O1 |
Agriculture, fresh og, LH, Scott $300.00, $160.00 |
O1 |
1¢ Agriculture, og, heavy hinge, rich
color and VF, Scott $300.00, $150.00 |
O2 |
2¢ Agriculture, og, hinge rem and
pencil mark on back, VF centering, Scott $275.00, $135.00 |
O2 |
2¢ Agriculture, fresh og-hinged only once, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $275.00, $110.00 |
O2 |
2¢ Agriculture, og,
hinged, fine and strong color, Scott $275.00, $115.00 |
O2 |
2¢ Agriculture, og, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $275.00, $115.00 |
O3 |
3¢ Agriculture, og, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $225.00, $95.00 |
O3 |
3¢ Agriculture, unused regummed, VF+ centering, $58.00 |
O4S |
6¢ Lincoln Agriculture Dept Red SPECIMEN Ovpt Special printing, no gum as issued, only 373 made, Exceptional centering and rare, $325.00 |
O4 |
6¢ Agriculture, large part og,
perfectly centered, rich color, PSE Cert grade 98J Superb, this being
the highest graded Agricultural issue and one of four Departmental
issues to obtain this grade with none higher, $1,700.00 |
O4 |
6¢ Agriculture, fresh og-hinged only once, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $275.00, $100.00 |
O4 |
6¢ Agriculture, used, VF+, Scott $60.00, $35.00 |
O5 |
10¢ Agriculture, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $525.00, $250.00 |
O5 |
10¢ Agriculture, og,
hinged, large stamp touches at left, scarce, Scott $525.00, $150.00 |
O7 |
15¢ Agriculture, fresh og – hinged only once, hinge rem, tiny perf gum soak, F/VF, Scott $425.00, $165.00 |
O7 |
15¢ Agriculture,
unused no gum, strong color, very nice stamp, Scott for no gum $225.00, $125.00 |
O9 |
30¢ Agriculture,
fresh og, hinged, high value in set, Scott $550.00, $275.00
O9 |
30¢ Agriculture, og, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $550.00, $225.00 |
O10 |
1¢ Executive, og, hinge rem, fresh and
rich color, rare stamp, Miller certificate, Scott $900.00, $520.00 |
O12 |
3¢ Executive,
unused no gum, fresh and F/VF, Scott for no gum $270.00, $145.00 |
O14 |
10¢ Executive, used, very small thin and short perfs but extremely scarce stamp, Scott $1,000.00, $220.00 |
O15 |
1¢ Interior Dept. Official, og, LH, rich color, VF+, $60.00 |
O15 |
1¢ Interior, Block of 4, og, NH,
extremely fresh and nice display item, Miller certificate, Scott $735.00,
$425.00 |
O15-24 |
1¢-90¢ Interior, Complete set, og, hinged, O20 small thin otherwise fresh and F/VF, Scott $1,450.00, $640.00 |
O15-24 |
Complete INTERIOR Official set, used, F/VF, Scott $185.00, $89.00 |
O17 |
3¢ Interior Dept Official, unused no gum, rich color, VF, $25.00 |
O18 |
6¢ Lincoln Interior Dept, unused no gum, rich color and XF, $50.00 |
O18 |
6¢ Interior, og, LH,
fine and rich color, Scott $70.00, $26.00 |
O19 |
10¢ Interior, og, hinged, fresh and F/VF, Scott $70.00, $30.00 |
O21 |
15¢ Interior, og,
hinged, fine and strong color, Scott $200.00, $72.00 |
O22 |
24¢ Interior, og,
hinged, tiny inclusion, F/VF, Scott $180.00, $85.00 |

30¢ Interior, og, LH, Miller certificate, Scott $290.00, $175.00 |
O23 |
30¢ Interior, og, hinged, fresh and F/VF, Scott $290.00, $145.00 |
O23 |
Interior, unused no gum, VF, Scott for no gum $110.00, $65.00 |
O24 |
90¢ Interior, og, hinged, fine and rich color, Scott $325.00, $110.00 |

