655 |
2¢ Edison's First Lamp, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, a few tiny perf seps and small tear one stamp at lower right, Brookman $180.00, partial sheet shown, $90.00 |

657 |
2¢ John Sullivan, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, Vf, Brookman $150.00, $87.00 |
728 |
1¢ Century of
Progress, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Brookman $42.50, $24.00 |
783 |
3¢ Oregon Trail, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $13.00 |
785 |
1¢ Army,
Complete Sheet of 50, og, NH, except 1 stamp hinged, VF, partial sheet shown, $10.00 |
790 |
1¢ Navy,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF,partial sheet shown, $10.00 |
792 |
3¢ Navy,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman $23.75, partial sheet shown,
$16.00 |
826 |
21¢ Chester Arthur, Complete sheet of 100, selvedge sep at top left, og, NH, VF, Brookman $225.00, $130.00 |
838 |
3¢ Iowa Territory,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $42.00 |
854 |
3¢ Washington Inaugural,
Complete Sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $34.00 |
865 |
2¢ John Greenleaf Whittieer, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $22.50, $13.00 |
868 |
10¢ James
Riley – Famous American Poet, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman
$190.00, $125.00 |
869 |
1¢ Horace
Mann – Famous American Educator, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman
$17.50, partial sheet shown, $12.00 |

878 |
10¢ Jane Addams, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, Vbf, Brookman $140.00, $95.00 |
878 |
10¢ Jane Addams – Famous American
Scientist, Complete sheet of 70, partial perf seps 1 row, og, NH, VF,
Brookman $140.00, $81.00 |

883 |
10¢ Ethelbert Nevin, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, Vf, Brookman $350.00, $203.00 |

888 |
10¢ Frederic Remington, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $165.00, $96.00 |
893 |
10¢ Alexander
Graham Bell – Famous American Inventor, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF,
Brookman $1,050.00, $675.00 |
893 |
10¢ Alexander Graham
Bell, Complete
sheet of 70, og, NH, 2 stamps at top w/small thin otherwise VF,Brookman $1,050.00, $450.00 |
899 |
1¢ Defense, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Brookman $18.50, $12.00

909-21 |
Complete Overrun Countries (Flag) set in Full Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $216.10+, $110.00 |
914 |
5¢ Overrun Countries-Belgium, Complete sheet
of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $9.00 |
920 |
5¢ Overrun
Countries-Denmark, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown,
$17.00 |
921 |
5¢ Overrun
Countries-Korea, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown,
$13.00 |
923 |
3¢ Steamship “Savannah”, Complete sheet of
50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $16.00 |
927 |
3¢ Florida Statehood, Complete Sheet of 50,
og, NH, VF, $27.00 |
945 |
3¢ Thomas Edison,
Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $18.00 |
949 |
3¢ Doctors, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH,
VF, partial sheet shown, $11.00 |
950 |
3¢ Utah, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $13.00 |
953 |
3¢ George Washington Carver, Complete sheet
of 70, og, NH, VF, $20.00 |
955 |
3¢ Mississippi, Complete sheet of 50, og,
NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $14.50 |
958 |
5¢ Swedish Pioneers, Complete Sheet of 50,
og, NH, VF $11.50 |
965 |
3¢ Harlan Stone,
Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $13.00 |
966 |
3¢ Palomar Mt.
Observatory, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $17.50, partial
sheet shown, $11.00 sold |
967 |
3¢ Clara
Barton, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $9.00 |
968 |
3¢ Poultry Industry,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $10.50 |
969 |
3¢ Gold Star Mothers,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $9.50 |
974 |
3¢ Juliette Low, Girl Scout Founder, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $10.00 |
975 |
3¢ Will Rogers, Complete
sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $17.50 |
988 |
Samuel Gompers, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $13.50 |
997 |
California Statehood, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $17.00 |
1001 |
3¢ Colorado Statehood,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $13.00 |
1008 |
3¢ NATO, Complete sheet of
100, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $19.50 |
1009 |
3¢ Grand Coulee Dam,
Complete Sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $10.50 |
1016 |
3¢ Int’l Red Cross,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $9.00 |
1019 |
Washington Territory, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF partial sheet shown, $13.00 |
1022 |
3¢ Bar Association,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF partial sheet shown, $11.00 |

