R1b |
1¢ Express, part perf, used, VF, Scott $55.00, $23.00 |
R4c |
Telegraph, used, XF, $25.00 |
R4c |
Telegraph, pair, used, VF, $38.00 |
R7c |
Certificate, used w/RED cancel, much scarcer, $45.00 |
R8 |
2¢ Certificate, orange, used, F/VF, Scott $45.00, $20.00 |
R8c |
Certificate, used, Scott $45.00, $23.00 |
R10c |
2¢ Express, used,
VF, Scott $14.00, $8.00 |
R13b |
2¢ Proprietary, part perf, used, light horiz. crease, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $350.00, $135.00 |
R13e |
Proprietary, used, scarce ULTRAMARINE shade, small thin, scarce, VF,
Scott $300.00, $110.00 |
R14c |
2¢ Proprietary,
used, Scott $65.00, $36.00 |
R17c |
3¢ Playing Cards,
used, scarce, Scott $175.00, $90.00 |
R21c |
4¢ Playing Cards, used, slight nibbed perf otherwise VF and rare stamp, Scott $700.00, $375.00 |
R21c |
4¢ Playing Cards, Vertical pair, PF certificate states ‘genuine previously hinged w/traces of gum, top stamp tiny tear at left” (which is absolutely minute in the margin only), very rare, Scott $1,500.00, $650.00 |
R21c |
4¢ Playing Cards,
used w/red cancel, repaired faults, still appealing, quite scarce and
missing in most collections, Scott $800.00, $200.00 |
R22b |
4¢ Proprietary, part perf, unused no gum, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $600.00+, $400.00 |
R28c |
5¢ Playing Cards,
used, Scott $40.00, $22.00 |
R32a |
10¢ Bill of Lading, Imperf, used, Scott $80.00, $35.00 |
R36a |
Inland Exchange, Imperforate, used, minute internal tear probably made
by pen when cancelled, scarce and attractive, Weiss certificate, Scott
$500.00, $195.00 |
R40a |
15¢ Inland Exchange,
Imperf Pair, used w/RED 1867 ms cancel, very pretty, $200.00 |
R41a |
20¢ Foreign
Exchange, Imperforate, tiny pinhole, manuscript cancel, very attractive,
Scott $95.00, $38.00 |
R41c |
20¢ Foreign
Exchange, used, VF, Scott $80.00, $49.00 |
R41c |
20¢ Foreign
Exchange, used, VF, Scott $80.00, $49.00 |
R45a |
25¢ Entry of Goods,
IMPERFORATE, used, VF, $15.00 |
R45a |
25¢ Entry of Goods,
strip of 4, used w/ms and punch cancel, scarce multiple, $150.00 |
R47c |
25¢ Life Insurance, used pair, Scott
$50.00, $30.00 |
R49a, 50a |
25¢ Imperf Revenues, used, VF, Scott $90.00, $45.00 |
R50a |
25¢ Warehouse
Receipt, PAIR, used on piece, VF, Scott $100.00, $60.00 |
R50c |
25¢ Warehouse
Receipt, used, Scott $45.00, $25.00 |
R51c |
30¢ Foreign
Exchange, used, Scott $60.00, $35.00 |
R59c |
50¢ Mortgage, used, dramatic FREAK multi pre-printed paperfolds, VF, $80.00 |
R63c |
50¢ Surety Bond, used, FREAK, pre-printed paper fold, neat, VF, $50.00 |
R66a |
Conveyance, imperf, VF, Scott $27.50, $19.00 |
R66a/73a |
Group of 6 diff $1.00 Imperf Revenues, used, Scott $219.50, $85.00 |
R66-70a,73a, 75-6a |
Group of
$1.00 Revenues, Imperforate, used, Scott $461.50, $220.00 |
R66c |
$1.00 Conveyance, used, Scott $25.00,
$15.00 |
R66cv |
Conveyance, Top Frame Line Double variety, used, VF, Scott $60.00,
$42.00 |
R66d |
$1.00 Conveyance, silk paper, used, F/VF, Scott $200.00, $80.00 |
R69a |
$1.00 Inland
Exchange, Imperf Strip of 3, used on small piece, scarce multiple,
