803-30 |
½ ¢ -30¢ Prexie in Plate No. Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $128.55, $55.00 |
803-31 |
½ ¢ - 50¢ Prexies, NH, VF, Scott $33.10, $15.00 |

803-32 |
½ ¢ - $1.00 Prexies, Plate No. Blocks of 4, NH, VF, Scott $260.95, $115.00 |
1938 Prexie Set, complete, og, NH, VF, Scott $143.30, $100.00 |

803-34 |
½ ¢ - $5.00 Prexie set, complete in Plate Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $670.95, $375.00 |

803-34 |
½ ¢ - $5.00 Complete Prexie set in Plate No. Blocks of 4, NH, VF, Scott $670.95, $325.00 |
807 |
Jefferson Prexie pair, dramatic INK STARVATION, og, NH reverse, nice
collateral item, VF, $65.00 |
807 |
3¢ Jefferson, Ink
Starvation variety pair, og, NH, $15.00 |
807a |
3¢ Prexie Booklet Pane of 6 w/diff Plate numbers, NH LH, $18.00 |
807b |
3¢ purple, IMPERFORATE BETWEEN Pair, og,
NH, VF, Rare – only 10 known, PSE certificate, $2,200.00 |
815 |
10¢ Prexie, 2 diff Plate Blocks w/better Plate numbers, NH, VF, Durland $20.00, $8.99 |

825 |
Garfield Prexie, pair w/Gov’t tape splice, bottom stamp w/double paper and
red crayon rejection mark, og, NH, very unusual, Weiss certificate,
$125.00 |
825 |
20¢ James
Garfield, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $3.75 |
831 |
50¢ Prexie, Pre eye Plate No. Block of 4, NH, VF, Durland $60.00, $30.00 |
832b |
$1.00 Wilson, wmk. USIR, Corner Block of
4, og, NH, VF, $550.00 |
839-47 |
Complete set Joint Line Pairs except 1 ½ ¢ & 2¢ Coiil Pairs only, og, NH, VF, Scott $114.80, $54.00 |
839-851 |
Complete Coil Pair set, og, LH, VF, Scott $72.00, $24.00 |

843 |
4¢ coil JOINT LINE
PAIR, NH, Scott $27.50, $20.00; same, LH, XF, $14.00
844 |
4½¢ White House, Joint Line Pair, og, NH,
VF/XF, $4.00 |
845 |
5¢ Monroe, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, XF,
Scott $27.50, $19.50 |
859-93 |
Complete set Famous Americans in Blocks of
4, og, NH, VF, Scott $125.00, $82.00 |
859-93 |
Famous Americans set, Complete, Plate No. Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $265.70, one sample page shown, 7 total in group, $135.00 |
859-93 |
Famous Americans, Complete set in Plate No.
Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $303.35, $195.00 |
859-93 |
Famous Americans set, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.80, $20.00 |
876 |
3¢ Burbank, og, NH, PSE certificate Grade
Superb 98, $50.00 |
876 |
3¢ Burbank, og, NH, XF/Superb, PSE
certificate Grade 95, $20.00 |
890 |
2¢ Morse, og, NH, PSE Grade 98 Superb,
$50.00 |
890 |
2¢ Morse, og, NH, PSE Grade XF/Superb 95,
$20.00 |
893 |
10¢ Bell, NH, Plate No. Block of 4, very fresh, Scott
$57.50, $37.00 |
907 |
carmine Dramatic Ink Smear Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, probably unique,
$125.00 |
907 |
Allies, Block of 4, HEAVY INKING, og, NH, VF, $65.00 |

909-21 |
5¢ Overrun Countries Issue, complete set in
name blocks of 4, og, NH, XF, Scott $43.00, $22.00 |
927E |
3¢ Florida Statehood, 1935 Photo Essay of proposed design, 69x63mm, XF, $275.00 |
927E |
3¢ Florida Statehood, 1935 Photo Essay of proposed design, 71x45mm, XF, $275.00 |
1025 |
3¢ Trucking
Industry, Block of 4, og, Nh, HEAVY INKING VARIETY, VF, Normal stamp at
right, $39.00 |
1030-53 |
Complete set, og, NH, Scott $64.60,
$39.00 |

