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Net Price List |
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163WL |
B2-4 (162-4) Complete semi-postal set, used w/proper cancels, VF, Scott $76.50, $39.00 |
163WN |
B5-7 (168-70) Complete semi-postal set, og, NH, VF, Scott $42.50, $24.00 |
163WNA |
B5-7 (168-70) Complete semi-postal set, used, VF, Scott $60.00, $32.00 |
163WV |
B8 (173) 1+4m semi-postal, Block of 4, NH, VF, Scott for singles $80.00+, $45.00 |
163WW |
B8 (173) 1+4mk semi-postal Quarter sheet of 25 w/plate no., NH except 2 stamps LH, VF, Scott for singles $500.00+, $190.00 |
163WZ |
B8 (173) 1 + 4m semi-postal, used w/town cancel, VF, Scott $45.00, $25.00 |
163X |
B9-11 (177-9) Semi-postal set complete, used w/proper town cancels, VF, Scott $50.50, $27.00 |
163XB |
B10v (178v), "Cloud Covering Dome"
variety as center stamp in Block of 9, og, NH, VF, $28.00 |
163Y |
B12-14 (185-7) Semi-postal set complete, used, VF, Scott $29.25, $16.00 |
163Z |
B24-6 (203-6) Ships, semi-postal set, og, NH, VF, Scott $47.50, $29.00 |
164D |
B31-3 (212-14) Ski semi-postal set, used, VF, Scott $39.00, $21.00 |
166BA |
C1 (165) 10mk Zeppelin, og, VLH, VF, Scott $140.00, $74.00 |
166C |
C1 (165) 10mk Zeppelin, used, VF, Scott $290.00, $150.00 |
166F |
C3 (388) 300mk Airmail,
og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $13.00 |
166G |
C4 (492) 300m Airmail,
og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $23.00 |
167GG |
3m Airmail, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $19.00 |
167GH |
C9a, 3m Airmail, type I, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, light natural bend lower margin, VF, Scott for singles $160.00, $75.00 |
169 |
M8 (F8), 1963 Military
Stamp, only 50,000 produced, og, NH, XF, Facit $80.00, $44.00 |
169A |
M8 (F8) 1963 Military Stamp, Plate Number single, og, NH, VF, Facit $80.00++, $50.00 |
169B |
M8 (F8) 1963 Military
Stamp in Block of 4, (each soldier received just 5 stamps usually a block
and single), og, NH, VF, Facit $320.00+, $180.00 |
169C |
M8 (F8) 1963 Military Stamp on small piece, proper use and scarcer, VF, Facit $80.00+, $44.00 |
169D |
M8 (F8) 1963 Military stamp, used, VF, Facit $80.00, $42.00 |
171M |
Q1 (HB1) 1mk Parcel Post, Complete BOOKLET of 60 stamps, used, VF, Scott $210.00, $75.00 |
171S |
Q6-9 (BF6-9), Parcel Post
set complete, og, NH, VF, Scott $118.75, $69.00 |
171SM |
Parcel Document with 3 high value Parcel Post Stamps (Q7-9) tied, VF, stamps alone cat $66.00 |
171T |
Q9 (BF9) 100mk Parcel Post high val in set, Block of 4, og, NH, VF Scott $200.00, $95.00 |
171U |
Q5 (HB5) 100mk Parcel Post, Booklet Pane of 6, og, NH, VF, Facit 1200kr, $50.00 |
171X |
Q14-17 (BF14-17) Complete set Booklet Panes of 5, NH, VF, Scott $86.00+, $45.00 |

172DNA |
1901, Finland Mourning
stamp, og, NH, VF, $9.00 |
172DNB |
1901 Finland Mourning Stamp, Block of 4, NH, VF, $29.00 |
172DNC |
1901, Finland Mourning
Stamp, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, rare, $375.00 |
172DS |
1983-85 Special Year pack, only 103 sold, the rest destroyed, VF, $65.00
172DT |
1972, Group of 4 diff Test Stamps, no gum, VF, $15.00 |
172DU |
1952 Test Stamp,
Snellman, og, NH, VF, $14.00 |
172DV |
1952 Test Stamp,
Snellman, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $48.00 |
172EA |
1941 Christmas Seal
IMPERFORATE Sheet of 50, NH, VF, very scarce, cat $600.00, $195.00 |
172EC |
1943 Christmas Seal
IMPERFORATE Sheet of 50, NH, VF, cat $500.00, $175.00 |
172EF |
1946 Christmas Seal
IMPERFORATE Sheet of 50, NH, VF, cat $500.00, $175.00 |