$200.00 |
R72c |
$1.00 Manifest, used, VF, Scott $40.00, $22.00 |
R73c |
$1.00 Mortgage, used, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $300.00, $160.00 |
R73c |
Mortgage, used, Scott $300.00, $150.00 |
R73c |
$1.00 Mortgage,
used, Scott $300.00, $120.00 |
R74c |
$1.00 Passage Ticket, used, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $350.00, $185.00 |
R74c |
$1.00 Passage
Ticket, used, scarce, Scott $325.00, $175.00 |
R76c |
$1.00 Probate of Will, used, VF, Scott $55.00, $32.00 |
R77c |
Foreign Exchange, used, F/VF, Scott $85.00, $41.00 |
R78a |
$1.50 Inland Exchange, Imperf pair, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $140.00+, $100.00 |
R79a |
$1.60 Foreign Exchange, Imperf, used w/light handstamp cancel, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $1,500.00, $835.00 |
R80c |
$1.90 Foreign Exchange, used w/full black handstamp, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $200.00, $175.00 |
R81a |
$2.00 Conveyance,
IMPERFORATE, used, VF, Scott $225.00, $125.00 |
R81a |
$2.00 Conveyance, Imperf, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $250.00, $135.00 |
R82a |
$2.00 Mortgage,
imperforate, used, XF, $130.00 |
R83c |
Probate of Will, used w/light cancel, Scott $90.00, $48.00 |
R83c |
$2.00 Probate, VF, Scott $90.00, $47.00 |
R83c |
$2.00 Probate of
Will, used, Scott $90.00, $52.00 |
R83c |
$2.00 Probate of Will, used, nibbed perfs at bottom, VF, Scott $90.00, $30.00 |
R85a |
$3.00 Charter Party, Imperf, used, XF, Miller certificate, Scott $200.00, $175.00 |
R86a |
$3.00 Manifest, Imperf, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $200.00, $140.00 |
R86a |
$3.00 Manifest,
used, VF, Scott $200.00, $110.00 |
R86c |
$3.00 Manifest, used w/light blue cancel, VF, Scott
$55.00, $30.00 |
R86c |
$3.00 Manifest,
blue cancel, VF, $40.00
R86c |
$3.00 Manifest, used, VF, Scott $55.00, $30.00 |
R86c |
$3.00 Manifest,
used, VF, Scott $55.00, $29.00 |
R86c |
$3.00 Manifest, used w/1868 ms cancel, F/VF, Scott $55.00, $22.00 |
R86c |
$3.00 Manifest, used
w/light MS cancel, light ironed out crease otherwise VF, Scott $55.00,
$20.00 |
R87c |
$3.50 Inland
Exchange, used, Scott $70.00, $45.00 |
R87c |
$3.50 Inland Exch.,
used w/MS cancel, Scott $70.00, $39.00 |
R87c |
$3.50 Inland Exchange, used, Scott $70.00 $30.00 |
R89a |
$5.00 Conveyance,
used, VF, Scott $52.50, $34.00 |
R90a |
$5.00 Manifest, Imperf, used, XF, Miller certificate, Scott $250.00, $195.00 |
R90c |
Manifest, used, Scott $120.00, $59.00 |
R90c |
manifest, used, nibbed perf left, Scott $120.00, $50.00 |
R91a |
$5.00 Mortgage,
imperforate, used, VF+, Scott $200.00, $130.00 |
R91a |
$5.00 Mortgage,
imperf, used, Scott $200.00, $105.00 |
R92c |
Probate of Will, used w/ms cancel, VF, $24.00 |
R94 |
$10.00 Conveyance, Imperf, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $95.00 |
R94a |
$10.00 Conveyance,
used, VF, Scott $175.00, $100.00 |
R94a |
$10.00 Conveyance, iimperf, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $88.00 |
R96c |
$10.00 Probate of
Will, used, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
