Pakke Porto (Q1-Q11)
Net Price List |
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195H |
Q1 (P4) 1ore
Pakke Porto, Block of 4, used w/socked-on-nose purple crown oval cancel,
Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $180.00+, $110.00 |
196AC |
Q2 (P5) 2ore Pakke Porto, og, LH, VF/XF, Scott $300.00, $165.00 |
196AM |
Q2 (P5) 2ore Pakke Porto, used, VF, Scott $110.00, $59.00 |
196Z |
Q3 (P6I) 5ore Pakke Porto, 3rd printing, Block of 4, og, NH, VF+, Facit for singles $1,900.00+, $900.00 |
197 |
Q3 (P6) 5ore Pakke Porto, og, NH, VF, Facit $500.00, $250.00 |
197A |
Q3, 5ore Pakke Porto,
First Printing (Facit P6I), og, LH, VF, Facit $600.00, $310.00 |
197B |
Q3 (P6) 5ore, used Block of 4 with blue Gronlands Styrelse oval cancel, nice showpiece and scarce, Facit for singles $575.00, $290.00 |
197BA |
Q3 (P6) 5ore Pakke Porto, used w/Greenland Oval cancel, VF, Scott $120.00, $68.00 |
197BF |
Q3(P6) 5ore Pakke Porto, used w/purple oval
cancel, VF, Facit $145.00, $70.00 |
197BG |
Q3 (P6) 5ore
Pakke Porto, Block of 4, used w/blue crown oval cancels, Gronlund
certificate, F/VF, Facit for singles $575.00, $290.00 |
198KA |
Q3a (P2B), 5ore brown, 1905 issue p.12½,
perf 3 sides, og, NH, Rare, Facit $1,700.00, $895.00 |

198L |
Q3a (P2) 5ore
Pakke Porto, perf 12 ½ 3 sides as issued, og, LH, XF, Scott $600.00+, $350.00 |
198N |
Q3a (P2B) 5ore Pakke Porto, 1905 issue, p. 12 ½ tied on small piece by purple oval cancel, VF, Scott $650.00, $340.00 |
198P |
Q3a (P2B,C)
5ore Pakke Porto, pr. II, Block of 4, used w/Kolonien Christianshaab franked
town cancels, incl. pair p. 4 sides and pair perf 3 sides, Gronlund
certificate, VF, Scott for singles $2,600.00, $1,750.00 |
198PF |
Q4 (P13)
10ore Pakke Porto, Schultz issue, Block of 4, used w/socked-on-nose purple
crown oval cancel, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $240.00+,
$150.00 |
199D |
Q4a (P3)
10ore Pakke Porto, 1905, perf 3 sides, og, LH, Scott $750.00, $425.00 |
199E |
Q4a (P3) 10ore Pakke Porto, p. 12 ½ 3 sides, og, LH, XF, Facit $850.00, $450.00 |
199G |
Q4a (P3B) 10ore Pakke Porto, 1905 issue p. 12 ½ on 3 sides, og, LH, few nibbed perfs otherwise VF, Scott $750.00, $275.00 |
199H |
Q4a (P3) 10ore Pakke Porto, p. 12 ½ , og, LH, very light stain top margin, scarce stamp w/nice centering, Pollak certificate, Scott $750.00, $250.00 |
201E |
Q4a (P3B) 10ore Pakke
Porto, p. 12 ½ , officially reperforated at right, used, VF, Facit $800.00,
$425.00 |
201MA |
Q4b (P7)
10ore Pakke Porto, Block of 4, used w/blue crown oval cancels, Gronlund
certificate, VF, Scott for singles $220.00+, $130.00 |
201MB |
Q4b (P7) 10ore Pakke Porto, used, VF, Scott $55.00, $29.00 |
201N |
Q4b, Q8a (P7,P11) 10ore
+ 1kr tied on small piece by oval Gronlands Styrelse cancel, VF, $120.00 |
201X |
Q5 (P8B) 15ore Pakke Porto, 1st pr., perf 3 sides, og, NH, XF, Facit $1,150.00+, $630.00 |
201Y |
Q5 (P8II) 15ore Pakke Porto, 2nd pr, Thick Paper, og, NH w/part toning, VF, Facit $1,025.00, $495.00 |
201Z |
(P8C2), 15ore Pakke Porto, Officially Reperforated at top, og, hinged, fresh
and attractive example, VF, Facit $325.00, $210.00 |
201ZB |
Q5v (P8v1) 15ore Pakke Porto “Ball by Bear’s Paw” variety, og, hinged, VF, Facit $360.00, $195.00 |
201ZL |
Q5 (P8III), 15ore violet, used, VF, Scott
$225.00, $120.00 |
202 |
Q5 (P8C2) 15ore Pakke Porto, officially reperfed at top, used, VF, Facit $285.00, $155.00 |
202A |
Q5 (P8III)
15ore Pakke Porto, pr. III, Corner Block of 4, used w/purple crown oval
cancels, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $900.00++, $530.00 |
202B |
Q5v (P8B) 15ore Pakke
Porto, perf 3 sides (only 1800), used w/purple st. line cancels, short perf
otherwise VF, Facit $300.00, $120.00 |
202L |
Q6 (P9II) 20ore Pakke Porto, 2nd pr., Thick Paper, og, NH, VF/XF, Facit $840.00, $425.00 |
202M |
Q6 (P9II) 20ore Pakke Porto, Thick Paper 2nd pr., og, VLH, VF, Facit $205.00, $115.00 |
202N |
Q6,7 (P14,15) 20ore & 70ore Pakke Porto, og, NH, VF, Scott $115.50, $58.00 |
202NO |
Q6v (P9C3) 20ore Pakke Porto, scarce perf 2 sides, LH light hinge thin, Facit 2500kr, $89.00 |
