Bicolors - Chr X (#16-134)
Net Price List

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53H 1867, Moller Essay in red & violet, 4 mgns, VF, signed Pollak, $90.00  
54AE 16 (20f) 2sk bicolor, 6th printing, Block of 4, og, top pair hinged w/pinhole UL stamp – bottom pair NH, F/VF, Facit $900.00, $295.00  
54AF 16v (20b) 2sk Prussian Blue shade, used, rich color, F/VF, Facit $180.00, $90.00  
54AG 16v (20b) 2sk Prussian Blue, used, F/VF, Facit $175.00, $85.00  
54AH 16b (20v) 2sk IMPERF with wmk, unused no gum as issued, small thin spot, Scott $250.00, $49.00  
54B 19 (23) 8sk bicolor, og, LH, F/VF, Scott $200.00, $90.00  

19a (23v) 8sk bicolor, IMPERFORATE, crown wmk, unused no gum, Scott $250.00, $130.00

55C 20 (24) 16sk bicolor, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $90.00  
55D 20a (24v) 16sk bicolor, IMPERFORATE, crown wmk, unused no gum, Scott $400.00, $220.00  
55G 22 (26) 4sk bicolor, p. 12 ½ , used, VF, Scott $125.00, $65.00  
55M Early Denmark Private Essay, no gum as issued, VF, $30.00  
55P 24E, 48sk, 1885 Reprint of 1869 Batz ESSAYS in strips of 3 in 7 different colors and numeral settings, quite rare and VF, $750.00  
55PA 1886, 48sk Essay Reprints, Strip of 3 showing diff settings, unwmk, no gum as issued, VF, AFA $200.00, $120.00  
55PZ 24 (27) 48sk bicolor, unused no gum, inclusion in wmk, F/VF, Scott $450.00, $95.00  

24b (27v1), 48sk bicolor, used w/INVERTED FRAME, Jensen certificate, Rare Stamp, VF, Scott $1,750.00, $950.00

55QA 24b (27v1) 48sk bicolor, used with INVERTED FRAME, few rough perfs normal for the issue, quite rare, VF, Scott $1,750.00, $925.00  
55R 24v (27vm) 48sk bicolor, Line Perf 12 1/2, used, INVERTED WMK, Facit $565.00, $275.00  
55Y 25v (28b) 3ore bicolor, 2nd printing, og, NH, VF, Facit $435.00, $250.00  
56A 25v (28d) 3ore bicolor, 4th printing, used, VF, Facit $56.00, $29.00  
56B 25v(28g), 3¢ bicolor, 7th printing, Strip of 4, disturbed og, NH, XF centering, Facit $1,200.00, $350.00  
59M 31 (34) 20ore bicolor, used w/light cancel, VF, Scott $32.50, $17.00  
59N 31 (34) 20ore bicolor, Block of 4, used w/#18 numeral cancel, F/VF, Facit $560.00, $195.00  
59S 32a (35e) 25ore bicolor, og, LH, VF, Facit $120.00, $55.00  


33v (36v) 50ore brown and violet, unlisted "5e" Flaw, used, VF, $38.00

61E 33a (36a) 50ore bicolor, scarcer brown and blue-violet shade, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $95.00
61EA 33a (36a) 50ore brown/blue violet, 1st printing in used Strip of 4 cancelled by #1 (Kobenhavn), a scarce multiple and as singles Scott $700.00+, $300.00


35 (50), 5ore green, used, VF, Scott retail $100.00, $55.00

64C 39v (54v1) 10ore carmine, “Open 0 in left 10” variety, og, hinged, Facit $65.00, $35.00  


 39v (54v1), 10ore used, “Open 0 on 10” variety, VF, Facit $50.00, $28.00



65BP 40v (55v1) 20ore blue, used, BREAK IN CIRCLE ABOVE 20 variety, VF, $6.00  
65BS 41d (38bb) 3ore bicolor, inv. Frame, used, VF, Scott $130.00, $65.00  
65C 42bv (39bv) 4ore bicolor, wmk III, Inverted, used, Facit $32.50, $17.00  
66L 45v (58v1) 10ore Coat of Arms, used pair w/right stamp “open O in large 10” variety, VF, Facit $64.00, $34.00  
67WA 48v (60av) 20ore blue, used, 3 listed varieties, CIRCLE BREAK, NO FOOT 2 and S with WHITE LINE, VF, $16.00  

