Regular Issues #1-58
Net Price List

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1L 1,1a (1b,1c) 3¢ Coat of Arms, og, hinged in both brown and yellow gum, close margins, strong color, Facit $715.00, $175.00  
1LA 1 (1c) 3¢ carmine, brown gum w/natural gum cracks, 4-margin, og, hinged, Scott $200.00, $90.00  
1MC 1a (1b) 3¢ carmine, yellow gum, used w/light ring cancel, F/VF, Scott $275.00, $110.00  
1Q 2 (2) 3¢ rose, used, 4-margins, VF, Scott $65.00, $35.00  
1R 2 (2) 3¢ rose, used, nice 2 margin stamp, Scott $65.00, $17.00  
4E 4v (4v1) 4¢ blue, INVERTED WMK & partial sheet mgn wmk, used, quite scarce and VF, Facit $825.00++, $475.00  
5B 5 (5a) 1¢ bicolor, 1st Printing, og, hinged, nice example of scarce first printing, Facit $305.00, $125.00  



5 (5c) 1¢ bicolor, pr. III, Block of 4, fresh og, sensibly reinforced perfs, XF, Facit $425.00, $250.00  
5G 5v (5dv2) 1¢ bicolor, INVERTED WMK, used, F/VF, Facit $150.00, $75.00  
5GD 5 (5) 1¢ bicolor, neat ST. JAN scarcer town cancel, VF, $80.00  
5H 5 (5dv2) 1¢ bicolor, 4th Printing, INVERTED WATERMARK, used, light corner crease otherwise VF, Facit $140.00, $49.00  



5 (5e) 1¢ bicolor, pr V, Block of 4, fresh NH with sensible reinforced perfs, VF, Facit for hinged $240.00, $130.00  



5 (5e) 1¢ bicolor, pr V, og, LH, XF, Facit $55.00+, $40.00  



5 (5f) 1¢ bicolor, pr VI, Block of 4, og, LH, VF, Facit $205.00, $110.00




5 (5g) 1¢ bicolor, pr VII, Block of 4 with INVERTED WMK, og, LH, Facit $340.00, $150.00  
5HQ 5a (5g) 1¢ bicolor, inverted frame, Block of 4, og, LH, VF, Facit $190.00, $85.00  



5 (5i) 1¢ bicolor, pr IX, NORMAL FRAME, part og, LH, corner creases and just a speck of a thin, scarce, Facit $420.00, $88.00  
5J 5 (5h) 1¢ bicolor, pr. VIII, Complete sheet of 100, og, 60NH/40H, some perf seps and hinge reinforcements, quite scarce, includes several listed varieties, Facit for singles $6,900.00, $2,350.00  



5v (28PT1) 10CENTS 1895 Ovpt on 1¢ bicolor PROOFS with small digits, og, LH, as per Facit “with usual brown climate spots”, quite scarce, only 400 produced, Facit $1,550.00, $950.00  



6 (6b) 3¢ bicolor, pr. II, Block of 4, fresh og, LH, VF, Facit $725.00, $410.00  
5S 6 (6b) 3¢ bicolor, 2nd Printing, used, VF, Facit $125.00, $65.00  



6 (6c) 3¢ bicolor, pr. III, Strip of 4, unused no gum, scarcer multiple, Facit for singles $265.00+, $110.00  



6 (6e) 3¢ bicolor, pr. V, Block of 4, og, hinged, VF, Facit $240.00, $125.00  



6 (6f) 3¢ bicolor, pr VI, Block of 4, og, LH, VF, Facit $180.00, $95.00  



6 (6g) 3¢ bicolor, pr VII, Block of 4, og, VLH, VF, Facit $240.00, $135.00  
5ST Reference Collection of Spiro Forgeries – 3¢, 4¢, 7¢ Bicolors in corner singles, a must for advanced collector, VF, $65.00  



