B2 |
(34¢ + 11¢) Heroes, Self-adhesive Sheet of 20, Brookman $36.75, $19.00
C24 |
30¢ Winged Globe, Complete Sheet of 50, og,
NH, hinged in lower margin only, VF, Brookman $675.00, $410.00 |
C38 |
5¢ New York City, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $17.00 |
C44 |
25¢ Stratocruiser &
Globe, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $30.00 |
C54 |
7¢ Balloon Jupiter,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $17.00 |
C56 |
10¢ Pan-Am Games,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $20.00 |
C66 |
15¢ Blair, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $26.00 |
C69 |
8¢ Robert Goddard,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $20.00 |
C70 |
8¢ Alaska Purchase,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $15.00 |
C76 |
10¢ Moon Landing,
Complete sheet of 32, og, NH, VF, $10.00 |
C77 |
9¢ Delta Wing, Complete
sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $22.00 |
C79 |
13¢ Winged Envelope,
Complete Sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $31.00 |
C85 |
11¢ Olympic Games,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $13.00 |
C86 |
11¢ Electronics,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $22.00 |
C91-2 |
31¢ Wright Brothers,
Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $65.00 |
C93-4 |
21¢ Chanute, Complete
sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $75.00 |
C95-6 |
Wiley Post, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, $110.00 |
C97 |
31¢ Olympics, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $30.00 |
C98 |
Philip Mazzei, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman $58.50, partial
sheet shown, $38.00 |
C100 |
35¢ Glenn Curtis,
Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $40.00 |
C101-4 |
28¢ Olympics, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $42.00 |
C105-8 |
40¢ Olympics, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $49.00 |
C109-12 |
35¢ Olympics, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, partial sheet shown, $50.00 |
C114 |
39¢ Lawrence & Elmer
Sperry, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $42.00 |
C117 |
44¢ New Sweden, Complete
sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, $39.00 |
C122-5 |
45¢ Futuristic Mail
Delivery, Complete sheet of 40, og, NH, VF, $45.00 |
C133 |
48¢ Niagara Falls,
Complete sheet of 20, self adhesive, VF, $18.00 |
C133/C141 |
Complete Airmail sheets of 20, 5 different, NH, VF, Face alone $68.00, $89.00 |
C134 |
40¢ Rio Grande, complete
sheet of 20, self adhesive, VF, $16.00 |
C137 |
80¢ Mt. McKinley,
Complete sheet of 20, self adhesive, VF, $35.00 |
C138 |
Acadia, sheet of 20, self adhesive, VF, $24.00 |
E23 |
60¢ Special Delivery, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Brookman $85.00, $55.00 |
J64 |
5¢ Postage Due, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, Vf, very scarce, Scott $3,410.00++, $1,695.00 |
J88 |
½ ¢ Postage Due,
Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Brookman $375.00, $210.00 |
O127 |
1¢ Official, Complete sheet of 100, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $13.00 |
O129A |
14¢ Official, Complete sheet of 100, NH VF, $24.00 |

O138 |
Official Postal Card Rate D (14¢), Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $502.50, $195.00 |
O143 |
1¢ Official, Complete sheet of 100, NH, VF, Scott $25.00+, $14.00 |
Q1 |
1¢ Parcel Post, Complete sheet of 45, og, NH except 2 top stamps w/small hinge thin, some perf seps not affecting Plate Block, fresh and scarce, $349.00 |
QE2 |
15¢ Special Handling, Complete sheet of 50, includes some with superb centering, VF, Scott $275.50++, $150.00 |