230 |
1˘ deep blue, Block,
of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, F/VF, Scott $94.00, $49.00 |
230-2 |
1¢ - 3¢ Columbians, og, Nh, VF, Scott $161.00, $84.00 |
230-45P4 |
Complete set Columbian Issue PROOFS on card, exceptional color, VF, Scott $2,110.00 $1,450.00 |
232 |
3¢ Columbian, Block of 4, exceptionally fresh og, just a hint of a hinge mark, fresh and fine, Scott $160.00+, $59.00 |
232 |
Columbian, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $270.00, $155.00 |
232-6 |
3˘ - 8˘ Columbians in
Blocks of 4, all very fresh og, NH except top pair 6˘ hinged and bottom
pair 8˘ small thin, Fine, Scott $3,234.00, SPECIAL $999.00
234 |
5¢ Columbian, og, NH, fresh and F/VF+, Miller certificate, Scott $140.00, $80.00 |
234 |
5¢ Columbia, og, NH, large stamp, VF, Scott $140.00, $80.00 |
234 |
5¢ Columbian, Pair, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $280.00+, $170.00 |
235 |
6¢ Columbian, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $140.00, $89.00 |
235 |
6¢ Columbian, og, NH, VF, Scott $140.00, $75.00 |

235 |
6¢ Columbian, og, fresh NH, F/VF, Scott $140.00, $55.00 |
235 |
6¢ Columbian, very fresh og, VLH, F/VF, Scott $50.00, $23.00 |
235 |
Columbian, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $380.00, $205.00 |
235 |
6˘ purple, Block of
4, og, 2NH/2LH, fresh and fine, Scott $380.00, $175.00 |
236P |
8˘ Columbian, IMPERF
PROOF on card stock, VF, Scott $200.00, $125.00 |
236 |
8¢ Columbian, og, NH, VF, Scott $140.00, $75.00 |
236 |
8¢ Columbian, og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $140.00, $65.00 |
237P |
10˘ black brown, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 4, Proof
on India paper, rich color, exceptional item, $400.00 |
237 |
10¢ Columbian, og, NH, natural straight edge at top, fresh and F/VF, Scott $250.00, $110.00 |
238 |
15¢ Columbian, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $700.00, $350.00 |
238 |
15¢ Columbian, og, VLH, very fresh and F/VF, Scott $200.00, $95.00 |
238 |
Columbian, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, F/VF, scarce multiple, Scott
$1,600.00, $825.00 |
239 |
30¢ Columbian, og, NH, reperfed at right, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $600.00, $285.00 |
239 |
30¢ Columbian, og, LH, VF, Scott $225.00, $115.00 |
239 |
30¢ Columbian, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH with some minor mount residue, some perf seps at left, rich color and VF, Scott $1,800.00, $895.00 |
240 |
50¢ Columbian, og, LH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $500.00, $215.00 |
240 |
50¢ Columbian, og, LH, minute perf thin otherwise fresh color and VF+, Scott $450.00, $135.00 |
240 |
50˘ Columbian, unused, regummed,
unhinged, rich color, F/VF, Scott $500.00, $145.00 |
240 |
50¢ Columbian, unused no gum, very strong color, VF, Scott for no gum $200.00, $110.00 |
240 |
Columbian, used, VF, Scott $200.00, $100.00 |
240 |
50¢ Columbian, used, VF, Scott $200.00, $90.00 |
240 |
50¢ Columbian, used, VF, Scott $200.00, $90.00 |
240 |
50¢ Columbian, used, fresh and F/VF, Scott $200.00, $79.00 |
240 |
50˘ slate blue, used, small repaired
thin otherwise very attractive stamp, Scott $200.00, $65.00 |
240 |
50˘ slate blue, Block of 4 w/newspaper
punched precancel, unused, no gum,VF/XF centering, quite unusual exhibit
item, $750.00 |
241 |
$1.00 Columbian, og,
XLH (appears NH), reperfed at top, PF certificate, VF+, $995.00 |
$1.00 Columbian, og, LH, VF, nice color, Miller certificate, Scott $1,100.00, $695.00 |
241 |
$1.00 Columbian, og, VLH, rich color and VF+, Scott $1,000.00, $595.00 |
241 |
Columbian, used, rich color and XF, Miller certificate,Scott $600.00, $520.00 |
241 |
$1.00 Columbian, used, VF/XF, Miller certificate, Scott $525.00,
$360.00 |
241 |
$1.00 Columbian, used w/duplex cancel,
nice color and F/VF, Scott $600.00, $310.00 |
242 |
Columbian, used, couple nibbed perfs otherwise sound and VF stamp, Scott
$650.00, $195.00 |
246 |
1¢ ultramarine, Corner Margin Single, og, NH, VF, Scott $90.00, $53.00 |
247 |
1¢ blue, Plate No. Single, og, NH, XF, $190.00 |
247 |
1˘ blue, Plate No.