7b (7a) 4¢ bicolor, pr I, unused no gum, rich color and scarce, Facit $360.00, $140.00  
5U 7b (7a) 4¢ bicolor, 1st printing, used, minute thin specks otherwise very attractive stamp, Scott $225.00, $57.00  
5V 7 (7a) 4¢ bicolor, 1st Printing, used, tiny thin, F/VF, Facit $490.00, $145.00  
5W 7c, 4¢ bisect p. 14 x 13½ on large piece, signed Pollak, tied Frederiksted, 1903, VF, Scott $165.00, $45.00  
5X 7v (7bv) 4¢ bicolor, INVERTED WMK, used, scarce, VF, Facit $330.00, $160.00  



8a (8a) 5¢ bicolor, pr I, Block of 4, fresh og, LH, VF, Facit $850.00, $425.00



8 (8b), 5 cent bicolor, printing II, Margin Block of 4, og (3NH/1LH), very fresh and scarce multiple, Facit retail $1,440.00,   $550.00

6C 8 (8) 5¢ bicolor, pr. III, og, NH, VF, Facit $145.00, $75.00  
6D 8 (8) 5¢ bicolor, used w/bold ST. JAN 1893 cancel, VF, $75.00  



9a (9a), 7 cent bicolor, pr. I, used, $70.00  
7FA 9a (7a) 7¢ bicolor, 1st printing, used with Wedge in Rings registration cancel, VF, Scott $100.00+, $60.00  
7G 9v (9bv2) 7¢ Bicolor, og, hinged, scarce Thick Frame “Caroe's Cut” variety (pos. 72), horiz. crease, scarce, Facit $600.00, $150.00  
7FX 9 (9b) 7¢ bicolor, Block of 4, og, hinged in center only, VF, Facit $220.00, $115.00  
8C 10 (10f) 10¢ bicolor, pr VI, unused no gum as always, PF certificate Grade 90, XF, $90.00  



10 (10gv14) 10¢ bicolor, pr VII, Pair showing SPOT ON R variety at left, used, VF, Facit $95.00, $60.00




11a (11a) 12¢ bicolor, pr I, og, LH, XF, $200.00  



11a (11a) 12¢ bicolor, pr I, used w/1879 cancel, VF, Facit $300.00, $160.00  
9 11 (11) 12¢ bicolor, Block of 4 sensibly reinforced, og, LH, F/VF, Facit $350.00, $150.00  
9B 11v (11bv2) 12¢ bicolor, GUMMED ON BOTH SIDES, og, LH, tiny slit on left side, scarce, Facit $350.00, $75.00
9C 11 (11) 12¢ bicolor, tied on small piece by St. Thomas New Year’s Eve 1904 cds, pretty and VF, Facit $285.00, $150.00  
10L 13a (13b) 50¢ gray violet, fresh og, NH, XF, top quality for this stamp, Facit $1,080.00, $600.00  




13a (13b), 50 cent gray violet, pr. II, og, NH, VF, exceptional stamp, Facit $715.00, $450.00

10MA 13a (13b) 50¢ gray violet, pr II, og, Nh, XF, Nielsen certificate, Facit Prax $990.00, $600.00  



13a (13b), 50 cent gray violet, pr. II, og, hinged, extremely fresh Block of 4, VF, scarce multiple, Facit $2,200.00, $995.00  


13 (13a), 50 cent violet, pr. I, og, hinged, Block of 4, one stamp w/black dot, scarce multiple, Facit $2,400.00, $850.00  


13a(13b, v11), 50 cent gray violet, very scarce block of 4 showing “White Flaw on K “ variety LR, og, sensible hinge reinforcement , F/VF, Facit $2,900.00, $1,300.00

11B 14a (23a) 1CENT on 7¢, pr. I, og, NH, couple age toned perfs otherwise VF, Facit $310.00, $120.00  


15 (28) 10CENTS on 50¢ bicolor, Corner block of 25, og, hinge reinforced on back, VF, Facit for singles $1,600.00, $525.00  



