1931 to DATE
Net Price List |
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272B |
170-5 (194-9) Complete Waterfall set, og, NH, VF, Scott $460.00, $265.00 |
272BA |
170-5 (194-9)
Complete Waterfalls set, og, LH, VF, Scott $162.50, $89.00 |
272BBA |
170v (194C2R) 5aur Waterfall, vending machine coil variety, og, NH, VF, Facit $110.00, $65.00 |
272BC |
170-5 (194-9) Complete Waterfall set, used, VF, Scott $52.60, $29.00 |
272BG |
172v (196v1) 35aur, Slot Machine Pair, og,
NH, VF, Facit $72.00, $37.00 |
272C |
175 (199) 75aur Waterfalls, hi val in set, og, NH, VF, Scott $270.00, $145.00 |
272CA |
175 (199) 75aur
Waterfalls, og, NH, VF, high value in set, Nielsen cert, Facit $312.00,
$165.00 |
272CP |
176-87 (145, 147-57)
Complete Chr. X Redrawn set, og, NH except 10kr VLH, quite scarce in this
condition, F/VF to VF, Facit $3,795.00, $1,750.00 |
272CX |
(151) 10aur Chr. X, wmk crosses, og, NH, F/VF, Facit $600.00, $290.00 |
272D |
181 (151) 10aur Chr. X,
og, XLH, XF+, Scott $140.00, $75.00 |
272DAL |
(153) 30aur Chr. X, wmk crosses, og, NH, VF, Facit $140.00, $75.00 |
272DAM |
184 (154)
40aur Chr. X Plate No. single, og, NH, Nielsen certificate, Facit $1,175.00,
$595.00 |
272DAN |
(154) 40aur Chr. X., wmk crosses, og, NH, XF, Facit $1,056.00, $595.00 |
272DB |
184 (139) 40aur Chr. X, og, LH, VF, Scott $240.00, $125.00 |
272DBA |
184 (139) 40aur claret
Chr. X, og, LH, thin speck, Scott $240.00, $60.00 |
272DCX |
(156) 2kr Chr. X, wmk crosses, og, NH, XF, Scott $1,056.00, $595.00 |
272DCZ |
186 (156) 2kr Chr X, used, VF, Scott $80.00, $44.00 |
272DH |
187 (157) 10kr Chr. X, og, LH, VF, Scott
$250.00, $140.00 |
272KK |
193-4, Complete set of
2, og, NH, VF, Scott $220.00, $120.00 |
272KKA |
193-4 (210-11) 10aur + 1kr Complete set, og, LH, VF, Scott $66.50, $36.00 |
272LJ |
203a (227v1) 15aur
Geysir, IMPERFORATE Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Major Rarity – only 100 stamps
printed, Gronlund certificate, Scott $3,200.00+, $1,950.00 |

272LK |
204, 208PR, Magnificent GEYSIR COLOR PROOF set of 30 from printer archives, including 50ore in 12 colors and 20ore in 18 colors, colors are intense and gorgeous/unusual, each proof is numbered and printed on gummed stamp paper, only 2 complete sets of this were made, a rare offering that would make any exhibit shine, $8,900.00 |
272LN |
206, 40aur Geysir, Part sheet of 30, NH, Scott as singles $1,092.00, $350.00 |
272LR |
209-11 (237-9) University set, used, VF, Scott $48.00, $26.00 |
272LT |
212 (216) 5 on 35aur
Ovpt, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $200.00, $65.00 |
272LWC |
212v (216v3) 5aur on
35aur Ovpt, “55” variety w/ovpt just covering the 3 of 35, LH, F/VF, Facit
$60.00, $38.00 |
272LX |
212v (216v3) 5aur
on 35aur Ovpt, "55" variety with Ovpt just covering the 3 of 35, used, Facit
$58.00, $30.00 |
272MA |
213-16 (252-5) Complete World's Fair set in Corner Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $440.00, $190.00 |
272MC |
213-16 (252-5) World’s
Fair set complete, og, LH, VF, Scott $64.25, $35.00 |
274C |
218av (241C1) 3aur Fish, Sheet of 100 with scarcer comb perf 14,13 ½, H, VF, Facit $675.00, $175.00 |
274Z |
221 (245) 10aur green
Fish, p. 14, Block of 10, og, NH, VF, Scott $1,155.00, $375.00 |

