
331 |
1˘ green, Corner margin
Block of 4 w/stunning paper fold variety causing printing on both sides, og,
hinged, great exhibit item, $300.00 |
332 |
2˘ carmine, Vertical
Paper fold variety, used, VF, $100.00 |
332a |
2¢ carmine, Booklet Pane of 6 without margin tab, used w/correct contemporary cancel, quite scarce, Scott $500.00, $150.00 |
334 |
4˘ orange brown, og, LH,
XF+, $70.00 |
334 |
4¢ brown, og, XLH, VF, Scott $35.00, $20.00 |
334 |
4˘ orange brown, Plate No. Block of 4
w/Star and Imprint, og, 2LH/2H, F/VF, $180.00 |
335 |
5˘ blue, og, LH, XF+,
$95.00 |
335 |
5¢ blue, unused regummed, XF/Superb centering, $65.00 |
335a |
5˘ blue “China Clay” paper, Imprint Pair,
og, NH, signed Johl in bottom margin, PF certificate, quite rare,
$2,250.00 |
336 |
6˘ red orange, og, LH,
XF, $90.00
337 |
8˘ olive green, vertical strip of 3, unused
no gum, F/VF, Scott $150.00, $45.00
338 |
10˘ yellow, og, NH, inscription in bottom
margin, brilliant color, F/VF, Scott $160.00, $87.00 |
338var |
10˘ yellow “China Clay” paper, part imprint
at bottom margin, og, NH, PF certificate, rare stamp, $795.00 |
340 |
15¢ pale ultramarine, fresh og, NH, F/VF, Scott $160.00, $75.00 |
342 |
$1.00 violet brown, og disturbed, F/VF, Scott $450.00, $185.00 |
343 |
1¢ green, Imperforate, used w/small internal crease, PSE Grade 90XF, $20.00 |
343 |
1¢ green, Imperf pair, used, PSE Grade GEM100, SMQ retail $475.00, $330.00 |
343 |
1¢ green, used Pair w/portion of adjacent stamps on 4 sides, natural paper wrinkle, SMQ Grade 100 $475.00, $95.00 |
343-7 |
1¢ - 5¢ Complete set IMPMERF PAIRS, og, NH except 4¢ LH, VF, Scott $221.50, $110.00 |
346 |
4¢ orange brown, used, JUMBO margins, XF/S, $75.00 |
346 |
orange brown, Plate No. Imprint Block of 6, og, LH, XF, $150.00co |
348 |
1˘ green, Coil Guide Line Pair, og, NH, VF,
PSE certificate, Scott $650.00, $375.00 |
348 |
1˘ green,
Coil PASTE UP PAIR, og, NH, VF, scarce, Weiss certificate, $140.00 |
348 |
1¢ green, Guide Line pair, og, hinge rem, Fine, Scott $325.00, $99.00 |
348 |
green, p. 12 coil, og, NH, VF, Scott $75.00, $47.00 |
348 |
1¢ green, Coil Pair, og, NH, F/VF, Weiss certificate, Scott $225.00, $115.00 |
348 |
1¢ green, Coil Strip of 4, og, NH, VF, Weiss certificate, Scott $450.00, $225.00 |
357 |
1˘ Bluish
Paper Block of 4, og, top pair hinged/bottom pair NH, very nice centering,
Weiss certificate, Scott $750.00, $450.00 |
358 |
2˘ carmine, bluish paper, Block of 4, og,
3LH/NH at lower right, VF/XF, Rare Multiple, PSE Certificate, $450.00 |
362 |
6˘ Bluish Paper, Corner Mgn. Block of 4,
3LH/1NH with light paper toning, rare position piece, PSE Certificate, Scott
$7,000.00, $3,200.00 |
367 |
2¢ Lincoln, Plate No. Block of 6 w/imprint & small solid star, og, NH, XF/Superb, $350.00 |
367,370,372 |
2¢ issues, og, NH, VF, Scott $45.50, $24.00 |
368 |
2¢ Lincoln, IMPERF single, used, XF, $42.00 |
368,371,373 |
2¢ Imperfs, og, NH, VF, Scott $94.00, $53.00 |
368 |
2¢ Lincoln, Imperf Coil Pairs w/Schermack Type III perf, both 2mm & 3mm spacing,og, hinged, VF, Scott $132.50, $75.00 |
368 |
2˘ Lincoln, Imperf Block
of 4 with dramatic paperfolds, og, small hinge thin, nice exhibit multiple,
$350.00 |
368 |
2˘ carmine, Imperf Centerline Block of 4,
used, repaired tear UL stamp, Scott $125.00, $45.00 |
368 |
2˘ carmine, Imperf
Block of 4, fresh og, NH, XF, Scott $175.00, $145.00
368 |
2¢ Lincoln, Imperforate Block of 4, og, NH, XF, Scott $175.00, $120.00 |
368 |
