37LB |
Stampless Folded Letter St. Croix to Portland Maine, red SHIP and Boston
transits rated manuscript 14 ˝ , VF, DWI mails Price Guide Range
$500-$1000, $395.00 |
37LE |
1831, Stampless Folded Letter from St. Thomas to Philadelphia with “6” rate marking, VF, $85.00 |
37LM |
Stampless Folded Letter, St. Thomas to London, Forwarding Agent cachet
in blue DEGATAU & Co. and double line arc St. Thomas, VF, $135.00 |

37LQ |
1849, Stampless to London, St. Thomas double semi-circle cancel and red arrival, VF, $120.00 |

37N |
1852, cover w/letter enclosed from Barbados via St. Thomas (bkstp) to NY, British Crowned Circle Paid St. Thomas in red, black steamship arrival cds, scarcer markings, nice item, VF, $200.00 |
37P |
Stampless folded Letter originating Puerto Rico, via St. Thomas to New
York and forwarded by ‘FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE – St. Thomas” in black
oval, SHIP “7” and Boston transits, scarce and VF, DWI Mails Price Guide
Range $300-$600/Facit $440.00, $275.00 |
37T |
Stampless Folded Letter Frederiksted via St. Thomas – London – Hamburg
to Denmark, scarce single-line crowned St. Thomas in red plus numerous
transits in red and black, very attractive and VF, DWI Mails Price Guide
Range $450-$900/Facit $1,250.00, $625.00 |
37Z |
Stampless Letter originating Maricaibo VENEZUELA via St. Thomas to New
York, red St. Thomas A PAID and black “10”, VF, DWI Mails Price Guide
Range $125-$300, $125.00 |
38AB |
1869, scarce Printed Matter Rate
folded letter St. Thomas to France, GB 4d tied by C51 vertical oval paid
double 2d rate, London and Calais transits on front, VF, $995.00 |
38AE |
1870, folded letter St. Thomas to
Germany with beautiful GB franking, 6d violet pair +1d pair all tied by
vertical oval C51, red St. Thomas cds + PD also on front, $495.00 |
38AF |
1870, 10˘
(#116) tied N. York Steamship on arrival in NY and originating in Danish
West Indies – St. Thomas cds, stamp w/small repaired tear probably at
time of mailing, attractive and scarce ship cover, listed but unpriced
in Scott, $1,350.00 |

38DM |
1874, Stampless Letter St. Thomas to France via London, blacck British “GBIF60c” Transit, VF, $125.00 |
38DX |
1875, U.S. 10˘ Banknote tied by New
York Steamship cancel on neat small cover St. Thomas via ship
‘South America” to New Jersey, on July 1st rate had been
changed to 5˘ but information not passed on as of July 14th,
VF, $350.00 |
38E |
1877, Panama to
London via St. Thomas where British 1sh + 6p tied by C51 vertical oval
cancel, VF, $395.00 |
39F |
1881, Venezuela to U.S. via St. Thomas,
50˘ + 25˘ triple rate cover w/red French Packet cancel on front and
transit & arrival markings reverse, cover trimmed at right, scarce and
attractive, $725.00 |
39J |
1891, 2˘
envelope tied St. Thomas to FINLAND via German ship AUS WESTINDIEN/Hamburg
Dampfer/Uber Coln transit and Helsingfors arrival cds, purple Bache &
Co. handstamp on front, scarcer destination and VF, $320.00 |

39K |
1891, 2¢ Danish West Indies envelope tied St. Thomas to SWEDEN via German ship with AUS WESTINDIEN/Hamburg Dampfer/Uber Coln transit and Goteburg arrival cds, pretty blue Bache & Co. handstamp on front, scarcer destination and nice item, VF, $320.00 |

39L |
1891, 2¢ postal card + 1¢ bisect tied St. Thomas to NY, scarcer and VF, $100.00 |