1¢ Justice, unused regummed, bold color, Scott $250.00, $85.00 |
O25 |
1¢ Justice, og, hinge rem, fresh and Fine, Scott $250.00, $85.00 |
O28 |
Justice, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $310.00, $140.00 |
O28 |
6¢ Justice official, fresh og, LH, F/VF, Scott $310.00, $140.00 |
O29 |
10¢ Justice Official Pair, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $620.00+, $265.00 |
O36 |
2¢ Navy,
og, NH, rich color, F/VF, Scott $350.00, $170.00 |
O36 |
2¢ Navy, og, hinged,
fine and rich color, Scott $160.00, $50.00 |
O42 |
15¢ Navy
Official, fresh og, LH, F/VF, Scott $425.00, $220.00 |
O42 |
15¢ Navy, og, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $425.00, $175.00 |
O45 |
90¢ Navy, og, hinge
rem, perfs just touch at bottom, scarce stamp, Scott $1,050.00,
$340.00 |
O51P4 |
10¢ Post Office Plate Proof on Card, VF, $8.00 |
O55 |
30¢ Post office, og, hinge rem, Fresh and Fine+, Scott $200.00, $72.00 |
O57S-58S |
1¢ & 2¢ State Dept Officials, SPECIMEN Ovpt in Red, no gum as issued, F/VF, Scott $122.50, $59.00 |
O59 |
3¢ State, og, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $220.00, $90.00 |
O60 |
6¢ State, og, NH, rich color and Fine+, Scott $550.00, $185.00 |
O60 |
6¢ Lincoln State Dept Official, unused no gum, rich color, XF, $130.00 |
O60 |
6¢ State Dept, og,
hinge rem, fresh color, nice stamp, Scott $250.00, $135.00 |
O60 |
6¢ State Dept, og,
hinged, F/VF, Scott $250.00, $115.00 |
O60 |
6¢ State, unused regummed, fresh and F/VF, Scott for no gum $110.00, $45.00 |
O61S |
7¢ State Dept SPECIMEN Ovpt in Red, no gum as issued, scarce – only 791 made, F/VF, Scott $175.00, $85.00 |
O62 |
10¢ State, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $250.00, $95.00 |
O64 |
15¢ State Dept, og, hinge rems, fresh
color and large stamp, Scott $350.00, $195.00 |
O65 |
24¢ State, og, hinge rem, fresh and Fine+, scarce stamp, Scott $550.00, $180.00 |
O66 |
30¢ State, unused regummed, strong color and big stamp, Scott for no gum $250.00, $125.00 |
81-2 |
Treasury Officials, group of 6 diff, all unused, short perf on 30¢ otherwise F/VF, Scott for unused no gum $535.00, $179.00 |
O73-4 |
2¢ & 3¢ Treasury Officials, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $235.00, $90.00 |
O74 |
3¢ Treasury, og, XLH w/light offset, extremely fresh and well centered, XF/Superb, PSE certificate, $550.00 |
O74 |
3¢ Treasury, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $110.00, $45.00 |
O75 |
6¢ Treasury Dept, og, LH, rich color and big stamp, VF+, Scott $120.00, $80.00 |
O76 |
7¢ Treasury Official, og, LH, VF, Scott $250.00, $135.00 |
O77 |
10¢ Treasury, og, hinged, small thin, F/VF, Scott $240.00, $45.00 |
O78 |
12¢ Treasury Dept,
og, hinged, fine and strong color, Scott $350.00, $105.00 |
O79 |
15¢ Treasury, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $300.00, $135.00 |
O79 |
15¢ Treasury Dept,
unused, fine and rich color, Scott for no gum $100.00, $40.00 |
O83 |
War Dept, og, hinged, fresh and F/VF, Scott $240.00, $130.00 |
O83 |
1¢ War Dept, og,
hinged, VF, Scott $240.00, $130.00 |
O83 |
1¢ War Dept, unused
no gum, VF, Scott for no gum $90.00, $50.00 |
91 |
War Dept Officials, Group of 4 diff, all unused, F/VF, Scott for unused no gum $310.00, $110.00 |
O84 |
2¢ War, fresh og, hinged just once,
scarcer, Scott $260.00, $140.00 |
O84 |
2¢ War, og, hinged, strong color, Scott
$260.00, $125.00 |
O84 |
2¢ War Dept
Official, Block of 8 showing partial Inscription & Plate No., unused no
gum, some perf seps sensibly reinforced with hinges, scarce multiple,
Scott for no gum $785.00, $375.00 |
O85 |
3¢ War Dept, unused no gum large VF
stamp, $80.00 |
O85 |
3¢ War, og,
hinged, a few thin perfs at bottom right, nice color and centering,
Scott $275.00, $75.00 |
O85 |
3¢ War
Dept, og, hinge rem, small thin spot, fresh and well centered, Scott
$275.00, $75.00 |

