Q1-12 |
Parcel Post set
complete, used, F/VF without any faults, Scott $183.60, $100.00 |
Q1-12 |
Complete Parcel Post set, used, sound and F/VF, Scott $183.60, $78.00 |
Q1-12 |
Complete Parcel Post set, used, F/VF, Scott $183. 60, $74.00 |
Q1-12 |
Complete set, used, hinged on page, VF, Scott
$207.65, $94.00 |
Q1-12 |
Complete set, 1¢ - $1.00, used, sound and F/VF, mounted on album page, Scott $183.60, $59.00 |
Q2a |
2¢ Parcel Post LAKE Rare shade, og, LH, Fine, Miller certificate, Scott $1,750.00, $695.00 |
Q3v |
3¢ Railway Postal Clerk, unlisted LAKE shade, og, NH, VF, normal shade at right for comparison included, $500.00 |
Q4 |
4¢ Rural
Carrier, og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $77.50, $39.00 |
Q4-6 |
4¢ - 10¢ Parcel Post, og, LH, VF, Scott $90.00, $48.00 |
Q5,6 |
5¢ Mail Train & 10¢ Steamship, both og, LH, fresh and F/VF+, Scott $62.50, $29.00 |
Q6 |
10¢ Parcel Post “Steamship”, og, NH, small natural gum skip, VF, Scott $90.00, $50.00 |

Q6 |
10¢ carmine rose, unused no gum, XF, $28.00 |
Q11 |
75¢ Harvesting, margin single, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $180.00, $105.00 |
Q11 |
75¢ Parcel Post, og, NH, gum wrinkle, F/VF, Scott $180.00, $64.00 |
Q11 |
75¢ Parcel Post, fresh og, hinged, VF, Scott $85.00, $48.00 |
Q11 |
75¢ Harvesting, og, LH, VF, Scott $85.00, $45.00 |
Q12 |
$1.00 Parcel Post, Block of 4, used,
VF, Scott $225.00, $150.00 |
QE1 |
10¢ yellow green, og, NH, XF Gem, $12.00 |
QE1a |
10¢ Spec. Handling, Dry Printing, Corner margin block of 4, og, NH, Scott $55.00+, $28.00 |
QE4 |
25¢ deep green, og, NH, XF+, $75.00 |