Inscription Strip of 5 w/Freak Perfs, center stamp crease, og, hinged,
great variety for exhibit, $250.00 |
247 |
1˘ blue, Plate No. +
Imprint block of 6, og, VLH, minor perf sep lower left selvage, fresh
and XF centering, PF cert, Scott $850.00, $565.00 |
248 |
2˘ pink type I, margin single, og, NH,
VF. Scott $87.50, $55.00 |
248 |
2˘ pink type I, margin single, og, NH,
VF, $60.00 |
248 |
2˘ pink type I, og, NH, arrow straight
edge, XF, Scott $87.50, $45.00 |
250 |
2¢ carmine, type I, Plate No. Single, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, $90.00 |
251 |
2¢ carmine, type II, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $1,200.00, $675.00 |
252 |
2¢ carmine, type III margin single, og, NH, VF, Scott $400.00, $190.00 |
252 |
2˘ carmine, type III, og, NH, natural
gum skips, Fine, Scott $360.00, $160.00 |
252 |
2¢ carmine, type III, margin single, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $400.00, $129.00 |
252 |
2¢ carmine, type III, og, NH, fresh and F+, Scott $400.00, $115.00 |
252 |
2˘ carmine, type
III, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, og, NH, VF/XF, PF certificate, Scott
$1,500.00+, $975.00 |
253 |
3˘ purple,
fresh og, VLH, rich color, nice stamp, Scott $125.00, $75.00 |
253 |
3¢ purple, Strip of 3, og, NH, center stamp w/natural gum wrinkle, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $345.00, $175.00 |
purple, Strip
254P1 |
4¢ Lincoln, dark brown, Large Die Proof on India, small usual India paper faults not affecting image, VF, Scott $600.00, $240.00 |
254P5 |
(formerly 254a), 4¢ Lincoln, Imperf Pair on stamp paper, og, LH, insignif tiny natural inclusion, XF, PF certificate, $225.00 |
255 |
5¢ chocolate, og, NH, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $360.00, $165.00 |
255 |
5¢ yellow brown, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $120.00, $45.00 |
256 |
6˘ Grant, Block of
4, og, 2NH/2LH, fresh and scarce multiple, Scott for singles $1,320.00,
$650.00 |
259-60 |
6¢, 15¢, 50¢, better value from set, all used, VF, Scott $250.00, $99.00 |
258 |
10¢ dark green, og, NH w/pencil marks on gum, fresh margin copy, F/VF, Scott $850.00, $260.00 |
259 |
15¢ dark blue, og, XLH (virtually NH), F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $475.00, $210.00 |
260 |
50¢ orange, og, LH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $500.00, $265.00 |
260 |
50¢ Jefferson, fresh og, LH, F/VF, Scott $500.00, $199.00 |
260 |
50¢ Jefferson, og, LH, minor gum wrinkle otherwise scarce and VF stamp, Scott $475.00, $195.00 |
262 |
$2.00 Madison, fresh og, LH, typically
off center and a very rare stamp missing in most collections, Miller certificate, Scott
$2,750.00, $1,100.00 |
263 |
$5.00 dark green, og, hinged, very scarce and VF, Miller certificate, Scott $4,000.00, $2,200.00 |
267 |
2˘ carmine, fabulous
paper fold PERF FREAK Corner Margin Pair, og, NH/H, $175.00 |
267 |
2˘ carmine, type
III, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, og, NH, F/VF, $40.00
267 |
2¢ carmine, Plate No. Strip of 3, og, NH, fresh and fine, Scott $57.50, $20.00 |
267 |
2˘ carmine,