2¢ Lincoln, Imperf Coil Line Strip of 4 w/Schermack Type III perfs, og, LH, VF, Scott $350.00, $190.00 |
368 |
2¢ Lincoln, Imperf coil Line Strip of 4 w/Schermack Type III perf, og, NH, VF, Scott $700.00, $375.00 |
369 |
2˘ carmine (Bluish
paper), Block of 4, og, NH, XF+, Weiss certificate, rare multiple,
$1,250.00 |
370 |
2¢ Alaska-Yukon, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, $90.00 |
370 |
2¢ carmine, Plate No. Imprint Strip of 3, og, NH except hinge in margin, VF, $65.00 |
370 |
2˘ carmine, Block of 6, og, 4NH/2LH, F/VF,
Scott $79.00 $35.00 |
371 |
2¢ Alaska, Imperf Pair, used, light corner crease right stamp otherwise a GEM100, $95.00 |
371 |
carmine, Imperf pair, used w/light cancel, VF, Scott $47.50, $26.00 |
371 |
2¢ Alaska, Imperf Imprint Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $100.00 |
371 |
2¢ Alaska-Yukon-Pacific, Block of 6, used, scarce large multiple, XF+, $175.00 |
372 |
2˘ Hudson-Fulton, Block
of 4, og, 2NH/2H, F/VF, Scott $65.00, $34.00 |
373 |
2˘ carmine, Imperf Plate No. Imprint Strip
of 3, og, NH, XF, $150.00 |
373 |
2¢ Hudson-Fulton, Top Plate No. Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, $79.00 |
373 |
2¢ Hudson-Fulton, Imperf Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $130.00, $75.00 |
373 |
2˘ carmine, Imperf Plate No. Block of 6, og, 4NH/2LH, XF, $265.00 |
373 |
2˘ carmine, Imperf Margin Block of 4, og,
3NH/1VLH, XF, Scott $175.00+, $115.00 |
377 |
4˘ brown, Block of 4,
w/3mm spacing, og, 2NH/2H, VF, Scott $225.00, $145.00 |
378 |
5˘ blue, og, NH w/gum skips, Superb
centering, $150.00 |
378 |
5˘ blue, og, LH, XF/Superb,
$95.00 |
378 |
5˘ blue, Block of 4, og,
2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $195.00, $105.00 |
379 |
6˘ red orange, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH,
Fresh and Fine, Scott $225.00, $90.00 |
379 |
6˘ red orange, Plate
No. Imprint Star Block of 6, og, 3NH/3H, one hinged w/natural paper crease,
pretty and VF, Scott for hinged $500.00+, $295.00
383v |
1¢ Imperf Vertical coil Guide Line Pair, og, NH, XF, $32.00 |
383v |
1˘ Imperf Vertical
Coil PASTE-UP STRIP OF 4, og, NH w/bit of offset, XF, $55.00 |
383v |
1¢ green, Imperf Strip of 5 with Guide Line (not listed in Scott), og, NH, VF, $58.00 |
385 |
1˘ green, Paste-Up pair,
og, LH, Weiss certificate, $240.00 |
387 |
1¢ green, Coil Guide Line Pair, og, hinged, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $1,250.00, $650.00 |
390 |
1˘ green, p. 8 ˝ Coil Paste Up Pair, og, NH, JUMBO size, $40.00 |
390 |
1˘ green, p. 8 1/2 Coil Pair from recently
broken roll, NH, XF, $25.00 |
390 |
1˘ green, p. 8 ˝ Coil Line Pair, fresh og, NH, XF, Miller certificate, $85.00 |
390 |
1¢ green, p. 8 ½ Coil Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $22.00, $12.00 |
390 |
1¢ green, p. 8 ½ Guide Line Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $72.50, $37.00 |
390-1 |
1¢ & 2¢, p. 8 ½ horiz., og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Scott $100.00, $55.00 |
395 |
4¢ brown, Coil Guide Line Strip of 4, og, LH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $595.00, $350.00 |
396 |
5¢ blue, Coil Paste-Up Pair, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $375.00+, $225.00 |
397 |
1˘ green, og, NH, VF/XF, $36.00 |
397 |
1˘ green, og, NH, VF, $24.00 |
397 |
1¢ Pan-pacific, Plate No. Block of 6, og, LH, VF, Scott $300.00 $145.00 |
397-8 |
1¢ & 2¢ Pan-Pac Expo, Blocks of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, Scott for singles $202.00, $89.00 |
397-9 |
