RB6b |
6¢ green & black, unused
no gum, DOUBLE ROW OF PERFS 3 SIDES, $95.00 |
RB11c |
1¢ green, roulette 6, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $92.00 |
RB15c |
4¢ Proprietary, rouletted 6, used, scarce and VF, Scott $400.00, $220.00 |
RB15c |
4¢ red, rouletted, used,
VF, Scott $400.00, $220.00 |
RB17c |
6¢ violet blue, roulette 6, used, scarce stamp, Scott $1,100.00, $550.00 |
RB65 |
1¢ dark blue, Plate No.
Block of 8, og, NH, VF, $175.00 |
RD324-6 |
$2.00 - $4.00 1950 Stock Transfer, unused no gum, VF, Scott $195.00, $75.00 |
RD327 |
$5.00 Stock Transfer, unused no gum, VF, Scott $70.00, $31.00 |


1941 Wine Stamp Collection, Group of 51 diff, all unused, VF, Scott $304.50, $95.00 |
RE164 |
$100.00 Wine Revenue,
unused no gum as issued, VF, Scott $375.00, $225.00 |
RE166 |
$500.00 Wine Revenue, used w/perfin cancel, Scott $35.00, $18.00 |
RE180-1 |
$10.00 & $20.00 green & black, unused no gum as issued, VF, Scott $29.00, $17.00 |
RE187 |
20 2/5¢ Wines, Block of 4, unused no gum as
issued, scarce multiple, VF, Scott $440.00+, $285.00 |
RE188 |
33 ½ Wines, unused no gum as issued, VF, Scott $35.00, $19.00 |
RE195-6 |
$1.50 ¾ and $1.60 4/5, unused no gum as issued, VF, Scott $19.10, $12.00 |
RE201 |
$4.08 Wines, unused no gum as issued, VF, Scott $50.00, $29.00 |
RE201 |
$4.08 Wine Revenue, no gum as issued, VF, Scott $50.00, $29.00 |
RE201 |
$4.08 Wine, unused no gum as issued, VF, Scott $50.00, $29.00 |
Note: Scott values are for stamps
w/small faults. |
REA38e |
16 2/3¢ Beer Tax Stamp,
blue paper, no plate number, Scott $150.00, $75.00 |

REA39e |
25¢ Beer Tax Stamp, blue
paper, no plate number, Scott $30.00, $17.00 |
REA39f |
25¢ Beer Tax Stamp, dark
blue paper, no plate number, Scott $32.50, $19.00 |
REA42e |
$1.00 Beer Tax Stamp,
blue paper, “one line under dollar” and “inverted watermark”, used , repaired,
Scott $200.00+, $65.00 |
REA51 |
25¢ on 12 1/2 Beer Tax Stamp, used, Scott $95.00, $49.00 |
REA75a |
12 ½¢ Beer
Tax Stamp, blue paper, used, Scott $75.00, $45.00 |
REA75c |
12 ½¢ Beer
Tax Stamp, light blue paper, used, Scott $110.00, $59.00 |
REA76a |
16 2/3¢ Beer
Tax Stamp, dark blue paper, used, Scott $250.00, $165.00 |
REA76c |
16 2/3¢ Beer
Tax Stamp, light blue paper, perfin dated 1906, Scott $225.00, $135.00 |
REA77c |
25¢ Beer Tax
Stamp, Light blue paper, used, Scott $25.00, $16.00 |
REA79a |
50¢ Beer Tax Stamp, dark blue paper, used, Scott $20.00, $12.00 |
REA116 |
75¢ Beer Tax
Stamp, black, used, Scott $45.00, $29.00 |
REA178Ab |
25 bbl. black on blue, center cutout, VF,
$3.75 SOLD |
REA178Ab |
25 bbl. black on blue, center cutout, Block
of 4, VF, $15.00 |
REA197a |
100 bbl carmine, center cutout, VF, Scott $10.00, $6.00 |
RG70 |
$1.00 Silver Tax stamp, og, NH, VF, Scott $300.00, $175.00 |
RG90-5 |
20¢ - $1.00 Silver Tax stamps, og, NH, VF, Scott for hinged $366.00, $285.00 |
RG95 |
$1.00 Silver Tax stamp, og, NH, VF, Scott $300.00, $200.00 |
RG124 |
$5.00 Silver Tax, og,
NH, VF, Scott for hinged is $150.00++, $125.00 |
RJA11 |
3¢ Narcotic Tax Stamp, Margin block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott for hinged $210.00+, $125.00 |
RJA11-12 |
3¢ & 4¢ Narcotic Tax Stamp PAIRS, og, NH, Scott for hinged $96.00+, $48.00 |
RJA58b |
20¢ Narcotic, roulette 7, og, NH, VF, Scott for hinged $250.00, $225.00 |
RJA58b |
20¢ Narcotic Tax, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, rare stamp especially in
multiples, Scott $1,000.00 for hinged singles, $800.00 |
RJA68a |
18¢ Narcotic Tax, Pair, no gum as issued, VF, Scott $500.00, $300.00 |
RJA78b |
3¢ Narcotic Tax , roul. 7, Block of 4, NH, scarce multiple, Scott for hinged $400.00+, $300.00 |
$50,000.00 Distilled spirits, used, hi val in set, VF, Scott $95.00, $52.00 |