275A |
221, 221b (245B&A), 10aur Fish, og,
NH, VF, perf 14 $65.00; perf 14x13 1/2 $110.00 |
275AD |
224 (248) 25aur Fish, p.
14, Corner Margin Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $382,
$180.00 |
275AJ |
224b (248C1) 25aur
Fish, p. 14 x 13 ½ , og, NH, VF, Scott $190.00, $105.00 |
275AK |
225v (249,v1) 25aur Fish, Complete sheet of 100 incl. Re-entry (pos 76), NH, VF, Facit $485.00, $175.00 |
275AKA |
225v (249,v1) 25aur Fish, Complete sheet of 100 incl. Re-entries in 4 positions (40,61,69,76), a few perf seps, NH, VF, Facit $600.00, $220.00 |
275AM |
225v, 25aur Fish, Block
of 4 showing re-entry variety, pos. 69, lr corner (Facit 249v2), VF, Facit
$62.00, $32.00 |
275AQ |
(251) 50aur Fish, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit $205.00,
$110.00 |
275BAB |
229a-31a (263-4,80) Viking set, perf 11 ½ in corner blocks of 6 with Plate Nos., on 2kr and 10kr, og, NH, VF, Scott for singles $960.00, $475.00 |
275BAC |
231a (280) 10kr Viking, p. 11 ½ , Inscription Block of 8, og, NH, VF, Scott $312.00, $150.00 |
275BD |
229a-31a(263-4,80) Viking set, p.11½, Margin Blocks of 6, used, VF, Scott
for singles $294.90, $155.00 |
275BM |
231 (262) 10kr Viking,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,950.00, $610.00 |
275BP |
231a (280) 10kr Statue, p. 11 ½ , Complete sheet of 50, NH, VF, scarce, Scott $1,959.00, $625.00 |
275C |
232-5 (256-9), Worlds Fair "1940" Ovpt,
complete set og, NH, VF, Scott $240.00, $150.00 |
275CAE |
232-5 (256-9),
Worlds Fair "1940" Ovpt, complete set, used, Scott $597.50, $330.00 |

275CB |
232-5(256-9), Complete set World’s Fair w/1940 Ovpt, Corner Margin USED
Blocks of 4 w/Hafnarfjordur cds, very scarce, terrific for exhibit, Scott as
singles $2,390.00, $1,175.00 |
275CC |
236v (217v)
“Surcharge above 3” variety, used, VF, normal included for comparison, Facit
$180.00, $105.00 |
275CG |
240-5(268-73) Republic set, og, NH, VF, Scott $95.00, $57.00 |
275CGA |
240-5 (268-73)
Republic, Complete set, og, LH, VF, Scott $39.85, $23.00 |
275CJ |
246-52 (281-7) Hekla
Volcano, Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $85.25, $50.00 |
275CJA |
246-52 (281-7) Hekla set
complete in Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $341.00, $235.00 |
275CK |
246-52 (281-7) Hekla
Volcano, Complete set, og, LH, VF, Scott $40.00, $22.00 |
275CL |
249, 50aur Hekla in Sheet of 50, NH, VF, Scott $125.00, $45.00 |
275CM |
249v, 50aur Hekla,
Reddish Brown shade, og, NH, VF, normal shade at right included, VF, Facit
$125.00, $70.00 |
275CQ |
Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $141.90, $85.00 |
275CZA |
271 (309v) 2kr blue on
Printers Waste w/normal at right, quite unusual, VF, $75.00 |

275D |
273 (311), 25kr Parliament Building, og, NH, VF, Scott
$200.00, $115.00 |
275DA |
273 (311), 25kr
Parliament Building, og, LH, VF, Scott $85.00, $47.00 |
275DC |
274-7 (315-18) President
Bjornsson, Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $72.60, $46.00 |
275DE |
278-82, Manuscript set, Blocks of 6, NH, VF, Scott $264.30, $79.00 |
275DY |
283 (326) 5aur on 35aur
Volcano, Strip of 5 w/Ovpt offset on reverse of 4 of the stamps, og, NH, VF,
$65.00 |
275DZ |
283v (326v1) 5aur on
35aur Volcano, Pair w/3 bar variety at left, og, NH, VF, $30.00 |