1¢ - 5¢ Pan Pacific Expo, low vals in set, og, NH, VF, Scott $230.00, $120.00 |
398 |
2˘ carmine, striking
paperfold variety, og, hinged, VF, $175.00 |
398 |
Pan-Pacific Expo, og, NH, VF, Scott $35.00, $22.00 |
399 |
5¢ Pan-Pac Expo, og, NH, XF, Scott $160.00+, $95.00 |
400 |
10˘ orange yellow, og, NH, PSE certificate
Grade 85, VF/XF, great stamp, SMQ $365.00, $340.00 |
400 |
10˘ orange yellow, og, NH, VF, Scott
$250.00, $145.00 |
400 |
10˘ orange
yellow, NH regummed, exceptional centering, Weiss certificate, $130.00 |

400 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, NH, rich color and VF, Miller certificate, Scott $260.00, $150.00 |
400 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $250.00, $145.00 |
400 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, NH, light fingerprint, fresh and VF, Scott $250.00, $135.00 |
400 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $250.00, $140.00 |
400 |
10˘ orange yellow, og,
NH, tiny gum skip, fresh and F/VF, Scott $270.00, $130.00
400 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, LH, VF, Scott $115.00, $60.00 |
400 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, hinge rem, VF, Scott $115.00, $60.00 |
401-2 |
1¢ & 2¢ Pan Pacific, p. 10, og, NH, VF+, Scott $230.00, $125.00 |
401-3 |
1¢ - 5¢ Panama-Pacific, perf 10, og, NH, 1¢ natural gum crease, F/VF, Scott $630.00, $250.00 |
401-4 |
1¢ - 10¢, p. 10, used, VF, Scott $97.50, $44.00 |
403 |
5¢ blue, perf 10, og, XLH, XF, Miller certificate, $150.00 |
405 |
1˘ green, fabulous
Margin Block of 4 w/paperfold variety, og, NH/H, great exhibit enhancer,
$350.00 |
405b |
1˘ green, Booklet Pane
of 6, og, 2NH/4H, Scott $65.00, $32.00 |
405-7 |
Complete set, og, hinged, VF, Scott $83.00, $39.00 |
406a |
BK36, 49˘ Complete booklet of 4
panes, quite rare, panes stuck to interleaving otherwise VF, Scott
$1,500.00, $499.00 or BEST OFFER |
410 |
1˘ green, coil pair,
used, Scott $42.50, $25.00 |
412 |
1¢ green, Paste-Up single, properly used, quite unusual, VF, Scott for normal $40.00, $35.00 |
412 |
1˘ green, Paste-Up pair,
og, NH/LH, VF, Weiss certificate, $110.00 |
412 |
1˘ green, Paste-Up Strip
of 3, og, NH/LH, Weiss certificate, $150.00 |
413 |
2˘ carmine, used, VF,
Scott $50.00, $28.00 |
413 |
2˘ carmine, End of Row
Plate No. Pair, used, light corner crease UR margin and short perf at left,
unreported in Durland, Weiss certificate, $250.00 |
415 |
9¢ salmon red, og, NH, tiny gum wrinkle, VF, Scott $110.00, $55.00 |
416 |
10˘ orange yellow, Inscription Block of 4,
fresh og, 3NH, 1H, nice item, Scott $365.00+, $250.00 |
419 |
20¢ ultramarine, og, hinged, strong color, F/VF, Scott $190.00, $83.00 |
421 |
50¢ violet, p. 12, single line wmk, og, hinged, fresh and F/VF, Scott $350.00, $149.00 |
421 |
50˘ violet, Vertical
paperfold variety, used, $140.00 |
424d |
1¢ Booklet Pane of 6 w/Plate No., og, LH, VF, $10.00 |
424d |
1¢ Booklet Pane of 6 w/Full Plate No., NH, $19.00 |
425e |
2¢ Booklet Pane of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $30.00, $17.00 |
426 |
3˘ deep violet, Plate No. Single, og,
hinged, VF, $18.00 |
428 |
5˘ blue, og, NH, XF/Superb+, Miller certificate, $180.00 |
428 |
5¢ blue, p. 10, og, LH, VF/XF, Big Stamp, $40.00 |
429 |
6˘ red orange, Plate No. Block of 6 Impt &
Star, fresh og, NH except top center stamp, $380.00 |
429 |
6¢ red orange, Plate No. Block of 6 w/Imprint & Star, used with columbus Ohio precancel, VF, $175.00 |
431 |
8˘ pale olive green, Imprint A Plate No.