wonderful example of INK STARVATION, Margin Block of 4, og, hinged, VF,
$150.00 |
268 |
3˘ purple, Imprint Pair, fresh og, NH,
VF+, nice item, $250.00 |
268 |
3¢ Jackson, Imprint Pair, og, NH right stamp, LH left stamp, a few perf seps, Scott for stamps alone $152.50+, $89.00 |
268 |
3¢ Jackson, Plate No. Imprint Pair, og, NH right/LH left, VF, Scott for singles $150.00++, $110.00 |
268 |
3¢ Jackson, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, Scott $400.00, $225.00 |
269P5 |
4¢ Lincoln, dark brown, Plate Proof Pair on gummed stamp paper, og, NH, VF/XF, Scott $500.00+ for hinged, $450.00 |
269 |
4¢ Lincoln, dark brown, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, og, NH, XF, Scott $450.00+, $285.00 |
269 |
4˘ dark brown, Plate No. Strip of 3, og,
NH, VF, $475.00 |
270 |
5˘ chocolate, Plate No. single, fresh
og, NH, XF, Miller certificate, $170.00 |
271 |
6˘ dull brown,
Imprint Pair, og, NH/LH, fresh and F/VF, scott as singles $480.00,
$315.00 |
272 |
8¢ violet brown, og, NH, F/VF+, Scott $210.00, $105.00 |
272 |
8˘ violet brown, og, NH, fresh and
Fine, Scott $210.00, $80.00 |
272 |
8˘ violet brown, Plate No. single,
fresh og, NH, VF/XF, Miller certificate, $190.00 |
272 |
8˘ violet brown, Plate No. Strip of 3, fresh og, NH, hinged and some perf
seps in margin only, F/VF, Scott $750.00, $450.00 |
273 |
10˘ dark green, Plate No. Imprint strip
of 3, og, 2NH/1H in center, as singles Scott $675.00+, $495.00 |
274 |
15¢ dark blue, og, hinge rem, VF, Scott $200.00, $95.00 |
274 |
15˘ dark blue,
Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, fresh og, NH, LH in margin only, fresh and
scarce, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $2,250.00, $1,625.00
276 |
$1.00 black, type I, og, XLH,
extremely fresh, VF, PSE certificate, $575.00 |
276 |
$1.00 black, type I, og, hinge rem, fresh and F/VF, Scott $600.00, $290.00 |
279 |
1˘ green, Imprint
Plate No. Strip of 3 w/inverted reversed watermark, og, NH, VF,
$75.00 |
280 |
4¢ Lincoln, rose brown, Plate No. Single, og, NH, XF, $120.00 |
280b |
4¢ Lincoln, orange brown, og, NH, XF, $75.00 |
282 |
6˘ lake, Plate
No. + Imprint Block of 6, og, 3NH/3H, top center stamp hinge thin
otherwise VF, RARE, Scott for hinged $900.00, $395.00 |
284 |
15¢ olive green, og, LH, VF, Scott $150.00, $85.00 |
285 |
1˘ green, og, NH, XF,
$90.00 |
285 |
1¢ Trans-Miss, og, NH, VF/XF, $50.00 |
285 |
1˘ green, Plate
No. Imprint Block of 4, fresh og, NH, VF, $300.00
285 |
1¢ Trans-Miss, Block of 4, og, NH, fresh and Fine, Scott $325.00, $75.00 |
285-91 |
1˘ - 50˘
Trans-Mississippi, used, VF, Scott $357.25, $195.00 |
286 |
2˘ copper red, Plate
No. Inscription Pair, og, NH, fresh and fine, Scott $165.00, $80.00 |
286 |
2˘ copper red, Margin Pair, og, LH, VF,
$40.00 |
286 |
2˘ copper brown, Plate No. Imprint
Strip of 4, og, NH, one LH hinge mark in margin only, fresh and VF,
Scott $360.00, $239.00 |
286 |
2˘ “Farming in the West”, vertical
strip of 3 from center cut pane, og, NH, VF, Scott $240.00, $120.00 |
288 |
5˘ dull blue, og, NH, F/VF, Scott
$300.00, $165.00 |
288 |
5¢ Trans-Mississippi, og, NH, VF, Scott $300.00, $140.00 |
289 |
8˘ Trans-Miss, og, NH/LH, Plate No.