202PAB |
Q6 (P9) 20ore Pakke Porto, used w/Greenland UDSTEDET IGDLORSSUIT town cancel, VF, $45.00 |
202PAC |
Q6 (P9) 20ore Pakke Porto, used w/Greenland UDSTEDET PROVEN town cancel, VF, $39.00 |
202PAD |
(P9) 20ore Pakke Porto, used pair w/Anlaeget PROVEN Greenland town cancel,
VF, $45.00 |
202PAE |
(P9) 20ore Pakke Porto, used pair w/Kolonien JACOBSHAVN Greenland town
cancel, VF, $55.00 |
202PF |
Q6 (P9) 20ore Pakke Porto Pair, used w/full oval Gronlands Styrelse cancel, VF, $60.00 |
202PG |
(P9) 20ore Pakke Porto, used Block of 4 w/Kolonien RITENBENK Greenland town
cancel, also LR stamp w/bump on 2 variety, VF, $95.00 |
202PM |
Q6 (P9C2) 20ore Pakke Porto, officially reperforated at left, used, tiny thin, Wowern certificate, Facit $195.00, $70.00 |
202PQ |
Group of 7 diff AVANE cancels on 20ore Pakke Portos (Q6), incl. #'s 7, 16, 24, 28, 29, 31 and 33, VF,$140.00
202QD |
Q6a (P14)
20ore Pakke Porto, Schultz issue, Margin Block of 4, used w/purple oval
cancel, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $190.00+, $105.00 |
204QF |
Q7 (P15) 70or3e Pakke Porto Pair, used w/full oval Gronlands Styrelse cancel, VF, Scott $280.00+, $150.00 |
204QG |
Q7 (P15)
70ore Pakke Porto, Margin Block of 4, used w/socked-on-nose purple crown
oval cancel, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $560.00, $300.00 |
205AA |
Q7a (P10) 70ore Pakke Porto, og, NH, rich color, VF, Facit $725.00, $395.00 |
205AB |
Q7a (P10)
70ore Pakke Porto, og, NH, VF, Facit $780.00, $395.00 |
205AC |
Q7a (P10) 70ore Pakke
Porto, og, XLH, VF, Scott $225.00, $115.00 |
205AD |
Q7a (P10) 70ore Pakke Porto, og, LH, XF, Scott $225.00, $120.00 |
205AH |
Q7a (P10)
70ore Pakke Porto, Block of 4, used, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for
singles $800.00+, $440.00 |
205Q |
Q8 (P16) 1kr Pakke Porto, Schultze issue, og, Nh, XF, $39.00 |
205RC |
Q8 (P16) 1kr
Pakke Porto, Schultz issue, Margin Block of 4, used w/socked-on-nose purple
crown oval cancel, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $400.00+,
$240.00 |
205S |
Q8a (P11) 1kr
Pakke Porto, og, NH, VF, Facit $95.00, $55.00 |
206EA |
Q8a (P11) 1kr,
used w/scarce MARMORILIK town cancel, VF, $70.00 |
206EC |
Q8a (P11) 1kr, used w/oval
Greenland cancel, F/VF, Scott $55.00, $28.00 |
206HF |
Q9 (P12) 3kr Pakke Porto, og, NH, XF, Scott $363.00, $190.00 |
206HK |
Q9 (P12) 3kr
Pakke Porto, Block of 4, used w/socked-on-nose crown oval cancel, Gronlund
certificate, VF, Scott for singles $640.00+, $360.00 |
207K |
Q10 (P17) 70ore Pakke Porto, og, NH, VF, Scott $63.00, $39.00 |
207SM |
Q10 (P17a)
70ore Pakke Porto, violet shade, Block of 4, used w/socked-on-nose crown
oval cancel, Gronlund certificate, VF, Scott for singles $600.00, Facit
$675.00+, $360.00 |
207V |
Q10v (P17b)
70ore Pakke Porto, scarce red violet shade, Corner Block of 4, used w/black
crown oval cancels, Gronlund certificate, VF, Facit for singles $1,200.00,
$640.00 |
208DG |
5ore Pakke Porto, Black Print, privately made imperforate Cinderella - this denomination was never issued, NH, only 100 made, $45.00 |
208DE |
3ore & 5kr Pakke Porto Blackprints, privately made Imperforate cinderellas – these denominations never issued, VF, only 100 of each made, VF, $75.00 |
208DF |
3ore Pakke Porto Blackprint, privately made imperforate Cinderella – this
denomination was never issued, NH, only 100 made, $45.00 |
208DG |
5kr Pakke Porto, Black
Print, privately made imperforate Cinderella – this denomination was never
issued, NH, only 100 made, $45.00 |
208M |
Greenland Savings Book
containing 36 20ore Pakke Porto all tied by town cancel Kolonien Jacobshavn,
VF, $350.00 |
208Q |
Greenland Savings Book
w/orange cover containing 1kr (7) and 25ore (6) SPAREMAERKE stamps tied
Ikersak, a much scarcer usage than Pakke Portos, VF, $525.00 |
208R |
Greenland Savings Book
w/gray cover containing 1kr (10) and 25ore (9) SPAREMAERKE stamps tied
Tasiussak, scarcer than Pakke Porto usage, VF, $575.00 |
208S |
Greenland Savings Book
w/green cover containing 1kr (109) SPAREMAERKER stamps w/Kolonien Godhavn st.
line cancel, rare and VF, $750.00 |