Block of 6, og, LH, XF, $475.00 |
431 |
8˘ pale olive green, Plate No. Block of 6
w/Imprint and “A”, used with Columbus Ohio precancel, VF, $150.00 |
432 |
9˘ salmon red, Block of
4, og, NH, fresh and fine, Scott $400.00, $195.00 |
442 |
2˘ carmine,
Coil Paste Up pair, og, NH, VF, $69.00 |
442 |
2˘ carmine,
Coil PASTE UP PAIR, og, NH, minor natural gum skip top stamp, VF, Weiss
certificate, $82.00 |
442 |
2˘ carmine, Coil Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott
$55.00, $32.00 |
442 |
2¢ carmine, Coil Pair, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $55.00, $23.00 |
442 |
2¢ carmine, Coil Paste Up Strip of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott for normal $110.00, $55.00 |
443 |
1˘ green, Coil Paste-Up
pair over Plate No. 6958, og, LH, VF and scarcer, Weiss certificate,
$175.00 |
446 |
4¢ brown, Guide Line pair, og, NH, F/VF, very scarce, Miller certificate, Scott $1,550.00, $650.00 |
453 |
2¢ carmine rose, type I, Coil Pair, og, NH w/natural gum skip, fresh and fine, Miller certificate, Scott $625.00, $290.00 |
454 |
2¢ red, og, NH, fresh and fine, Miller certificate, Scott $160.00, $70.00 |
454 |
2˘ red, p. 10 Coil pair,
og, NH, XF, PF certificate, Scott $850.00, $495.00 |
454 |
2˘ red, type II, Joint Line
Strip of 4, og, NH, XF, PF certificate, Scott $1,170.00, $825.00 |
455 |
2˘ carmine, p. 10, Coil
pair, og, NH, XF, $90.00 |
455 |
2¢ carmine, type III, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $105.00, $60.00 |
456 |
3¢ violet, Coil Joint Line Strip of 4, og, LH, F/VF, Miller certificate, Scott $1,700.00, $875.00 |
457 |
4¢ brown, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, XF, Miller certificate, Scott $325.00, $245.00 |
462 |
1˘ green, Margin Block
of 4, og, NH, Scott $69.00, $42.00 |
464 |
3¢ violet, p. 10, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $165.00, $90.00 |
464 |
3¢ violet, p. 10, og, VLH, Large Margins, XF, $95.00 |
464 |
3¢ violet, p. 10, og, LH, VF/XF, $65.00 |
465 |
4¢ orange brown, og, NH, natural gum skip, JUMBO stamp, XF, $135.00 |
466 |
5¢ blue, p. 10, og, VLH, VF+, Scott $65.00, $45.00 |
467 |
5¢ carmine
(ERRORS) Center stamps in Block of 12, Errors are NH/rest are NH except 2LH,
VF, $1,300.00 |
470 |
8¢ olive green, p. 10, og, LH, F/VF, Scott $80.00, $42.00 |
472 |
10¢ orange yellow, og, NH, fresh and Fine, Scott $230.00, $69.00 |
484 |
violet, type II, Block of 4, og, 3LH/1NH, VF, $31.00 |
486 |
1˘ green, Coil Joint Line Pair, og, Nh,
F/VF, $7.00 |
486-9 |
1¢-3¢ Vertical Coil Pairs, og, each LH at top/NH bottom, VF, Scott $66.60, $32.00 |
488 |
2¢ carmine, type III, Joint Line pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $90.00, $55.00 |
488 |
2¢ carmine, type III, Joint Line Pair, og, LH,F/VF, Scott $40.00, $22.00 |
489 |
3¢ violet, type I, Joint Line pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $70.00, $44.00 |
489 |
3¢ violet, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $70.00, $40.00 |
490, 92-3,
95-7 |