Inscription Pair, extremely fresh and F/VF, Scott $675.00, $395.00 |
289 |
8¢ Trans-Miss, og, NH, VF, minor gum wrinkle, PSE certificate, Scott $375.00, $195.00 |
289 |
8˘ violet brown, fresh
og, NH, rich color and F/VF, Scott $425.00, $200.00
289 |
8¢ Trans Miss, og, LH, VF, Scott $140.00, $75.00 |
290 |
10¢ Trans Miss, og, LH, VF+, Scott $140.00, $78.00 |
291 |
50˘ sage green, used,
VF, a very nice stamp, $165.00 |
291 |
50˘ sage green, used
w/light cancel, F/VF, Scott $175.00, $95.00 |
291 |
50˘ sage green, used
w/bit heavy cancel, VF centering, Scott $210.00, $105.00 |
293 |
$2.00 Trans-Mississippi, unused regummed, scarce hi-val, VF+, Miller certificate, Scott for no gum $950.00+, $575.00 |
294 |
1˘ Pan Am Expo, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH,
very fresh multiple, Scott $135.00, $85.00 |
294-9 |
Pan-Am Expo set, used, fresh and VF, Scott $128.50, $69.50 |
295 |
2¢ Pan-Am Expo, examples of HIGH TRAIN & LOW TRAIN, both og, NH, $125.00 |
295 |
2˘ Pan Am Expo, Plate No. Imprint Strip of
3, fresh og, 2NH/1LH, VF, $120.00 |
295 |
2˘ carmine & black, Imprint Plate No. Strip
of 3, og, NH except stamp at left hinged, fresh, $90.00 |
295 |
2˘ Pan Am Expo,
Inscription Plate No. Strip of 4 of LOW TRAIN variety, og, center stamps NH,
rest hinged, VF, $300.00 |
296 |
4˘ Electric Auto, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH,
Scott $530.00, $325.00 |
297 |
5˘ ultra & black, og, NH, VF, PSE
certificate, $275.00 |
297 |
5˘ ultramarine & black, Plate No. single, og, NH, hinged in margin only,
couple perf seps at left, very fresh, Scott $210.00+, $120.00 |
298 |
8˘ Pan-Am Expo, og, NH, VF/XF, PSE
Certificate, $260.00 |
298 |
8˘ Pan Am Expo, fresh og, LH, XF,
$135.00 |
298 |
8˘ Pan Am Expo, og,
NH, XF, Miller certificate, $300.00
298 |
8˘ Pan-American, used, VF, Scott $50.00,
$25.00 |
298 |
8˘ violet brown and
black, Arrow Block of 4, fresh og, 2NH/2VLH, a couple of perf seps in top
margin, rich color, scarce and VF+, $725.00
298 |
8˘ Pan Am Expo, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH,
fresh and scarce multiple, Scott $700.00, $525.00 |
299 |
10˘ Pan-Am Expo, fresh og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, terrific
stamp, $295.00 |
299 |
10¢ Pan-Am Expo, og, NH, VF/XF, Miller certificate, SMQ85 $400.00, $250.00 |
299 |
10¢ Pan-Am Expo, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $300.00, $169.00 |
300 |
1¢ blue green, og, NH, VF/XF, Scott $27.50, $18.00 |
300 |
1¢ blue green, used, PF certificate Grade XF 90, $50.00 |
300 |
1¢ Franklin, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $132.00, $73.00 |
300-301 |
1¢ & 2¢, both og, NH, VF, Scott $65.00, $34.00 |
300-311 |
1˘ - $1.00
Complete set except for 2 high values, used, nicely centered, Scott $179.50,
$90.00 |
301 |
2¢ carmine, og, NH, XF, $65.00 |
302 |
3¢ Jackson, og, NH, VF, Scott $130.00, $75.00 |
303 |
4¢ brown and yellow brown shades, both og, NH, VF, Scott $280.00, $150.00 |
303 |
4˘ Grant, og, NH (light
fingerprint), VF, Scott $140.00, $80.00 |
304 |
5¢ Lincoln blue, Plate No. Single, og, NH, XF, $200.00 |
304 |
5¢ Lincoln blue, Plate No. Single, og, NH, VF, $150.00 |