R97IP3 |
$15.00 Mortgage, Proof on India, VF/XF, Scott $290.00, $195.00 |
R97a |
$15.00 Mortgage, Imperf, used, VF/XF, Miller certificate, rare stamp, Scott $3,750.00, $2,800.00 |
R97c |
$15.00 Mortgage, used, tiny perf slit and a few nibbed perfs otherwise VF, scarce stamp, Scott $300.00, $95.00 |
R97e |
$15.00 Mortgage,
Ultramarine shade, used, Scott $325.00, $185.00 |
R98a |
$20.00 Conveyance,
IMPERFORATE, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $100.00 |
R98c |
Conveyance, XF, $120.00 |
R98c |
$20.00 Conveyance,
used, Scott $125.00, $70.00 |
R98c |
$20.00 Conveyance,
used, VF, Scott $125.00, $75.00 |
R98c |
$20.00 Conveyance, ex. E. Klein, Scott
$125.00, $70.00 |
R99a |
$20.00 Probate of Will, Imperf, used, VF, Miller certificate, rare stamp, Scott $3,500.00, $2,300.00 |
R100a |
$25.00 Mortgage, Imperf, used w/neat handstamp cancel, VF, Miller certificate, rare stamp, Scott $2,700.00, $1,650.00 |
R100c |
$25.00 Mortgage, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $250.00, $200.00 |
R100c |
$25.00 Mortgage, used, VF, Scott $250.00, $140.00 |
R100c |
$25.00 Mortgage,
used w/ms + 1870 handstamp, XF, $200.00 |
R100c |
Mortgage, used, Scott $250.00, $125.00 |
R100c |
$25.00 Mortgage, used w/1869 ms cancel, fresh and F/VF, Scott $250.00, $120.00 |
R100c |
$25.00 Mortgage, used, nice color and full perfs, sound and Fine, Scott $250.00, $90.00 |
R101a |
$50.00 Internal
Revenue, VF, $250.00
R101c |
$50.00 Internal Revenue, used, VF, Scott $210.00, $115.00 |
R101c |
$50.00 U.S. Internal Revenue, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $210.00, $180.00 |
$50.00 U.S. Internal revenue, used w/1869 ms cancel, scarce and F/VF, Scott $210.00, $95.00 |
R105 |
3¢ blue & black, used, F/VF, Scott $75.00, $29.00 |
R106 |
4¢ blue & black, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $150.00, $90.00 |
R106c |
Documentary, used, VF, Scott $125.00, $75.00 |
R108 |
6¢ Documentary,
used, Scott $250.00, $125.00 |
R110 |
15¢ Documentary,
used, Scott $110.00, $40.00 |
R110 |
15¢ blue & black, used, Scott $100.00, $40.00 |
R110 |
15¢ blue & black, used
w/blue handstamp, VF, Scott $110.00+, $42.00 |
R110 |
15¢ blue & black, unused, perf indent, F/VF. Scott $100.00, $29.00 |
R113 |
blue and black, used, cut cancel,, XF, Scott $70.00, $35.00 |
R113 |
30¢ blue & black,
used, VF, Scott $150.00, $95.00 |
R113 |
30¢ blue & black, used, shallow thin spot, VF centering, Scott $175.00, $49.00 |
R113 |
30¢ blue & black, used w/cut cancel, F/VF, Scott $70.00, $28.00 |
R114 |
40¢ blue & black, used, fresh and fine, Scott $150.00, $55.00 |
R116 |
60¢ Documentary, used, VF, Scott $180.00, $105.00 |
R117 |
70¢ Documentary,
used, VF, Scott $85.00, $49.00 |
R119 |
$1.30 blue & black, used, small faults, very attractive, Miller certificate, scarce stamp, Scott $750.00, $295.00 |
R124 |
$2.50 Documentary,
used, Scott $45.00, $19.00 |
R124c,5c,7c |
$2.50, $3.00, $5.00 blue and black, used, F/VF, Scott $175.00, $80.00 |
R125 |
$3.00 Documentary,
used, VF, Scott $55.00, $34.00 |
R125 |
$3.00 blue & black, used, F/VF, Scott $75.00, $32.00 |
