Chr IX - 1930
Net Price List

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71/85 (76/90), Two Kings set complete in Blocks of 4 except for 5,6,10aur which are missing, all og, NH and most are margin or corner blocks, very fresh and scarce, Facit $3,600.00+, $1,675.00


71-85 (76-90) Complete Two Kings set, fresh og, NH, VF, Scott $1,800.00, $950.00


71-85 (76-90) 1eyr – 5k, Two Kings complete set, used, VF, Scott $600.90, $300.00

255FB 71v (76v1) 1eyr Two Kings, “E” without Middle Stroke in right Frimerki, og, NH, Facit $180.00, $90.00  

71v (76v1), 1eyr, Two Kings with “FRIMCRKI” variety, og, VLH, Facit $148.50, $80.00

255FCD 71v (76v2) 1eyr Two Kings, og, NH, “Frame Break left of FR”, VF, Facit $60.00, $36.00  

71v (76v2) 1eyr Two Kings, “Break in Frame” variety, used, VF, $24.00

255FD 75 (80) 6aur gray, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $180.00, $90.00  
255FDA 75 (80) 6aur Two Kings, og, LH, VF, Scott $60.00, $32.00  
255FDB 76 (81) 10aur Two Kings, og, NH, VF, scarce, Scott $450.00, $240.00  

76 (81) 10aur Two Kings, og, LH, VF, Scott $150.00, $75.00

255FDE 77 (82) 15aur red & green, og, NH, VF, Facit $22.50, $12.00  
255FEN 81 (86) 40aur Two Kings, Margin single, og, NH, VF, Scott $21.00, $10.00  
255FEP 81//93 Group of 4 diff each w/INVERTED WMK, VF, $55.00  
255X 86-91(108-13) Jon Sigurdsson Complete set in blocks of 4, each block 2 LH, 2 NH, VF, Scott as singles $529.00, $260.00  
255XA 86-8, 90 (108-10,112) 1a -4a, 15a Sigurdsson, Margin Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $245.00 $125.00  
255Y 86-91 (108-13) Jon Sigurdsson complete set in used Blocks of 4, VF, Scott as singles $383.00+, $185.00  
255YEA 86-91 (108-13) Complete Sigurdsson set, used, VF, Scott $95.75, $50.00  
255YF 87 (109) 3aur Sigurdsson, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,600.00, $525.00  

89 (111) 6aur Sigurdsson, Quarter sheet of 25, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,125.00, $375.00

255YPA 89 (111) 6aur Sigurdsson, Block of 8, og, NH, VF, Scott $300.00, $115.00  

92-8 (114-20) Complete Fred VIII set, og, NH, VF, Facit $825.00, $450.00


92-5 (114-17) 5a – 50a Fred VIII, Complete low values of set, og, NH, VF, Scott $298.00, $140.00

256AF 92-8 (114-20) Fred VIII complete set, og, LH, VF, Scott $365.00, $185.00



92-8(114-20), Frederik VIII set complete in Corner Margins Blocks of 4 (except 5aur which is a normal block of 4), all og, NH, VF, a very fresh and scarce set, Scott $3,300.00 as singles, $1,700.00


256E 92-8(114-20) Fred VIII Complete set, used with proper cancels, quite scarce, VF, Scott $452.00, $210.00  


92-4v (114-16v), 5,10,20aur Fred VIII, used, all with INVERTED WMKS, $47.00
258ABM 95 (117) 50aur Fred VIII, Corner block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $112.50, $55.00  
258D 97 (119) 2kr rose, og, NH, VF, Scott $84.50, $45.00  
258L 98 (120), 5kr brown, og, NH, Scott $360.00, $180.00  
258LG 99-107 (91-97) Complete Two Kings set wmk crosses, og, NH, VF, Scott $1,150.00, $620.00  
258LI 99-107 (91-97) Complete set Two Kings wmk crosses, all og, NH except 20aur XLH, VF, Scott 670.00, $340.00  
258LJ 99-107 (91-97) Complete set, wmk crosses, og, hinged, F/VF, Scott $386.00, $185.00  
258LK 99-107(91-97) Complete set, wmk crosses, used, VF, Scott $185.65, $90.00  
258LM 99(91v1), 1eyr Two Kings, used, showing “Break in Frameline left of FR”, VF, Facit $60.00, $35.00  