275DZA |
283v (326v1) 5aur Surcharge, 3 BAR variety, og, NH, VF, Facit $30.00, $17.00 |
275DZC |
283 (326v1) 5a on 35a Hekla Complete sheet incl. 3BAR variety, NH, VF, $29.00 |
275EA |
283a (326v2) 5aur on 35aur Volcano, Strip of 3 w/BARS MISSING on center stamp (pos. 28), og, Nh, VF, Scott $225.00, $135.00 |

275EB |
283a (326v2) 5/35aur Ovpt, Complete sheet of 50 showing BARS MISSING variety (pos. 28), og, NH, VF, Facit $225.00, $125.00 |
275EC |
(326v3) 5aur on 35aur, HAND STAMPED SURCHARGE, og, NH, VF, Gronlund
certificate, Facit $450.00, $310.00 |
275HW |
305 (353) 25K Residence,
og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $18.00 |
275HX |
305 (353) 25kr
Residence, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $100.00, $48.00 |
275P |
335, 355 (364v, 383v, 408v) Group of 3 listed varieties, all VF, Facit
$40.00, $30.00 |
275U |
325-6, Complete Outlaw st in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $55.00, $21.00 |
275W |
328 (378v1) 5.50kr
Europa, Pair w/Color Spot in Wheel variety at right, og, NH, VF, $16.00 |
275X |
328 (378v1) 5.50kr
Europa, “Color Spot in Wheel” variety, used, VF, Facit $24.00, $14.00 |
275XC |
329-332, Complete Flower set in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $67.50, $25.00 |
275XH |
335v (383v) 50aur red, Plate No. Block w/pos. 90 showing “Line through D” variety, NH, VF, $7.00 |
275XM |
338-9, 2.50k + 4.50k Complete set in Sheets of 50, H, VF, Scott $80.00, $29.00 |
275XN |
341 (390v)
1kr University “Bug on Collar” variety, used, VF, $7.00 |
275XP |
353 (406v) 5.50kr
Museum, “Dot Between A & S” variety, og, upperf left in Block of 4, NH, VF, $14.00 |
276B |
355 (408v) 7.50kr
Hunger, “Red Spot on Shoulder” variety at LL in corner margin block of 4, og, NH, VF, $17.00 |
276D |
362, 25kr Coat of Arms Sheet of 25, NH, VF, Scott $75.00, $27.00 |
276DA |
362 (417v) 25kr
Republic, “White Spot on Coat” variety, og, NH, VF, Facit $24.00, $14.00 |
276DM |
363-6, Complete Flower set in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $60.00, $24.00 |
276DP |
369 (424v) 10kr Runner
“Bow on Left Shoe” variety, used, VF, Facit $24.00, $14.00 |
276E |
378-9 (435-6) 50kr and
100kr high values in corner margin Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Facit $86.40,
$45.00 |
276EA |
378-9, Complete Eagle & Costume set in Sheets of 25, NH, VF, scarcer, Scott as singles $537.50, $175.00 |
276EM |
398-9, Complete Swans set in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $492.50, $169.00 |
276EQ |
404-5, Complete Ancient Ships set in Sheets of 50 of Plate #'s 1,2,4, NH, VF, 6 total sheets, Scott $195.00, $69.00 |
276ER |
404-5, Complete Ancient Ships sets in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $65.00, $24.00 |
276G |
430v (491v), 7kr
Postgiro COLOR ERROR (yellow versus normal green shown at right), og, NH,
listed in Icelandic catalog, VF, $45.00; block of 4, $150.00
276GC |
433-4, Complete set in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $362.50, $120.00 |
276GM |
438, 250kr IMPERF PROOF
margin single in dark blue, signed Pollak, VF, $120.00 |
276GV |
453 (514v3) 80kr Stamp
on Stamp, vertical pair w/Empty Appendage Above variety, og, NH, VF,
$25.00 |
276GVD |
454-5, Complete Nordic issue, Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $92.50, $29.00 |
276GWA |
457v (518v) 15kr
President, Block of 4 with INVERTED WMK, og, NH, VF, Facit $90.00,
$45.00 |
276GYF |
629 (692v) 12kr
Reykjavik, PERF FREAK, og, NH, VF, (normal shown at right), $24.00 |
276H |
681, 715, 740, Presentation Portfolio of 3
diff "Map" souvenir sheets, og, NH, VF, Scott $38.50, $20.00 |
276J |
960av, 100kr Souvenir Sheet with GOLD Foil, og, NH, VF, normal at right, Scott $103.50, $65.00 |