1883, Springer TF159, 10 lb Tobacco
Revenue taxpaid, $45.00 |
1883, Springer TF178A, 1 lb Manufactured
Tobacco Revenue taxpaid, much better than usually found, $80.00 |
F1 |
10¢ Eagle Registration stamp, fresh og, NH, VF, Scott $160.00, $85.00 |
F1 |
10¢ Registration Eagle, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $160.00, $69.00 |
F1 |
Registration stamp, fresh og, hinge rem, Scott $75.00, $34.00 |
F1 |
Registration stamp, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, very fresh and scarce
multiple, VF/XF, Miller certificate, Scott $510.00, $295.00 |
S2 |
25¢ War Savings, Block of 4 with Green Blob Inking Error, NH, VF, $45.00 |
5L1 |
$20.00 American Letter Mail Co., Trial Color Print reprints, in 6 diff colors, unused, VF, $60.00 |
15T55 |
25¢ gray blue, Pane of 6, extremely
fresh og, NH, a few perf seps, XF and rare pane, Scott $500.00 for
hinged, $375.00 |
15TO16a |
Postal Telegraph Co. Booklet of 10 panes, NH, VF,
$125.00 |
TD84A |
1956 Blank Test Stamps, p. 11 x 10½, Complete sheet
of 100, og, NH with gum breaker ridges as issued, VF and scarce, Scott
$1,250.00, $675.00 |
TD107v |
BEP Test Coils w/scarcer Gold and Silver Defacement
Lines, VF, $45.00 |
TD107v |
BEP Test Coil singles w/Thick and Thin Defacement
Lines, og, NH, VF, $20.00 |
TD107v |
BEP Test Coil LIne pairs w/wide and narrow black
Defacement Lines, VF, $75.00 |
TD107v |
BEP Test Coil Line Pairs w/single and double silver
Defacement Lines, VF, $110.00 |
TD107v |
BEP Test Coil Line pairs w/red, blue and brown
Defacement Lines, VF, $140.00 |

TD117 |
10¢ Chritmas (#1552) TEST STAMPS Pane of 50 + issued sheet, scarce and VF, Scott $150.00, $75.00 |
TDB84Fg |
29¢ Rose Test Booklet Pane of 18 without printing on back, scarce and rarely offered, VF, $250.00 |
WX6 |
1910 Christmas seal, og, NH, $25.00 |