100 (92) 3aur Two Kings, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,500.00, $500.00

258PB 102 (94) 5aur Two Kings, og, LH, fresh and F/VF, always hard to find, Scott $100.00, $48.00  
258PC 102 (94) 5aur Two Kings, Block of 4, og, 2LH/2NH, natural gum bends, scarcer multiple, Scott $800.00, $340.00  
258PD 103 (95) 6aur Two Kings, Block of 4 showing downward vignette shift, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $288.00, $130.00  
258PDA 103 (95) 6aur Two Kings, og, NH, VF, Facit $75.00, $38.00  
258PDB 103 (95) 6aur Two Kings, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $288.00, $135.00  
258PE 103 (95) 6aur Two Kings, Wmk Crosses, Block of 6, used, very scarce multiple, Scott as singles $780.00+, $295.00  
258PF 103 (95) 6aur Two Kings, wmk crosses, used, scarcer, Scott $130.00, $65.00  
258PM 108-28 (124-44) Chr. X complete set, used, F/VF, Scott $223.65, $115.00  
258PMB 109/187, TOLLUR cancels, 13 diff on Chr . Issue, VF, Facit $118.00, $45.00  
258PMQ 114 (130) 8aur Chr. X, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $40.00, $17.00  
258PW 115v (132v1), 10aur Chr. X, ME connected at left, used, VF, $15.00  
258PX 116 (132v1) 10aur Chr. X, used, “ME” connected variety, og, NH, Facit $75.00, $40.00  

116v(132v1) 10aur Chr. X., used, “M and E connected” variety, Facit $24.00, $14.00

258QD 117(133), 15 ore Chr X, Block of 4, og, NH, F/VF, Facit for singles $765.00, $295.00
258TI 121 (137) 25aur Chr X, used w/light cancel, VF, Scott $60.00, $30.00  
258TIQ 126 (142) 1kr Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Scott $495.00, $250.00  
258TIX 126v (142v1) 1krona Chr. X, “Bulge in 1”, used, VF, $3.00  
258TJX 127 (143) 2kr Chr. X, og, NH, VF, Facit $1,080.00, $485.00  
258TK 127 (143) 2kr Chr. X, Strip of 4, used, scarce high value multiple, VF, Scott for singles $140.00+, $70.00  


130-8 (98-102, 104-6) Complete Ovpt set, og, NH, VF, Scott $480.00, $245.00


130-8 (98-102, 104-6) Complete Ovpt set, og, hinged, VF, Scott $143.00, $72.00  


130-8(98-102,104-6) Complete set Ovpts, used, VF, Scott $191.00, $95.00  
258TMP 131 (104) 5aur Ovpt on 16aur Two Kings, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit $960.00, $320.00  


131,134,135 MISPLACED SURCHARGES not covering the original values, interesting varieties, used, $60.00



132v (99v) 20a on 25a, used pair, left stamp with UR. of AUR. Ovpt MISSING, quite dramatic unlisted variety, $140.00

258V 133, 20a on 25a Two Kings on Part sheet of 80, NH, VF, Scott as singles $1,200.00, $420.00  


135 (106) 20aur on 40aur Two Kings, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit $5,600.00, $1,700.00  
259D 137 (101) 30aur on 50aur, used, VF, Scott $37.50, $19.00  
259P 138 (102) 50a/5kr Ovpt, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $216.00, $100.00  

138 (102) 50aur on 5kr, og, LH, F/VF, Scott $65.00, $33.00

259Q 138 (102) 50a/5kr Ovpt, Block of 4, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $865.00, $390.00  


138 (102) 50aur Ovpt, Block of 4, og, NH, some ink offset on LL stamp, off center and scarce multiple, Scott $865.00, $290.00  

259QB 138 (102) 50aur on 5kr Chr. IX, Ovpt offset reverse, Low Surcharge, og, NH, VF, Facit $225.00+, $115.00  
259QC 138 (102) 50aur on 5kr, used, VF, Scott $52.50, $25.00  
259R 138, 142-3, 149, High Value Ovpts all with TOLLUR (Revenue) cancels, VF, Scott for postal cancels $1,275.00 and for revenue cancels $110.00, $62.00  
259Y 140 (122) 10kr on 50aur, used, VF, Scott $450.00, $230.00  