1030-53 |
Liberty issue, Plate No. Block of 4
complete set of 27, og, NH, VF, Scott $340.00, $169.00
```````` |
1053 |
$5.00 Hamilton, og, NH, VF, Scott $50.00, $27.00 |
1053 |
$5.00 Hamilton, og, NH, Plate No. Block of
4, VF, Scott $275.00, $129.00
1053 |
Hamilton, Matched set of 4 Corner Plate No. Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott
$960.00, $575.00 |
1058 |
4¢ Lincoln, Miscut Coil Line Strip of 6 with partial Plate No.'s 26114 & 26113, NH, VF, $38.00 |

1278-95 |
1¢ - $5.00 Complete Definitive set in Plate
No. blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $78.65, $55.00 |
1278-95 |
1¢ - $5.00 Prominent Americans, Complete set, og, NH, VF,
Scott $18.85, $13.00 |
1279 |
1¼¢ Gallatin, Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH,
$4.50 |
1290b |
25¢ magenta shade, Plate No. Block of 4 with normal shade at right, og, NH, VF, Scott $150.00, $85.00 |
1290b |
Douglass MAGENTA SHADE, og, NH, Block of 4, shown here w/normal color, Scott
$100.00+, $60.00; singles of the variety are available for $17.50 |
1295 |
$5.00 Moore, Plate No.
Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $29.00 |
1299a |
1¢ Untagged Bureau Precancel Normal & Line Pairs, NH, V, signed Loeffler, Scott $307.50, $195.00 |
1305k |
6¢ FDR pair, Tagging Omitted Error, NH, VF, signed Loeffler, $8.00 |
1369a |
6¢ American Legion, Tagging Omitted Error, NH, Vf, signed Loeffler, Scott $225.00+, $165.00 |
1401a |
6¢ Untagged Bureau Precancel Normal & Line Pairs, NH, VF, signed Loeffler, quite scarce, Scott $567.50, $395.00 |
1568-69 |
10¢ Apollo-Soyuz issue, Plate Block of 12 with PLATE FLAW on UL2 stamp, as
noted in French encyclopedia, "Vertical line in center of gray bottom
border" of UL gray plate #36305, og, NH, VF, $7.50 |
1615Cf, 2609a |
8.4¢ & 29¢ Imperf pairs, NH, VF, $15.00 |
1826a |
15¢ Galvez, Red Brown and Blue (engr) COLORS MISSING ERROR, og, NH, normal
stamp at right for comparison, only 100 known, VF, Scott $700.00, $325.00 |
1826a |
15¢ Galvez, Red Brown and Blue (engr) COLORS MISSING ERROR, Mr. Zip Corner
Block of 4, og, NH, normal block for comparison at right, only 2 reported
known, VF, $1,400.00 |
1860v |
20¢ Ralph Bunche, Perf ERROR pair, 20¢ missing,
NH, VF, $20.00 |
18¢ Flower block of 4 with DOUBLE PRINT of blue lettering
at bottom of each stamp, og, NH, VF, $85.00 |
1889a |
(BK137) 18¢ Wildlife Booklet, Plate
#14, VF, Scott $35.00, $21.00 |
1891 |
18¢ Flag & Lighthouse, Plate #6 single, used, VF, Scott $500.00+, $350.00 |
1891 |
18¢ Flag Over Lighthouse, Plate #6 Strip of 3, used and thus extremely scarce, PF certificate, VF, Scott for single $500.00+, $450.00 |
1891 |
18¢ Flag &
Anthem, PNC #1 Strip of 5, og, NH, VF, Scott $125.00, $69.00 |
1894d |
20¢ Flag, block of 13 showing BLACK OMITTED
ERROR and progression, NH, unique item, $795.00 |
1895 |
20¢ Flag over Supreme Court, PNC #4 strip
of 5, og, NH, RARE, VF, Scott $575.00, $395.00
1900 |
5.2¢ Sleigh, PNC #3 strip of 3, NH, VF,
Scott $140.00, $90.00 |
1904a |
10.9¢ Hansom Cab Bureau Precancel, Plate
Nos. 1&2 Coil Pairs, og, NH, VF, $12.50 |
1907 |
18¢ Surrey, PNC #3 Strip of 5, NH, VF, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
1907 |