1¢-10¢ Coil Pairs incl. 4 Jjoint Line Pairs, og, LH, VF, Scott $316.25, $155.00 |
493 |
3¢ violet, type I, Joint Line pair, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $230.00, $140.00 |
493 |
3¢ violet, type I, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $230.00, $135.00 |
493 |
3¢ violet, type I, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $230.00, $130.00 |
495 |
4¢ orange brown, coil pair, unwmk, p. 10, og, NH, VF, Scott $50.00, $30.00 |
495 |
4¢ orange brown, CRACKED PLATE variety, og, LH, VF, $20.00 |
495 |
4˘ orange brown, Coil Pair, og, NH, VF,
$35.00 |
496 |
blue, Joint Line Pair, og, NH, natural gum skip, VF, Scott $65.00, $49.00 |
497 |
10¢ orange yellow, Joint Line pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $260.00, $165.00 |
497 |
10¢ orange yellow, Joint Line Pair, og, LH, VF, Scott $120.00, $65.00 |
498b |
1˘ green, Horizontal Pair Imperforate
Between, og, NH, VF, Scott $950.00, $650.00 |
499 |
2¢ rose, type I, Plate No Block of 6, og, NH, F/VF, Scott $35.00, $15.00 |
501b |
3˘ light violet, Booklet Pane of 6, og,
hinged, Scott $75.00, $39.00 |
501,502 |
3˘, types I & II, Blocks of 4, each 2NH/2H,
fresh and F/VF, Scott $150.00, $80.00 |
503 |
4¢ brown, Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $70.00, $35.00 |
504 |
5¢ blue, p. 11, og, VLH, XF, $24.00 |
505 |
5˘ rose
(ERROR) in center of 3-strip, Error NH, other hinged, rare stamp, Scott
$700.00, $425.00 |
505 |
5˘ rose (ERROR), Block of 12 w/ 2 middle
stamps #505, og, Block is 9 NH/3 LH and the error stamps are NH and LH, very
nice item, Scott $1,300.00, $950.00 |
506 |
6¢ red orange, plate no. single, og, NH, VF, $22.00 |
506 |
6¢ orange, og, NH w/tiny gum skip, large margins, VF, $15.00 |
506 |
6¢ orange, Plate no. Single, NH, F/VF, Scott $25.00+, $12.00 |
506 |
6¢ orange, p. 11, Margin Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $110.00, $60.00 |
507 |
7¢ black, og, NH, VF, Scott $55.00, $30.00 |
507 |
7˘ black, Block of 4, og, 3NH/1H, tiny gum
skip, F/VF, Scott $206.00, $100.00 |
509 |
9¢ salmon red, og, NH, VF+, $18.00 |
509 |
9˘ salmon red, Arrow
Line block of 4, og, NH, Scott $100.00, $59.00 |
510 |
yellow, Plate No. Block of 6, used with saint Louis MO precancel, VF,
$80.00 |
512,a |
12¢ claret brown & brown carmine, both og, NH, VF, Scott $40.00, $22.00 |
513 |
13¢ apple green, og, NH, XF, $20.00 |
514 |
15¢ gray, og, NH, PSE Grade 95 XF/Superb, $525.00 |
515 |
20¢ ultramarine, og, NH, VF, Scott $85.00, $47.00 |
516 |
30¢ orange red, og, NH, XF, $65.00 |
516 |
30˘ orange red, og, NH,
XF, $65.00 |
516 |
30¢ orange red, og, LH, XF, $25.00 |
516 |
30¢ orange red, og, VLH, XF/S, $55.00 |
516 |
30˘ orange red, Block of 4, og, NH, very
fresh and scarce, F/VF, Scott $283.00, $139.00 |
516 |
30˘ orange red, Plate
No. Block of 6, og 5NH/1LH, VF, Scott for hinged $600.00, $480.00 |
517 |
50˘ violet, fresh
og, NH, VF, $79.00 |
518 |
$1.00 violet
brown, og, NH, PSE Grade 98 Superb, SMQ $1,650.00, $1,325.00 |
518 |