304 |
5¢ Lincoln, og, NH, XF, $150.00 |
304 |
5¢ Lincoln, og, LH, VF, Scott $60.00, $32.00 |
304 |
5¢ Lincoln, Pair, og, NH, Fine, Scott $300.00, $110.00 or single $58.00 |
304 |
5˘ Lincoln, Imprint
Plate No. Strip of 3, og, NH, hinged in margin, a few minor perf seps, Scott
$500.00, $250.00 |
304 |
5˘ Lincoln, Block of 4,
og, NH, fresh and fine, Scott $625.00, $300.00 |
307 |
10˘ pale red brown, fresh og, LH,
F/VF+, Scott $60.00, $33.00 |
308 |
13¢ Harrison, og, NH, VF, Scott $100.00, $65.00 |
308 |
13¢ Harrison, Block of 4, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $440.00, $210.00 |
308 |
13˘ Harrison, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, very
fresh, Scott $280.00, $145.00 |
308 |
13˘ Harrison, Imprint
Plate No. Block of 6, og, LH, VF, Scott $675.00, $435.00 |
308,a |
13¢ Harrison, purple black & brown violet shades, NH, VF, Scott $200.00, $105.00 |
309 |
15¢ olive green, fresh og, NH, F/VF, Scott $475.00, $245.00 |
309 |
15¢ olive green, og, VLH, F/VF+, Scott $180.00, $95.00 |
310 |
50¢ orange, og, XLH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $425.00, $225.00 |
315 |
5¢ Lincoln blue, Imperf Vertical pair w/U.S.A.V. Perf Type I, og, NH/LH, much rarer than Scott indicates, XF, PF certificate, $1,500.00 |
319 |
2˘ carmine, paper fold
perf freak pair, og, hinged, VF, $225.00 |
319 |
2˘ carmine, Margin
Block of 4 w/paper fold variety LL, og, hinged, VF, $200.00 |
319 |
2˘ carmine, Block of 5
w/paper fold Freak Perfs, stunning variety, og, hinged, $400.00 |
319Fi |
2¢ carmine, scarcer type II, og, NH, fresh and Fine, Miller certificate, Scott $150.00, $65.00 |
319Fi |
2¢ carmine, scarce type II, Block of 4, og, NH, Miller certificate, Scott $600.00, $250.00 |
319g |
2¢ Booklet Pane of 6, og, hinged, VF, Scott $125.00, $49.00 |
320 |
2˘ Washington, Complete
Imperforate sheet of 100, og, NH, insignif perf tears in margin only, Rare
sheet, VF, partial sheet shown, $2,100.00 |
323-7 |
Complete Louisiana Purchase set, og, NH except 5¢ VLH, VF/XF, Scott $720.00, $425.00 |
323-7 |
Louisiana Purchase set,
og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $305.00, $165.00 |
323-7 |
Complete set Louisiana Purchase, og, LH, VF, Scott $305.00, $149.00 |
325 |
violet, og, NH, VF, Scott $170.00, $105.00 |
326 |
5˘ dark blue,
og, NH, XF, PF certificate, $295.00 |
327 |
10¢ red brown, fresh og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $300.00, $175.00 |
327 |
10¢ red brown, og, LH, VF, Scott $125.00, $70.00 |
328-9 |
1¢ & 2¢ Jamestown, Blocks of 4, og, NH, fresh and fine, Scott as singles $600.00, $245.00 |
328-30 |
Complete Jamestown set, og, NH, VF+, Scott $535.00, $275.00 |
328-30 |
Jamestown Complete set, og, NH, F/VF+, Scott $500.00, $225.00 |
328-30 |
1¢ - 5¢ Jamestown Expo set, complete, fresh og, NH, F/VF, Scott $500.00, $225.00 |
328-30 |
Complete Jamestown set, og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $500.00, $190.00 |
330 |
5˘ Pocahontas, fresh og,
hinged, well centered for this issue, Scott $140.00, $82.00 |
330 |
5˘ blue, Block of 4,
fresh og, NH, typical centering for this stamp, scarce multiple, Scott
$1,400.00, $700.00