1031A |
1 ¼ ¢ Palace of the Governors, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Brookman $15.00, $8.50 |
1032 |
1½¢ Mount Vernon,
Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $18.00 |
1034 |
2½¢ Bunker Hill,
Complete Sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $14.00 |
1037 |
4½¢ The Hermitage, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Brookman $27.50, $16.00 |
1066 |
8¢ Rotary,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman $17.50, $12.00 |
1079 |
3¢ Fish, Complete sheet
of 50, og, NH, VF, $12.50 |
1081 |
3¢ Wheatland, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman $13.50, partial sheet shown,
$8.50 |
1092 |
3¢ Oklahoma, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $10.00 |
1095 |
3¢ Shipbuilding,
Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, $15.00 |
1106 |
Minnesota Statehood,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $13.00 |
1110 |
4¢ Simon Bolivar,
Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $11.50 |
1110//1174 |
Complete set of
4¢ Champions of
Liberty sheets, 9 sheets total, Brookman $148.50, partial sheets shown,
$99.00 SOLD |
1113 |
1¢ Lincoln, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $9.00 |
1115 |
4¢ Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Complete sheet
of 50, og, NH, VF, $13.50 |
1116 |
4¢ Lincoln Statue, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $10.00 |
1117 |
4¢ Kossuth, Champion of
Liberty, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $16.50, $11.00 |
1118 |
8¢ Kossuth, Champion of
Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, Brookman $19.75, $12.50 |
1126 |
8¢ San Martin, Champion
of Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, Brookman $19.75, $12.50 |
1137 |
8¢ Reuter, Champion of
Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, Brookman $19.75, $12.50 |
1147 |
4¢ Masaryk, Champion of
Liberty, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $16.50, $11.00 |
1148 |
8¢ Masaryk, Champion of
Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, Brookman $19.75, $12.50 |
1155 |
4¢ Employ Handicapped,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $9.50 |
1156 |
4¢ World Forestry Congress, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet
shown, $10.00 |
1160 |
8¢ Paderewski, Champion
of Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, Brookman $19.75, partial sheet
shown, $12.50 |
1162 |
Wheels of Freedom, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman $16.50,
$11.00 |
1163 |
Boys' Clubs of America, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet
shown, $10.00 |

1164 |
First Automated Post Office, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman
$16.50, $11.00 |
1165 |
4¢ Mannerheim, Champion
of Liberty, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $16.50, $11.00 |
1166 |
8¢ Mannerheim, Champion
of Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, Brookman $19.75, $12.50 |
1167 |
4¢ Camp Fire Girls,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $14.00 |
1168 |
4¢ Garabaldi, Champion
of Liberty, Complete sheet of 70, og, NH, VF, Brookman $16.50, $11.00 |
1169 |
8¢ Garabaldi, Champion
of Liberty, Complete sheet of 72, og, NH, VF, Brookman $19.75, $12.50 |
1182 |
5¢ Appomattox, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $24.00 |
1189 |
4¢ Basketball, Complete
Sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $10.50 |
1190 |
4¢ Nursing, Complete
Sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $10.50 |
1199 |
4¢ Girl Scouts, Complete
Sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $9.50 |
1208 |
5¢ Flag & White House,
Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $15.00 |
1246 |
5¢ JFK, Complete Sheet
of 50, og, NH, VF, $14.00 |
1279 |
1 ¼¢ Albert Gallatin,
Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Brookman $20.75, partial sheet shown,
$12.00 |
1286A |
12¢ Henry Ford, Complete
Sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $49.00 |
1287 |
13¢ JFK, Complete sheet
of 100, og, NH, VF, $44.00 |
1288 |
15¢ Oliver Wendall
Holmes, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $35.00 |
1308 |
5¢ Indiana, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, Brookman $19.00, $12.00 |
1331-2 |
5¢ Space Twins, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $38.00 |
1337 |
5¢ Mississippi, Complete sheet of 50, og,
NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $18.00 SOLD |
1355 |
6¢ Walt Disney, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $35.00 |
1381 |
6¢ Baseball, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH,
VF, partial sheet shown, $45.00 |
1382 |
6¢ Football, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH,
VF, partial sheet shown, $20.00 |