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118D 82a, 2kr gray blue, used, VF, Scott $50.00, $27.00
118G 82ac, 2k gray blue, p. 11 ½ , used, VF, Scott $150.00, $80.00



1906, 82b, 2kr blue, og, LH, fresh stamp, $70.00



1909, 83, 5kr violet, margin block of 4, og, 3 NH/1 H, bit of perf separation, MBK cat $700.00, $400.00




1913, 86v, 3f PALE YELLOW Error of Color (normal shade shown at far right), quite rare, og NH, $450.00

133A 96a, 35f/50f, ERROR, (pos 13) in sheet of 100, og, NH, some sheet perf seps, partial sheet shown VF, $440.00  



1916, 114,15f Harvester, Broken AR in Magyar variety, hinged pair, $20.00

135FM 1917, Early Military Airplane Exhibition cancels, VF, $10.00 each  



1916, 121, 80f Parliament, Colored SPOT ON M in Magyar variety, on 2 used stamps, $12.00

135GB 1916, Harvester/Building issue, group of 7 diff TRIAL, perf 11 1/2 on very thin ungummed watermarked paper, VF, $125.00  
135L 1919, 210, 20f brown with striking DOUBLE RED OVERPRINT, og, NH pair $195.00  
135M 308-11v, Complete set of Space Souvenir sheets, Imperforate, og, NH, VF, Scott $70.00, $40.00  



1926, 403, 1f gray, DRAMATIC DOUBLE PRINT top stamp in 3-strip, og, NH quite unusual as it is hard to imagine a double printing affecting only the top row of stamps. $90.00,

136GA 1926, 403, 1f gray, DRAMATIC DOUBLE PRINT top stamp in og pair, hinged, quite unusual as it is hard to imagine a double printing affecting only the top row of stamps. $60.00  
139PB 451a,  6f on 8f magenta, perf 14, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $200.00, $125.00  
139R 454a, 6f on 8f magenta, perf 14, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $520.00, $295.00  



1931, 454av, 6/8f magenta, scarce Perf 14 PLUS DOUBLE PERF AT BOTTOM error, og, hinged and signed, unique item, $275.00


1932, 462-5, Madonna set complete in Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, $950.00

142B 1932, 462-5, Madonna set complete, og, NH, VF, $250.00  
142C 462-5, Madonna Complete set, og, 462-3LH, 464-5NH, VF, Scott for hinged $145.00, $140.00  
142L 486, 20f lake Souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $140.00, $95.00  

486, 20f lake Souvenir sheet, og, LH, VF, Scott $70.00, $38.00

148 1935, Trial Color PROOFS, set of 3 diff colors on ungummed paper, shallow thin on center stamp, otherwise VF, $50.00  



1936, 498-502, Complete University set of 5, each tied on small piece with special FDC cancel, VF, $95.00

157 528, Souvenir Sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $16.00  



1945, Dramatic Ovpt. Shifts so that "1945" appears at bottom of stamp, og, NH, #668 - $20.00; #679 pair - $50.00



859-60 C63 NH pairs from UPU booklet, VF, $16.00  
173M 906-910v, Flower set, IMPERF, og, NH, XF, Scott $70.00, $45.00  
173MA 906-10, Flowers set, Imperf, og, LH, VF, Scott $70.00, $35.00  
174K 929-32, C87-90, Livestock set incl. Airs, IMPERF, og, LH, XF, Scott $100.00, $45.00  



1952, 996v, 60f magenta, og, NH, DOUBLE BAR VARIETY, VF, $125.00


179M 1135, 10ft violet, corner block w/FREAK PERFS in 2 sizes, og, NH, VF, $75.00  
180F 1076-8, Communist set, IMPERF, og, LH, VF, Scott $80.00, $32.00  
180H 1202a, Souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $23.00  
180MA 1088-95, Fruit set, IMPERF, og, LH, XF, Scott $70.00, $30.00  
182B 1182, TV Industry, Perforated Souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $42.50, $27.00  
182J 1189, 1958 Universal Exposition at Brussels perforated souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $27.50, $17.00  
182YAZ 1212-18, Int’l Geophysical Year set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
182YC 1222-3, 1959 Labor Day set, IMPERF, og, NH, Vf, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
182YEM 1261a-63, 1959, Stamp Day, Moon Landing, Letter Writing, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $47.00, $32.00  


1264-7, 1959 Stamp Exon set, IMPERF, OG, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $17.50

