Prir - I GILDI (#31-68)
Net Price List |
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229M |
31(35) 3Prir (large)
Strip of 4 tied on small piece, scarce and VF Exhibition item, $1,800.00 |

230 |
31a (33), 3 Prir (Large) perf. 14x13 1/2, beautiful HRAUNGERDI cancel,
signed plus Pollak certificate, Very Rare, Scott retail $4,200.00,
$2,100.00 |
230A |
31a (33) 3Prir (Large), p. 14 x 13 ½, beautiful HRAUNGERDI cancel, Nielsen & Gronlund certificates, VF+, Facit $4,200.00, $2,250.00 |
230B |
31a (33) 3Prir (Large), p. 14 x 13 ½ , used w/light cancel, XF, Pollak certificate, Scott $3,900.00, $2,000.00 |
230C |
31a (33) Prir 3 (large), used, VF, Nielsen certificate, Scott $3,900.00, $2,000.00 |
231A |
32 (34) 3Prir (small), STRIP OF 5 tied
on small piece w/ Reykjavik cancel, couple insignif toning spots, a rare
multiple and exhibition piece, certificate, Scott retail for single stamps
is $2,875.00++, $1,500.00 |
231C |
32, Prir 3 on 5aur, pair
used on small piece, VF, Gronlund and Pollak certificates, Scott $1,150.00,
$630.00 |
231D |
32v (34v2) Prir 3 (small), DOUBLE OVPT, used, extremely Rare, listed but unpriced in Facit, Gronlund certificate, $2,750.00 |
231X |
32b(32) 3Prir(small),
p.14x13½, used, F/VF, Nielsen certificate, rare stamp, Scott $2,250.00,
$1,175.00 |
233AB |
33 (37), Prir (large) Ovpt, p.13, used, VF,
Scott $750.00, $440.00 |
234F |
33A, Prir (small) ovpt,
og, LH, VF, Scott $1,100.00, $590.00 |

235W |
34-44B (63-75), Chr. IX Blocks of 4, og, NH, Complete Set, all are corner
margin blocks except 4,5,6aur, very fresh and scarce multiples, Facit
$3,700.00, $1,800.00 |
235X |
34-44B(63-75) Complete Chr IX Set, used, VF, Scott $402.20, $195.00 |
235Y |
(64v) 4aur Chr. IX, used w/AUP variety, VF, Facit $144.00, $75.00 |
235YZ |
36 (65) 5aur Chr. IX, og, NH, VF, Facit $145.00, $78.00 |
236P |
39 (68) 16aur Chr. IX,
Block of 4, og, 3NH/1H, XF, Facit $80.00, $42.00 |
237F |
42 (71) 40aur Chr. IX,
Complete sheet of 100, og, NH w/a few natural gum wrinkles, VF, Facit
$1,350.00, $425.00 |
238C |
(74) 2kr Chr IX, og, NH, VF, Facit $81.00, $40.00 |

238F |
44B (75), 5kr
Chr. IX, og, NH, VF, Facit $396.00, $175.00 |
238FA |
44B (75) 5kr Chr. I, hi val in set, og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Facit 3300kr, $135.00 |
238H |
44B (75) 5kr Chr. IX,
used, VF, Scott $240.00, $120.00 |
238L |
45v/52v (51v4) 5aur I GILDI Block of 4 – top pair w/RED ovpt, bottom air w/BLACK ovpt, og, NH, VF, Rare Showpiece,, Gronlund certificate, Facit $3,900.00, $2,500.00 |
238M |
45e (51v2) 5aur I GILDI Pair – one stamp without Red Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,375.00, $795.00 |
238N |
45v/52v (51v4) 5aur
green I GILDI OVPT PAIR – one w/RED and one w/BLACK Ovpt, og, NH, VF,
Nielsen certificate, Facit $2,250.00, $1,290.00 |
240C |
49 (48), 3aur I GILDI, perf 13, og, sensibly reinforced Block of 4, tiny
thin LR stamp but a very fresh and scarce multiple, Facit $960.00,
$365.00 |
240D |
49 (48) 3aur I GILDI, og, hinged, VF, Scott $240.00, $125.00 |
241AP |
50b (49v1) 3aur INVERTED
I GILDI Ovpt on margin Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Facit for singles $720.00,
$375.00 |
241AV |
51 (50) 4aur I GILDI, og, NH, XF, $84.00 |
241AX |
51, 4aur I GILDI
INVERTED WMK, og, NH, VF, $60.00 |
241AY |
51 (50) 4aur I GILDI, Inverted Watermark, og, LH, VF, Facit $60.00, $34.00 |
241AZ |
51, 93-4, 3 diff used with INVERTED WMKS, Scott for normal $87.50+, $45.00 |
241E |
52 (51)
5aur I GILDI, og, NH, F/VF, Facit $840.00, $450.00 |
241EA |
(51v) 5aur green w/I GILDI BLIND PRINT (impressions but no ink), og, NH, VF,
Svendsen certificate, Facit for normal $770.00, $360.00 |
241F |
52a (51v1), 5aur I GILDI, NH pair, INVERTED OVPT, og Moller
certificate, Facit $1,960.00, $950.00 |
243NF |
55 (54) 16aur I GILDI Ovpt pair, used w/town cancel, VF, Scott $80.00+, $40.00 |
244B |
58v, (57v3) 40aur I GILDI,
INVERTED WMK, og, NH, VF, Facit $300.00 for hinged, VF, $175.00 |
246 |
(46A) 16aur brown I GILDI, p. 14 x 13 ½ with RED Ovpt, og, LH, RARE, Gronlund certificate, Facit $7,800.00, $4,500.00 |
247 |
62 (47) 20aur blue w/red I GILDI Ovpt, og, LH, RARE, Friedl/Bloch certificate, $4,900.00 |
248 |
62 (47c) 20aur gray blue, p. 14 x 13 ½ , Red I GILDI Ovpt, og, LH, VF, Rare, Eldrup certificate, Facit $6,600.00, $4,250.00 |
250J |
65 (40) 16aur I GILDI Ovpt, og, hinged, F/VF, Gronlund certificate, Scott $1,500.00, $725.00 |
250M |
66v (42v4), 40aur I GILDI strip of 3,
used, INVERTED WMK, unusual item and scarce, Facit as singles $648.00,
$310.00 |
250XL |
67 (43) 50aur I GILDI,
Strip of 5, used, VF, scarce multiple, Scott as singles $700.00+, $340.00 |
250YA |
68a (44v1) 100aur
INVERTED I GILDI Ovpt Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,380.00+, $675.00 |
250YB |
68a (44v1) 100aur I GILDI INVERTED OVPT, og, NH, VF, Facit $575.00, $310.00 |
250YC |
68a (44v1) 100aur
INVERTED I GILDI Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Facit $460.00, $250.00 |