15 (28), 10 CENTS 1895 on 50 cent violet, og, NH, F/VF, Facit $115.00, $39.00  


15 (28) 10 CENTS 1895 on 50 cent violet, pair, og, NH, VF, Facit $200.00, $85.00  
12MD 15 (28) 10CENTS 1895 on 50¢, used w/St. Thomas cancel, scarce properly used, Facit $100.00, $55.00  



16 (14) 1¢ bicolor, p. 13, Block of 4, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $75.00, $35.00  
12U 17 (15) 3¢ bicolors, used w/nice strikes of Christiansted & Frederiksted, VF, $65.00  



17,a (15,v) 3¢ bicolor, p. 13, Margin Block of 4 with NORMAL FRAME (pos. 50) at LR, og, NH, VF+, Facit $870.00, $495.00  


18 (16) 4¢ bicolor, Corner block of 25, og, NH except for 2 stamps LH, VF, Facit as singles $1,750.00, $695.00  
13AB 18 (16) 4¢ Bicolor, Corner Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Facit $385.00, $180.00  



18 (16) 4¢ bicolor pr IV, p. 13, Block of 4, 2NH/2LH, VF, Facit $155.00, $75.00




18,b (16,av1) 4¢ bicolor, Pr III, p. 13, pair showing normal & INVERTED FRAME, og, LH, VF, Facit $385.00,. $210.00  
13MZ 19 (17) 5¢ bicolor, used, VF, Scott $35.00, $18.00  
13MZA 19 (17) 5¢ bicolor, used w/ST. JAN town cancel, nice strike, $65.00  



19 (17) 5¢ bicolor, Pr VIII, p. 13, Block of 4, og, LH, VF, FAcit $265.00, $135.00  
13P 19 (17a) 5¢ bicolor, 7th Printing p. 13, Block of 6, og, hinged, toned gum otherwise VF, Facit for singles $300.00, $95.00  
13PA 19 (17a) 5¢ bicolor, p. 13, 7th printing, og toned, VF centering, Scott $35.00, $15.00
14 20 (18) 10¢ Bicolor, p. 13, Margin Block of 6, og, 1NH/5LH, VF+, Facit $825.00, $400.00
14A 20 (18) 10¢ bicolor, p. 13, og, NH, F/VF, Facit $225.00, $105.00



20 (18) 10¢ bicolor, p. 13, Block of 4 showing T.S variety UR, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,150.00, $550.00
16 21 (19) 1¢ Coat of Arms, used w/Crown and Marginal Letters watermarks, unusual, $40.00  



21 (19) 1¢ green, used with ST JAN 1902 cancel, thin spot, $75.00  
16C 21 (19) 1¢ Coat of Arms, Pair w/scarce ST. JAN 1901 cancel, $75.00  
16CA 21 (19) 1¢ green, used with ST. JAN 1900 cancel, VF, $45.00  



21v (19v1) 1¢Coat of Arms, INVERTED WMK, og, LH, VF, Facit $165.00, $90.00  


24 (24) 2 CENTS 1902 ovpt, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Facit $70.00, $35.00  
17Y 24 (24b, v2) 3¢ bicolor Block of 4, scarce Normal Frame at LR, og, VLH, Facit $310.00+, $150.00  
17Z 24-5a (24,26v1) 2CENT & 8CENT Ovpts each w/straight foot variety in pair w/normal, NH, VF, Facit 1400kr+, $75.00  
18 24b (24v3) 2CENTS 1901 w/large digits, og, hinged, fine and very scarce stamp, missing in most collections, Facit $935.00, $575.00  



24bv (24v4) 2CENTS 1901 SMALL DIGITS Ovpt, og, LH, Fine and very scarce, Facit $1,050.00, $600.00  



24d (24v5) 2CENTS 1902 Ovpt in DARK GREEN, og, hinged, Rare Stamp, Facit $3,300.00, $1,975.00  
20G 25, 8¢ on 10¢ Strip of 3 showing E in VEST variety (pos. 100), og, 2NH/1LH, Facit $135.00, $49.00  
20H 25, 8¢ on 10¢, Block of 4 showing E in VEST variety (pos. 63), og, NH, VF, Facit $240.00, $95.00  
20J 25, 8CENT 1902 Ovpt, Block of 4, NH with some tone spots, Facit 1800kr ($175), $29.00  