140 (122) 10kr on 50aur Ovpt, used, F/VF, Nielsen certificate, Scott $450.00, $230.00  


140 (122) 10kr on 50aur, og, NH, VF, Nielsen certificate, Scott $720.00, $375.00  
260B 140 (122) 10kr on 50aur Ovpt, og, VLH, VF, signed Pollak, Scott $300.00, $165.00  
261B 141 (123) 10kr on 1kr Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Scott $960.00, $490.00  
261C 141 (123) 10aur on 1kr Ovpt, og, VLH, VF, Scott $400.00, $195.00  
261D 141 (123) 10kr on 1kr, og, NH, VF+, Facit $960.00, $480.00  
261L 142 (103) 10kr on 2kr Ovpt, og, NH, XF, Scott $195.00, $100.00  
262E 143 (107) 10kr on 5kr Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Scott $1,140.00, $595.00  


143 (107) 10kr on 5kr Ovpt, og, LH, VF, Scott $475.00, $250.00  


143 (107) 10kr on 5kr Ovpt, og, LH, Nielsen certificate, Scott $450.00, $250.00



143 (107), 10kr on 5kr, used with proper cancel, scarce, F/VF, Scott retail $600.00, $280.00

144-8 (168-72) 7a – 50a, Views complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $850.00, $430.00

263GF 145v (169v1) 10aur Landscape, used, ‘hook on M’ variety, Facit $24.00, $15.00  
263GG 145v (169v), 10aur Landscape, “Dot in F” at right, constant plate flaw, unlisted in Facit, $9.00  
263GZ 149 (121) 2kr/25aur Ovpt, og, NH, VF, scarce, Facit $480.00, $225.00  
263K 149 (121), 2kr/25aur Ovpt, used, Scott $140.00, $75.00  
264 150 (159) 1kr on 40aur Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Facit $575.00, $280.00  

150 (159) 1kr on 40aur, og, LH, VF, Scott $150.00, $78.00

264C 150 (159) 1kr on 40aur, used, VF, Scott $35.00, $17.00  
266W 152-61 (173-82) 3a-40a Parliament Issue, Complete lower values of the set, all og, NH, VF, Scott $209.00 $105.00  
267AB 152-66 (173-87) Complete Parliament set in used pairs, VF, Scott $1,928.00, $995.00  
267AC 152-66 (173-87) Complete Parliament set, used, VF, Scott $956.00, $475.00  


152-66, C3, Complete 1930 Parliament set in Blocks of 4 + C3 strip, og, NH, exceptionally fresh and VF, Scott as singles $3,600.00+, $1,900.00


269 157 (178) 20aur Parliament, og, NH, VF, Scott $105.00, $52.00  
269A 157 (178) 20aur Parliament, used, VF, Scott $90.00, $50.00  
269B 157a, 20aur Parliament, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, og, LH, VF, signed Pollak, Scott $350.00, $195.00  
269C 157a (178v) 20aur DOUBLE PRINT, og, NH, VF, normal stamp at right included, quite scarce, Scott $960.00, $395.00  
269CK 157a, 20aur DOUBLE PRINT variety, og, LH, short perf at bottom, normal at right included for comparison, Scott $395.00, $69.00  
269D 157a (178v) 20aur red, og, hinged, small thin UL, DOUBLE PRINT variety very clear and scarce, Scott $350.00, $160.00  
269G 158v (179v) 25aur Parliament, IMPERF block of 4 w/”white dot under 25” variety, no gum as issued, VF, $50.00  
270P 163 (184) 1kr Parliament, og, NH, VF, Scott $120.00, $65.00  
270PD 163P, 1kr Parliament Proof, no gum as issued, VF, $25.00  
270Q 164, 2kr Parliament, og, NH, XF, Facit $225.00, $135.00  
270QB 164, 2kr Parliament, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $89.00  
270SF 166v (187v) 10kr Parliament, Imperf Pair, og, NH, horiz. Crease, Facit $200.00, $55.00  

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