52a (45aa) 100ore bicolor, inverted frame, used, VF, Scott $57.50, $29.00

69A 54v (AFA38x) 15ore lilac, used, WHITE LINE UNDER E in ORE, VF, AFA $60.00, $30.00  
69L 55v (46v) 4/8ore Ovpt pair “Hook on 4” variety at left, used, VF, Facit $125.00, $70.00  
69P 56a (62v1) 15 on 24ore Block of 6 showing “Short 15” variety top middle, rarely LH rest NH, VF, Scott $52.00, $28.00  
69T 57 (76) 1ore orange, Sheet of 100, NH, VF, Scott $675.00, $195.00  
69U 58 (77) 2ore carmine, Sheet of 100, NH, VF, Scott $1,425.00, $420.00  
69W 58a, 60a (84-5) 2ore + 4ore, p. 14 x 13 1/2, used ansd scarcer as such, Scott $56.50, $29.00  
69X 59 (78) 3ore gray, Sheet of 100, includes 3 MA connected varieties, NH, VF, Scott $2,925.00, $825.00  
69XD 60a (85) 4ore, p. 14 x 14 ½ , strip of 5, used, unusual for this, Facit $140-.00+, $62.00  
70A 65 (64) 10ore Chr. IX, Block of 4, fresh og, NH, VF, Scott $50.00, $26.00  
70AC 65v (AFA 47y) 10ore Chr. IX, used, BROKEN FRAME UNDER E in ORE, VF, AFA $37.00, $18.00  

68 (67) 50ore Chr. IX, og, LH, VF, Scott $110.00, $59.00

70BH 68 (67) 50ore Chr. IX, violet, used, VF, Scott $120.00, $59.00  
70BQ 72-8 (69-75) Complete set Fred VIII, og, hinged, VF, Scott $201.00, $99.00  
70CA 73v (70v1) 10ore Fred VIII, used showing scarce “Tuft of Hair’ variety, VF, Facit $190.00, $100.00
70CM 77 (74) 50ore Fred VIII, og, NH, VF, Scott $90.00, $49.00
70CS 80 (48) 35ore on 20ore, used, VF, Scott $85.00, $45.00
71DCA 80v (48v1) 35ore on 20ore, PEARL FLAW, very clear, used, F/VF, Facit $240.00, $110.00

81 (122) 35ore on 32ore, used, VF, Scott $120.00, $65.00

72XJ 82 (120) 5kr GPO, og, NH, VF, Scott $1,500.00, $800.00


82,135 (120-1), 5kr GPO, both watermarks, used, nice fresh examples of each stamp, Scott $375.00, $195.00

73A 82,135(120-1) 5kr GPO, both wmks, used, sound and attractive examples of each, Scott $375.00, $175.00  
73B 82v (120v2) 5kr GPO, KjobFnhagen Error, used, VF, Facit $500.00, $290.00  
73BA 82v (120v2) 5kr GPO, Kjobfnhagen Error, used, F/VF, Scott $500.00, $275.00  

86a (87v) 2ore carmine, og, NH/LH, IMPERF PAIR, VF and scarce, Scott $450.00, $230.00


98v (132v2) 7ore Chr. X, Joined Bars on E variety, og, LH, VF, Facit $100.00, $55.00


98v (132v2) 7ore Chr. X, Joined Bars on E variety, used, VF, Facit $32.00, $17.00


73KN Facit 95SX4, se-tenant Paste-up strip of 4, og, NH, $60.00  
73KQ Facit 95SX3,4, Se-ten Strip of 3, NH, VF, Facit $120.00, $55.00  
73KQA Facit 95SX1,2, Se-ten Pairs, NH, VF, Facit $80.00, $36.00  
74SA Chr. X Se-Tenant pairs, Facit 132SX2, 136SX2, 137SX2, 138SX1, og, hinged, Facit $175.00, $85.00  
74SB Group of 5 diff Se-Ten strips, all used, F/VF+, Facit $175.00, $75.00  
74SC Facit 132,6,7SX, Se-ten Pairs, NH, VF, Facit $120.00, $55.00  