6¢ War, og, hinged, VF, Scott $625.00, $365.00 |
O86 |
6¢ War Dept, og,
hinged, small thin otherwise scarce stamp and F/VF, Scott $675.00,
$175.00 |
O87 |
War Dept, og, hinged, fine and strong color, Scott $175.00, $70.00 |
O88 |
10¢ War Official, Corner margin single, og, LH, PSE Grade 90XF, $280.00 |
O88 |
10¢ War Dept, og,
hinged, VF, Scott $140.00, $85.00 |
O88 |
10¢ War, og, LH, VF, Scott $140.00, $75.00 |
O89 |
12¢ War Official, og, LH, F/VF, Scott $275.00, $130.00 |
O89 |
War Dept, og, LH, fine and rich color, large stamp, Scott $275.00,
$95.00 |
O89 |
War Dept, unused, F/VF, Scott for no gum $110.00, $47.00 |
O90 |
15¢ War
Dept, og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $190.00, $90.00 |
O90 |
15¢ War Dept, og, hinged, fresh and VF,
Scott $85.00, $55.00 |
O90 |
15¢ War, og, LH, very fresh, $55.00 |
O90 |
15¢ War, og, XLH, corner margin copy,
very fresh from a recently broken block, $70.00 |
O90 |
15¢ War, og, hinged, XF centering,
$120.00 |
O90-1 |
15¢ & 24¢ War Dept Officials, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $170.00, $70.00 |
O91 |
24¢ War, og, LH, fresh and VF,
$75.00 |
O91 |
War Dept, og, LH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $85.00, $50.00 |
O91 |
24¢ War Dept, unused no gum, nice
stamp, XF, $30.00 |
O91 |
24¢ War, unused no gum, XF centering, Scott for no gum $40.00, $30.00 |
O92 |
30¢ War, fresh og, NH, F/VF, Scott $375.00, $175.00 |
O92 |
30¢ War
Dept, og, hinged, VF, Scott $130.00, $68.00 |

30¢ War, og, hinged, wide stamp, F/VF, Scott
$130.00, $60.00 |
O92 |
30¢ War, og disturbed, fresh and VF, Scott $130.00, $52.00 |
O92 |
30¢ War Official, og, hinge rem, F/VF, Scott $130.00, $45.00 |
O93 |
90¢ War, og, NH, very fresh from a
recently broken block, Scott $500.00, $250.00 |
O93 |
90¢ War, og, hinged, very fresh and VF,
PF certificate, $275.00 |
O93 |
90¢ War Dept Official, og, LH, VF, Scott $225.00, $120.00 |
O93 |
90¢ War
Dept, og, hinged, fresh and F/VF, Scott $225.00, $110.00 |
O93 |
90¢ War Dept, og,
hinged, fresh and fine, Scott $225.00, $95.00 |

90¢ War, unused no gum, fresh and fine, $50.00 |
O93 |
90¢ War, og, hinged, perf thin, fresh and Fine, Scott $225.00, $48.00 |
O115 |
2¢ War Dept Official, fresh og, LH, Superb, $115.00 |
O117 |
6¢ rose, Block of 4, 2NH/2LH, exceptionally fresh and well centered, Scott $75.00+, $49.00 |
O117 |
6¢ War Dept, Plate No. Block of 6, og, hinged, XF, $175.00 |
O120 |
30¢ War,
soft paper, og, XLH, extremely fresh and VF, Miller certificate, Scott $225.00, $175.00 |
O120 |
30¢ War, fresh og, hinged, nice stamp,
Scott $225.00, $125.00 |
O120 |
30¢ War Dept, og,
hinged, F/VF, Scott $225.00, $100.00 |
O132-3 |
$1.00, $5.00 Plate
Blocks, NH, VF, Scott $55.00, $35.00 |
O133 |
$5.00 Official, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
O135 |
20¢ Official PNC #1 strip of 5, og, NH,
VF, Scott $57.50, $36.00 |
O135 |
20¢ Official, Plate #1 Strip of 5, og, N, VF, Scott $40.00, $22.00 |
O135a |
20¢ Official, Imperf Pair, og, NH, VF, rare, Scott $1,000.00+, $700.00 |