25a,v (26v,vI,vII) 8CENTS 1902 Ovpt, 3 varieties, all og, NH, including T.S in pair w/normal straight foot on 2 and deformed S in CENTS, VF, Facit $318.00, $145.00  
20X 27 (25) 2Cents 1902 Ovpt on 3¢ Bicolor, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, includes Normal Frame and Wedge Flaw major varieties plus other lesser varieties, sheet margin is separated at right and partially at bottom, Facit $2,800.00, $1,100.00  
20Y 29 (20) 2¢ Coat of Arms, used Block of 4, VF, Scott as singles $90.00, $50.00  


29 (20) 2¢ carmine, used with ST JAN 1904 cancel, VF, $95.00



29v (20v1) 2¢ Coat of Arms, INVERTED WMK, used, VF, Facit $100.00, $55.00  
21LA 29v (20v1) 2¢ Coat of Arms, INVERTED WMK, used, VF, Facit $100.00, $55.00  
21P 30 (22) 8cent brown, used w/proper cancel, Facit $65.00, $32.00  
21SBC 35 (36) 40Bit Chr. IX, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, very scarce, Facit for singles $3,200.00+, $995.00  
21SBY 36 (37) 50Bit Chr. IX, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, very scarce, Facit for singles $4,150.00+, $1,600.00  
22C 39 (40) 5fr Harbor, og, NH, VF, Facit $215.00, $110.00  
22F 40-2 (29-31) Ovpt set complete, og, NH, VF, Facit $115.00, $60.00  


40 (29a) 5BIT on 4¢, Block of 4, og, 3NH/1H, scarce multiple, Facit as singles $1,000.00, $325.00  
22JA 40a (29bv2/13) 5BIT on 4¢, og, hinged, Inverted Frame w/white dot between T and I variety, VF, Facit $105.00, $59.00  



40a (29bv1) 5Bit 1905 Ovpt, pr IV, INVERTED FRAME (pos. 51), og, LH, F/VF, Facit $165.00, $80.00  



40av (29av) 5Bit 1905 Ovpt, greenish blue & yellow brown, pr III, INVERTED FRAME, used, VERY RARE, VF, Facit $1,650.00, $850.00

22L 40 (29) 5BIT 1902 Ovpt, Strip of 4 tied Frederiksted on small piece, VF, Facit for singles $285.00, $160.00  



43 (41) 5Bit, used Strip of 3 with ST JAN 1915 cancels, VF, $95.00  



44v (42v) 10bit Fred VIII, Block of 4 with INVERTED WMK, og, NH, scarce, Facit $265.00+, $150.00  


45 (43) 15Bit Fred VIII, Complete sheet of 100, Plate #4, og, NH, VF, Facit for singles $1,050.00+, $395.00  



45v (43v) 15bit Fred VIII, Block of 4 with INVERTED WMK, og, NH, VF, scarce, Facit $350.00, $200.00  
23CM 47 (45) 25Bit Fred VIII, margin pair with Blank Stamp at bottom perf ERROR (have not seen before), og, NH, $95.00  


49 (47) 40Bit Fred VIII, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit for singles $1,900.00+, $695.00  


50 (48) 50Bit Fred VIII, Complete sheet of 100, plate #4, og, NH, VF, Facit for singles $1,600.00, $610.00  


51-8, Complete Chr. X set used on reduced 1917 cover and tied Christiansted, very scarce w/proper cancel, VF, Facit $1.075.00, $450.00  


HAFNIA ’76, Complete set of issued Reprints of 6 bicolor sheets of 100 (Scott 5/10) showing all varieties, plus reprints of Scott #2 and #4 (only these shown), all VF and great study material, $45.00  

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