74SU Facit 138SX4, se-tenant Paste-up strip of 3, og, XLH, $24.00  
74W 97/120, Chr. X set of lower values complete except for #’s 107, 117, og, NH, F/VF to VF, Facit $675.00, $285.00  
74WB 98v (132-v2) 7ore Chr. X, Pair showing “E” in Ore variety at right stamp, Nh, VF, Facit $240.00, $120.00  
74WT 104v (139v) 20ore brown Chr X “Hook on E” variety, used, VF, Facit $250.00, $125.00  
74WV 105v (139v) 20ore Chr. X, used, HOOK ON E variety, VF, Facit $240.00, $130.00  
74X 107, 25ore Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $255.00, $125.00
74Y 107 (141) 25ore Chr.X, og, XLH, VF, Scott $85.00, $46.00  

110 (144) 27ore Chr. X, used, VF, Scott $50.00, $27.00

75BG 110 (144) 27ore Chr. X, Margin Block of 4, og, XLH, XF, Scott $120.00+, $75.00  
75C 111 (145) 30ore Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $115.00, $58.00  
75J 114 (148) 35ore orange, og, NH, VF, Scott $87.00, $44.00  
75K 115 (149) 35ore Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $17.00  
75L 117 (150b) 40ore gray blue and black shade, og, NH, F/VF+, Scott $112.00, $45.00  
76M 119 (152) 40ore Chr. X, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit $475.00+, $170.00  
76Q 120 (153) 50re Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $120.00, $60.00  
76Z 121 (154) 50ore Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $225.00, $125.00  
77 121 (154) 50ore Chr. X, og, NH w/a few offset specks, VF, Facit $210.00, $85.00  
77A 121 (154) 50ore Chr. X, og, LH, VF, Scott $75.00, $40.00  

122a (155a) 50ore Chr. X, Plate No. single, og, NH, XF, $150.00

77AG 122a (155a) 50ore olive gray shade, NH, VF, Scott $225.00, $115.00  

123 (156a) 60aur brown/blue, Chr. X, og, LH, VF, Scott $60.00, $30.00

77AP 123a (156b) 60ore brown & ultramarine shades, og, NH, margin single, Moller cert of block from which this came, VF, Scott $750.00, $400.00  
77APA 123a (156b) 60ore Chr. X, scarce brown and ultramarine shade, og, NH, VF, Kaiser certificate, Scott $750.00, $390.00  
77APB 123a (156b) 60ore Chr. X, brown & ultramarine shade, og, NH, VF, Scott $750.00, $390.00  
77AQ 123a (156b) 60ore brown and ultramarine shade, og, LH, VF, Scott $225.00, $105.00  


128 (161), 1kr brown & blue, Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $225.00, $110.00
128 (161), 1kr brown & blue, Chr. X, og, LH, VF, Scott $75.00, $39.00

78L 129 (162) 2kr Chr. X, og, hinged, VF, Scott $67.50, $32.00  

129 (162) 2kr Chr. X, used, VF, Scott $15.00, $8.00

80 131 (164) 10kr Chr. X, og, LH, VF, Scott $325.00, $160.00  
80A 131 (164) 10kr Chr. X, used, VF, Scott $65.00, $35.00  
80X 132-4 (165-7) 1kr – 5kr Chr. X set, og, hinged, VF, Scott $260.00, $130.00



132 (165), 1kr yellow brown, Chr. X, og, NH, XF, Scott $340.00, $175.00
132 (165), 1kr yellow brown, Chr. X, og, LH, XF, Scott $95.00, $45.00





133 (166) 2kr gray, Chr. X, og, NH, Fine, Scott $540.00, $195.00
133 (166) 2kr gray, Chr. X, og, XLH, Fine+, Scott $150.00, $75.00
82F 134v (167b) 5kr Chr. X, scarce deep red violet shade, og, NH, F/VF, Nielsen certificate, Facit $900.00, $420.00  
82G 134v (167a,b) 5kr Deep Red Violet shade, Block of 4 used, normal violet shade at right, scarce and VF, Facit 2320kr+, $115.00  

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