
C1 |
6¢ orange, og, NH,
fresh and F/VF, Scott $120.00, $60.00 |
C1 |
6¢ Jenny, og, LH,
F/VF, Scott $60.00, $31.00 |
C1 |
orange, Center Line Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, XF centering, Scott
$395.00, $240.00 |
C1 |
orange, Arrow Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, XF, Scott for singles $370.00+,
$270.00 |
C1 |
6¢ Airmail, Center Line Block of 4, og, 1NH/3H, one stamp with hinge thin otherwise VF, Scott $330.00,. $135.00 |
C1-3 |
Complete Airmail set, og, LH (the 6¢ is NH) XF, Scott $235.00+, $145.00 |
C1-6 |
Complete Airmail sets, og, LH, Fresh and Fine, Scott $322.50, $124.00 |
C2 |
16¢ green, fresh og, NH, VF, Scott $120.00, $74.00 |
C2 |
16¢ green, og, NH, F/VF+, Scott $120.00, $60.00 |
C2 |
green, Arrow Block of 4, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $400.00, $250.00 |
C3 |
Jenny, Block of 4, og, 2Nh/2LH, few perf seps at right, VF/XF, Scott
$420.00, $270.00 |
C4 |
8¢ green, og, NH, VF+, Scott $40.00, $25.00 |
C4 |
8¢ green, Block of 4, og, NH, VF/XF,
$100.00 |
C4 |
8¢ green,
Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $120.00, $70.00 |
C4-6 |
Complete Airmail set, og, NH, XF, Scott $285.00+, $175.00 |
C4-6 |
Complete Airmail set, og, NH, VF, Scott $285.00, $160.00 |
C4-6 |
Complete Airmail
set, og, LH, VF, Scott $155.00, $85.00 |
C5 |
16¢ blue, og, NH, XF, $105.00 |
C5 |
16¢ dark blue, og, NH, fresh and VF,
Scott $130.00, $85.00 |
C5 |
16¢ blue, og, LH, XF,
Scott $65.00, $42.00 |
C5 |
16¢ blue, og, LH,
VF, Scott $65.00, $36.00 |
C5 |
16¢ dark
blue, Block of 4, og, LH w/bit of black offset, VF, Scott as singles
$260.00, $140.00 |
C5 |
16¢ Airmail, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $2,150.00, $1,150.00 |
C6 |
24¢ carmine, og, NH, XF, $120.00 |
C6 |
24¢ carmine, og, NH, VF, Scott $140.00, $89.00 |
C6 |
24¢ Airmail, og, NH, VF, Scott $140.00, $85.00 |
C6 |
24¢ carmine, og, LH,
VF, Scott $75.00, $42.00 |
C6 |
Airmail, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott for singles $560.00+, $325.00 |
C6 |
Biplane, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $2,750.00, $1,600.00 |
C7 |
Map, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $47.50, $29.00 |
C7-9 |
10¢ - 20¢ Maps, Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $93.00, $59.00 |
C7-9 |
10¢ - 20¢ Complete Airmail set, Plate No. Blocks of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $202.50, $110.00 |
C10 |
10¢ Lindbergh, og,
NH, VF, Scott $13.00, $8.50 |
C10 |
10¢ Lindbergh, og, NH, VF, Block of 4, Scott $52.00,
$36.00 |
C10 |
10¢ Lindbergh, Plate
No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $130.00, $89.00 |
C10 |
10¢ Spirit of St.
Louis, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH/LH in margin only, VF, $70.00 |
C10a |
BKC1, 10¢ Spirit of St. Louis, Complete booklet with 2 pairs of 3, NH, VF/XF centering, Scott $230.00, $130.00 |
C10a |
10¢ dark blue Air
Post Booklet pane of 3, og, NH, VF, Scott $115.00, $82.00 |
C10a |
10¢ Spirit of St.
Louis, Booklet Pane of 3, og, LH, VF+, Scott $80.00, $49.00 |
C11 |
5¢ Beacon Airmail, og, NH, XF/Superb $65.00 |
C14 |
$1.30 Zeppelin, og, NH, small natural
gum skips, fresh and F/VF, $400.00 |
C14 |
UNITED STATES, 1930 So. America flight to
Germany, franked w/$1.30 (C14), all proper markings, VF, $360.00 |
C16 |
5¢ Winged Globe,
Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $100.00, $65.00 |
C16 |
5¢ Winged Globe, partial sheet of 30
with plate block NH except for 3 stamps, og, VF, some selvage missing,
Scott for plate block and singles $295.00, $75.00 |
C18 |
50¢ Zeppelin, og,
NH, VF, Scott $75.00, $39.00 |
C18 |
50¢ Zeppelin, fresh og, NH, VF, Scott $75.00, $37.00 |
C18 |
Zeppelin, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $350.00, $250.00 |
C18 |
50¢ Zeppelin, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $180.00 |
C18 |
50¢ Zeppelin, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH with rust stain that shows through on front, otherwise scarce and VF, Scott $600.00, $175.00 |
C20-2 |
20¢, 25¢, 50¢
Clipper, Blocks of 4, og, 2NH/2H, VF, $38.00 |
C22 |
50¢ China Clipper, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $85.00, $48.00 |
C22 |
50¢ China
Clipper, Plate No. Block of 10, og, NH, VF, Scott $134.00, $79.00 |
C25-31 |
Complete Airmail set, og, NH, VF, Scott
$19.40, $13.00 |
C25-31 |
Complete set in Plate No. Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $81.20, $39.00 |
C46 |
80¢ Hawaii
Airmail, og, NH, VF, P# block of 4, Scott $22.50, $12.50 |
C52, C61 |
7¢ Airmails, Joint Line pairs, og, NH, VF, Scott $42.50, $22.00 |
31¢ Wright Brothers Airmail, se-tenant vertical pair, og, NH, ultra & black (engr.) COLOR OMITTED ERROR, with normal pair for comparison,
Scott $700.00, $495.00 |
C132 |
40¢ Piper,
Block of 4, og, NH, VF, included for comparison is block of #129, Scott
$17.20, $9.75 |
CE1 |
16¢ Air Spec. Delivery, Plate No. Block of 6, NH, VF, Scott $22.50, $12.00 |