18¢ Surrey, PNC #1 Strip of 3, NH, VF, Scott $15.00, $8.00 |
1907 |
18¢ Surrey, PNC #1 Strip of 5, NH, VF, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
1907 |
Surrey, Plate No. 1, Strip of 5, og, NH, VF, Scott $80.00, $48.00 |
1908 |
20¢ Pumper, PNC #1 strip of 3, NH, VF,
Scott $30.00, $20.00 |
1908 |
20¢ Pumper, PNC #2
strip of 3, NH, VF, Scott $160.00, $105.00 |
1915v |
Space, HUGE Perf Shift Freak shown with normal, og, NH, VF, $75.00 |
1949a |
(Bk142) 20¢ Bighorn Sheep w/scarcer plate #
15, NH, VF, Scott $40.00, $27.00 |
2005 |
20¢ Consumer Ed., PNC #3
strip of 3, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $16.00 |
2168-96 |
Great Americans, Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $33.10, $19.00 |
2218l |
Presidents sheet, TAGGING OMITTED ERROR, og, NH, minor abrasions in top
margin only mentioned on PF certificate, only 2 of these recorded,
$375.00 |
2441a |
25¢ Love, UNFOLDED Bkt Pane of 10,
Plate #1211, NH, VF, $20.00 |
2485a |
29¢ Wood Duck, UNFOLDED Bkt Pane of
10, Plate #K11111, NH, VF, $10.00 |
2549a |
29¢ Fishing Flies, UNFOLDED Bkt Pane
of 5, Plate #23213, NH, VF, $10.00 SOLD |
2566a |
29¢ Comedians Booklet complete, VF, Scott
$19.00, $14.00 |
2566a |
29¢ Comedians, UNFOLDED Bkt Pane of 10,
Plate #1, NH, VF, $9.00 SOLD |
2566b |
29¢ Comedians, Booklet Pane of 10, COLOR
OMITTED ERROR – scarlet & bright violet are missing, pane separated
vertically and with original booklet cover, NH, Scott $650.00, $250.00 |
2577a |
Space Exploration Booklet, contains 2 panes of 10, VF, Scott $18.00,
$12.75 |
2577a |
29¢ Space Exploration, UNFOLDED BOOKLET
PANE of 10, NH, VF, $12.00 SOLD |
2595a.96a,97a |
Complete Booklet Panes in brown, green and red, VF, $30.00 |
2619v |
29¢ Olympic Baseball, og,
NH, Double Print of U in USA error, VF, normal stamp shown at right,
$60.00 |
2624-9 |
U.S., Portugal, Spain & Italy, Complete set of Columbus s/s from 4
countries, NH, VF, Scott $96.85, $69.00 |

29¢ Legends of the West ERROR SHEET in original
packaging, VF, $150.00 |
2904c |
(5¢) Non-Profit, IMPERF PAIR, og, NH, VF,
normal pair included for comparison, Scott $450.00, $250.00 |
2975var |
Civil War Sheet Gov’t
packaging ERROR w/2 sheets in package instead of one, VF, $50.00 |
2980a |
32¢ Woman suffrage, BLACK (engr) OMMITTED
ERROR, og, NH, VF, normal stamp shown at right for comparison, Scott
$400.00, $275.00 |

3252b & 3252c |
32¢ Christmas Wreaths, Pane of 20 and Booklet Pane of 20, Die Cut varieties, NH, VF, Scott $65.00, $39.00 |
68c,69a |
(33¢) Hat in full sheet and 3 diff booklets, NH, VF, Face $32.34, $42.00 |
3261 |
$11.75 Space
Shuttle, self-adhesive Plate No. Block of 4, NH, VF, $70.00 |
3377a |
BK279, $9.80 Submarine Booklet complete w/2
panes, VF, Scott $45.00, $34.00 |
3409-13 |
Hologram Set, 5 different, NH, $99.00 |
3409 |
Space Hologram "Probing The Vastness of Space", NH , VF, $11.00 |
3410 |
Space Hologram "Exploring the Solar System", NH, VF, $11.00
3411 |
Space Hologram “Escaping the Gravity of
Earth”, NH, VF, $19.99 |
3412 |
Space Hologram "Space Achievement and
Exploration Pane", NH, VF, $35.00 |
3413 |
Space Hologram "Landing
on the Moon", NH, VF, $35.00 |
3830De |
37¢ Egret, Booklet Pane of 20 w/Microprinting, NH, VF, Scott $110.00, $70.00 |