$1.00 violet brown, fresh og, NH, XF, $85.00 |
518 |
$1.00 violet brown,
Plate No. block of 6, og, NH with a few very minor gum skips, VF, Scott $2,100.00, $1,175.00 |
518 |
$1.00 violet brown,
Plate No. block of 6, og, 4NH/2VLH, VF, Scott for hinged $1,300.00,
$925.00 |
524 |
$5.00 green & black, Center Line Block of
4, og, 2NH/2LH, XF, Scott $1,350.00, $895.00 |
526 |
2˘ carmine, type IV, Plate No. Block of 6,
og, NH, VF, Scott $450.00, $295.00 |
527 |
2˘ carmine, type V, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF/XF, $250.00 |
527 |
2¢ carmine, type V, Plate No. Block of 6, og, 4NH/2LH, Scott for stamps alone $198.00+, $115.00 |
527 |
2˘ carmine, type V,
Plate No. Block of 6, og, 3NH/3LH, VF, Scott $185.00 for LH, $115.00 |
528 |
2¢ carmine, type Va, Monogram Plate No., Block of 4, og, NH, LH in margin only, F/VF, $60.00 |
528 |
2˘ carmine, type Va,
Plate No. Block of 6 w/scarce #11460 (see Durland), og, NH, VF, $225.00 |
528 |
2˘ carmine, type Va, Block of 6 w/Monogram
over Plate No., og, 5NH/Center stamp at bottom hinged, fresh, VF and scarce,
$180.00 |
528 |
2¢ carmine, type Va, Plate No. Block of 6, og, LH, VF, Scott $100.00, $55.00 |
528 |
2¢ carmine, type Va, Plate No. Block of 12, og, 8NH/4LH, VF, $95.00 |
528A |
2˘ carmine, type VI, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $800.00, $525.00 |
528B |
carmine, type VII, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, VF, Scott $375.00,
$245.00 |
532 |
2¢ carmine rose, type IV, og, NH, JUMBO Gem, Miller certificate, $175.00 |
532 |
2¢ carmine rose, type IV, Imperf Pair, og, NH, XF/S, $145.00 |
535 |
3˘ violet, Imperf Arrow Block of 4, og, 2
NH/2 LH, VF, $65.00 |
535 |
3˘ violet, Imperf Block of 4, og, 2NH/2H,
VF, Scott $66.00, $38.00 |
535 |
3˘ violet, type IV,
Plate No. Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $72.00, $45.00 |
538 |
1˘ coil waste, Plate No
& S30 Block of 4, used (scarce), VF, $100.00 |
538a |
1¢ green, Block of 4, imperf horizontally, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate, Scott $250.00+, $150.00 |
538 |
1¢ green, Plate No. Block of 8 w/"S30", og, 6NH/2LH, VF, Scott $187.00, $95.00 |
540 |
2¢ carmine, p. 11 x 10, Block of 4 with Imperf Bottom Margin, og, NH, VF, Miller certificate for larger block from which this came, $80.00 |
540 |
2¢ carmine, p. 11 x 10, Block of 8, og, NH, imperf at bottom, VF, Scott $210.00, $120.00 |
548-50 |
Pilgrim Tercentenary set
complete, og, NH, VF, Scott $94.00, $48.00 |
548-50 |
Complete Pilgrim set, og, NH, VF, Scott $94.00, $49.00 |
548-50 |
Complete Pilgrim Tercentenary set in Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $390.00, $210.00 |
550 |
5¢ deep blue, og, NH, very fresh and well centered, Scott $70.00, $37.00 |
550 |
5˘ Pilgrim, og, NH, fresh and F/VF, Scott
$70.00, $33.00 |
550 |
5¢ Pilgrim Tercentenary, og, NH bit disturbed, XF, Scott $70.00, $24.00 |
550 |
5˘ Pilgrim, og, LH, VF, Scott $30.00,
$16.00 |
550 |
5˘ Pilgrim Tercentenary,
used, SUPERB centering, $39.00 |