R126 |
$3.50 blue & black, margin copy, VF,
Scott $425.00 $250.00 |
R126 |
$3.50 blue & black,
used w/1871 ms cancel, attractive and scarce, Scott $425.00, $250.00 |
R128 |
$10.00 blue & black, VF, Scott $230.00,
$160.00 |
R128 |
$10.00 blue & black, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $280.00, $150.00 |
R128 |
$10.00 Documentary,
used, Scott $230.00, $140.00 |
R129 |
$20.00 blue & black, used, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $1,000.00, $675.00 |
R130 |
Documentary, used, very light crease cannot be seen from front, scarce
stamp, Scott $1,150.00, $425.00 |
R131 |
Documentary, used, scarce stamp, Scott $1,200.00, $695.00 |
R131 |
$50.00 blue & black,
used, insignif paper break at “6” in blue datestamp caused by heavy
strike – mentioned for accuracy, rare stamp, Weiss certificate, Scott
$1,200.00, $675.00 |
R135b |
2¢ orange & black, INVERTED CENTER, unused og, VF, Miller certificate, $650.00 |
R135b |
2¢ orange & black,
INVERTED CENTER, used w/cut cancel, VF, Miller certificate, $395.00 |
R135b |
2¢ orange & black,
INVERTED CENTER, used on piece, VF, PSAG certificate, Scott $600.00,
$450.00 |
R136 |
4¢ brown & black, unused no gum, scarcer and VF, Scott $110.00++, $65.00 |
R136 |
4¢ brown & black,
used, Scott $85.00, $49.00 |
R136 |
4¢ brown & black,
light horiz crease not visible from front, Scott $85.00, $30.00 |
R138 |
6¢ orange & black,
used, Scott $100.00, $55.00 |
R138 |
6¢ orange & black, used, faint cut cancel, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott for cut cancel $50.00, $30.00 |
R140 |
30¢ orange & black, used, VF, Scott $50.00, $28.00 |
R141 |
40¢ brown & black, used, VF, Scott $110.00, $59.00 |
R141 |
Documentary, used, Scott $90.00, $49.00 |
R143 |
70¢ green & black, used, cut cancel, VF, Scott $30.00, $20.00 |
R145 |
Documentary, used, VF, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
R145 |
vermillion & black, used, VF, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
R145 |
$2.00 orange & black, used, VF, Scott $55.00, $29.00 |
R146 |
$2.50 claret & black, used, VF, Scott $110.00, $60.00 |
R146 |
$2.50 claret &
black, used, VF, $50.00 |
R146 |
$2.50 Documentary,
used, Scott $82.50, $47.00 |
R148 |
$5.00 vermillion &
black, used, VF+, $32.00 |
R148 |
$5.00 vermillion &
black, VF, $23.00 |
R149 |
$10.00 green &
black, used w/1872 ms cancel, VF, Scott $400.00, $205.00 |
R149 |
$10.00 green & black, used, very fresh and scarce, Scott $400.00, $150.00 |
R176 |
$10 black,
5½ og, VLH,
Scott $175.00, $85.00 |
R184 |
$1.00 gray, og, hinged, strip of 6,
fresh and scarce multiple, Scott as singles $210.00+, $95.00 |
R192a |
$5.00 green, Surcharge Omitted, og, NH,
fresh and quite scarce, Scott for hinged is $300.00, $200.00 |
R202 |
25¢ rose, margin pair w/inscription, og,
NH, $95.00 |
R253 |
4¢ carmine rose, p.
10, Block of 4, og, NH, Scott $65.00, $30.00 |
R264 |
1¢ rose pink, Inscr. Plate No. Block of
6v, og, NH, VF, $35.00 |
R300 |
$1.00 1940
Documentary, og, NH, VF, $45.00 |
R729 |
$1000.00 carmine strip of 4, used w/cut
cancel, interesting, Scott $42.00, $25.00 |