183C 1300, Souvenir Sheet, imperforate, og, NH, VF, Scott $100.00, $65.00  
183CA 1300a-d, Souvenir sheet singles w/labels, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $120.00, $48.00  
183CM 1301-6, B217, Winter Olympics set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $17.50  
183F 1323a, 1960 National Stamp Show, IMPERF WITH TICKET, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
183NA 1336, 1960 Olympics, perforated souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $13.00  
184S 1381-2v, Space set, IMPERF, og, NH, XF, Scott $60.00, $35.00  
184T 1384a, 1961 May Day set, IMPERF PAIR, og, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $17.50  
184V 1385-8, Venus Space Probe set, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $24.00  
184VB 1388v, 1961 Mini sheet of 4, perforated, og, NH, VF, Scott $16.00, $10.00  
184W 1389-91, Postal Ministers Conference set, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
184ZB 1400-2, Transport Conference set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
185A 1406-12, 1961 Horses set, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $24.00  

1416, 150th Anniversary of birth of Franz Liszt IMPERF souvenir sheet, og, LH, VF, Scott $40.00, $24.00

185J 1418-25, Flowers set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
186D 1461av, Malaria Souvenir Sheet of 4, IMPERF, og, NH, XF, Scott $50.00, $33.00  
186E 1465-72, Roses set, Imperf, og, LH, VF, Scott $40.00, $20.00  
186X 1529-31, Ships & Boats set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $17.00  
186XA 1532-8, Int’l Red Cross set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
186XC 1548-54, B234, 1964 Winter Olympics set, Imperf  og, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $17.50  
186XD 1556-61, B235-6, New Year 1964 set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
186Y 1570-7, Lace Designs set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $24.00  
186YA 1578-95, Complete set except #1592, IMPERF NH, VF, Scott $95.00, $49.00  
186YG 1597, Perf & Imperf souvenir sheets, og, NH, VF, Scott $23.00, $13.50  
186YH 1597,v, Eleanor Roosevelt Miniature Sheets, Perf * Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $23.00, $14.00  
186Z 1618, Imperf souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $45.00, $31.50  
186ZB 1626-35, Complete set IMPERF, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $18.00  
186ZD 1647-58, 1964 Olympics set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
187A 1668, Souvenir sheet, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
187B 1681, Souvenir sheet, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
187BEL 1740-5, Flowers set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $25.00, $17.50  
187BEN 1746-51, Birds set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
187BF 1772-9, B258a, Sport set complete, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $22.75, $15.75
187BH 1787-94, Athletic Events set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
187BI 1795-1801, Paintings set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00  
187C 1802, Souvenir sheet, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
187E 1819, Souvenir sheet, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $20.00  
187L 1828-34, 1967,  Complete Ship and Flag set IMPERFORATE, og, NH, quite scarce, Scott $375.00, $260.00  
187Q 1871-78, B264, 10th Winter Olympic Games, Complete set with souvenir sheet, IMPERFORATE, og, NH, VF, $24.00  
187T 1900-1907, 1968 Budapest Museum Paintings, Complete set with souvenir sheet, IMPERFORATE, og, hinged, VF, Scott $37.50, $25.00  
187V 1913-21, Horses, Complete set, IMPERFORATE, og, NH, VF, $32.00  
188D 1975-82, 1969 Budapest Museum Paintings, Complete set with miniature sheet, og, NH, VF, $27.00  
188H 2015, Rubens and Van Dyck miniature sheet, IMPERFORATE, og, NH, VF, $19.00  

189M 2017/2059, 1970 IMPERFS, og, NH, Complete set except for #2061 and 3 s/s, quite scarce, a total of 40 stamps, all VF, Scott $141.00, $105.00  

190 1970, 1Ft 5th Education Congress (Scott 2044), Hand Painted ESSAYS mounted on black card, 2 diff including one very similar to accepted design, these are unique and exceptional artwork examples, the issued stamp is shown, $250.00  
190M 2105-12, Imperf set, og, NH, VF, Scott $32.50, $20.00  
192A 2514, Imperf souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $170.00, $119.00  
192C 2565, Imperf sheet of 12, og, NH, VF, Scott $100.00, $70.00  
192F 2659-64, Nature Protection set, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
193A 2705-11, Danube Commission set, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
193V 3179, Souvenir sheet, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $20.00  
193X 3209-12, Modern Paintings set, Imperf, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $21.00  
195P 3285a, Post Office, IMPERF, og, NH, VF, Scott $50.00, $32.00  

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