nice, scarce and VF, $325.00 |
364QT |
1921, 10ore card with 10ore Postage Due tied, scarcer and VF, $24.00 |

364R |
1923, Official cover unfranked with 20ore pair Postage Dues tied reverse, vertical file fold in center, $45.00 |

364RA |
1923, Incoming cover from U.S. w/10ore + 15ore Postage dues tied reverse, $49.00 |
364V |
1931, Great Britain & U.S. Mixed franking on Wilkins-Ellsworth Arctic Submarine Expedition to North Pole, VF, $85.00 |
365AT |
1938, Cute cover
w/30ore + Norway Red Cross stamp tied by machine cancel to Germany, VF,
$37.00 |
365AX |
1939, First Flight
Oslo-Amsterdam, VF, $24.00 |
365AY |
1939, First Flight Bergen-Oslo, VF, $25.00 |
365AZ |
1939, First Flight
cover Oslo-Bergen, proper cancels and cachet, VF, $24.00 |
365CV |
1941, Air, Censored,
Express cover to Denmark (bkstp), w/multi V-Ovpts franking, rough
opening at top but very scarce franking, $175.00 |

365CW |
1941, Censored German cover to Sweden w/Norway Legion label tied on reverse, scarce and VF, $150.00 |
365D |
1943, London Exile set (261-66) tied by boxed ship cancel dated 1 Jan 1943 – 759, VF, $75.00 |
365DD |
1943, Norway P.O.W. In Germany cover (Stalag XXIA), VF, $30.00 |

365DE |
1945, WWII Norway Post Office in Sweden with Provisional regis. Label and censored, a rare cover and VF, signed Pollak, $95.00 |
365DF |
1945, First Day cover, Scott #268 scarce and VF, Facit 750kr, $42.00 |
365DH |
(1945) Icelandic “Fra Noregi” Ship Arrival cancel plus boxed Skipsbrief on cover posted on ship w/Norway franking, interesting and VF, $32.00 |
365DX |
Multi franked cover to BRAZIL w/large red cancels, VF, $25.00 |

365EB |
1947, Parcel Card multi-franked to U.S., $18.00 |
365EP |
1950, Two types of Danish FRA NORGE Ship arrival cancels on small covers, VF, $28.00 |
365ER |
1951, First Polar
Airmail card Oslo-Fairbanks (Alaska) backstamped, VF, $19.00 |
365ERA |
1952/4, Group of 6 diff Norway covers posted at sea w/interesting ship and paquebot markings, VF, $65.00 |
365ES |
1953, First Day Cover Nordcap set B54-6, VF, Facit 500kr, $29.00 |
365ET |
1953, Crown & Posthorn ship cancel D/S BOROYSUND on VF cover, $35.00 |
365EU |
1953, Round Trip Flight card Oslo-Thule-Tokyo-Oslo, all proper markings, VF, $19.00 |
365EV |
1953, Special flight
card Oslo-Thule-Tokyo, all proper cachets and cancels, VF, $25.00 |
365EW |
1954/6, Group of 3 diff SHIP/PAQUEBOT covers, VF $22.00 |
365EY |
1959, pretty RED FOX advertising cover regis to U.S. (bkstp), VF, $24.00 |
365FL |
1964, Lottery Complete 3 part stamp valid for postage for only 2 months tied Oslo on cover, Facit 1200kr, scarce and VF, $85.00 |
365FM |
1964 Lottery Stamp valid for postage for 2 months, tied to cover, VF, Facit $80.00, $32.00 |
365G |
1967, Tobacco Advertising cover franked w/meter & Red Cross seal, VF, $25.00 |