39M |
1894, 5¢+12¢ bicolors tied St. Thomas on regis. To NOVA SCOTIA, 12¢ faulty but rare cover (25,000kr) and scarce destination, $450.00 |
39N |
1895, 3˘
+ 4˘ on 3˘ envelope tied St. Thomas to Germany (bkstp), vertical file
fold at far left, pretty, $220.00 |
39W |
1893, 3˘ + 7˘ (Scott 6,9/Facit 6,9)
tied St. Thomas to U.S., scarce franking, a few blunted perfs at right,
very attractive, Facit $2,400.00, $695.00 |
39X |
1894, Triple Rate cover to NY w/1¢ - 5¢ bi-colors tied St. Thomas, open 3 sides for display, VF, $190.00 |
41ABN |
1899, Two 5˘
bicolor perf 13 tied St. Thomas to NY with local corner advertising (you
see very little of this from DWI), a very nice VF item, $290.00
41ABP |
1900, 2¢ envelope + 1¢ tied St. Thomas, local use, VF, Facit FK7, 1800kr, $75.00 |
41ABT |
1901, 10¢ Bicolor p. 13 tied St. Thomas on cover to New York (bkstp), very scarce and VF, Facit $1,650.00, $775.00 |
41AC |
1901, Mixed issue
3˘ bicolor + 5˘ Coat of Arms on 2˘ envelope all tied St. Thomas to
Denmark and FORWARDED back to MARIBO (bkstp), quite scarce and
attractive usage, $390.00
41AF |
1902, 1˘
Coat of Arms pair tried St. Thomas on postcard to Germany with German
ship cancel AUS WESTINDIEN/Hamburg Dampfer/Uber Coln, VF, $220.00 |
41AN |
1902, 12˘ bicolor + 1˘ Coat of Arms on
registered cover to Germany (bkstp) via France, a few blunted perfs at
top of 12˘ but very rare usage, Facit $4,000.00, $1,250.00 |
41B |
1902, Mixed Issue underfranked cover to US w/Postage Due marking/2 Cent collected on reverse, interesting and very pretty cover, $440.00 |
41BZ |
1903, 4¢ bisect (Scott 18a) tied Frederiksted on VF local cover, Facit $145.00, $65.00 |
41C |
1903, 4˘ bisect
(Scott 18a) tied St. Thomas on neat small cover,
VF, Facit $145.00, $65.00 |
41CA |
1903, 4¢ Bisects p. 14 x 13 ½ (Scott 7c) , 2 covers local use showing LL and LR bisect corners, tied Frederiksted and Christiansted, VF, Facit $350.00, $160.00 |
41CC |
1903, 4¢ bisect, p. 14 x 13 ½ (Scott 7c) tied Christiansted on VF local cover, Facit $190.00, $85.00 |
41EF |
1904, 8˘ Coat of Arms tied St. Thomas on mourning cover to Germany (bkstp),
backflap missing, quite scarce usage, Facit $525.00, $190.00 |
41JM |
1905, 2˘ Coat of
Arms tied St. Thomas on postcard to U.S., VF, Facit $285.00, $120.00 |
41JN |
1905, 7˘ bicolor +
5Bit tied St. Thomas on beautiful mixed issue cover to Denmark (bkstp),
rare and VF, Facit $2,200.00+, $1,100.00 |
41M |
1907, 10Bit chr. IX
tied by 4-ring cancel from Christiansted w/bold “C” reverse, VF,
$65.00 |
41MB |
1907, Incoming
Danish card to St. Thomas, VF, $44.00 |

41PA |
1909, Incoming postcard from Denmark with Christiansted arrival cancel, reverse “Storming of Kobenhavn”, VF, $40.00 |
41TJ |
1911, 40Bit single
usage on commercial cover to U.S. per S.S. Parima, scarce, Facit
$475.00, $200.00 |

41U |
1911, 10Bit tied by scarce KINGSHILL with scarce “C” (Christiansted) reverse, nice item, $90.00 |
42 |
1915, multi mixed franking, 5 Cent + 4 Cent +1 Cent (3) Coat of Arms and Bicolor issues, tied St. Thomas and Registered to Mass., VF, beautiful
3-color cover, $350.00 |

42E |
1917, Complete Chr. X set on over to Denmark, scarce and VF, Facit 7000kr, $350.00 |
42F |
1917, 50Bit Chr. X tied Christiansted on local over franked cover, still quite scarce, VF, Facit 7000kr, $240.00 |
42H |
1917, 40Bit Fred VIII tied Christiansted 3/30/1917 LAST DAY of use, VF, Facit $325.00++, $225.00 |
42HJ |
1917, Mixed U.S. &
DWI franking on TRANSITION PERIOD cover, 7˘ bicolor rarely found used on
cover, VF, $675.00 |

42HK |
1917, 2¢ tied Charlotte Amalie on local use Interim Period cover with letter $90.00 |
tied Cha
42HL |
1917, Mixed 2¢ U.S. + 30Bit DWI franking on Transition cover w/LAST MOMENT FRANKING 5PM 9/29/17, VF, $275.00 |
1917, 20Bit + U.S. 1¢ Transition cover LAST DAY OF USE (Sept 29), nice combo, $90.00 |