Classic Issues (#1-45)
Net Price List

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136D 3 (1II) 5kop Large Pearls, used w/pen & town cancel, VF, 4 margin stamp, Sorani certificate, Scott $1,400.00, $790.00  
136F 3 (1II) 5kop Large Pearls, used w/ms Tammerfors cancel, minute slit at bottom, fresh and attractive stamp, Scott $1,400.00, $575.00  
137B 4 (3LKC1) 5kop dark blue, Roul I, type 2, pair tied on piece by Sordavala cds, perfect teeth, exceptional item, $300.00  
137F 4a (3C2) 5kop, Roul II, used w/Nystad cds, perfect teeth, VF, $135.00  
137Q 5a (4C2) 10kop, Roul II, used w/boxed town cancel, VF, Scott $140.00+, $85.00  
137W 6b (5v3C3) 5pen, Roul III, two singles tied on small piece by blue town cancel, VF, Scott $320.00, $180.00  

7 (6v1), 8 pen, roulette III, strip of 3 w/PERFECT TEETH plus single all tied on small piece, rare and beautiful item, $750.00

138M 7 (6v1), 8 pen green, roulette III, used, HUGE STAMP w/PERFECT TEETH, $265.00  

7 (6v1), 8 pen, roulette III, Magnificent PAIR w/PERFECT TEETH, used w/1869 town cancel, great exhibit item, $400.00

138NA 7 (6v1) 8pen Roul III, used PAIR, only 1 shorter tooth, very attractive, Scott $320.00++, $195.00  
138P 7b (6v1) 8pen green, roulette II, used, Full Teeth, VF, Scott $240.00+ $140.00  
139G 8 (7v5C3) 10pen Roul III, wove paper, used, perfect teeth and VF+, Scott $300.00+, $195.00  
140TA 11 (10) 1mk Roulette III, used, perf flaws but not unusual for this scarce stamp missing in most collections, Scott $750.00, $140.00  
140Y 12 (5v1C3) 5pen Roul III, laid paper, unused no gum, HUGE STAMP, a few added reinforced teeth, $120.00  
141G 12a (5v1C2) 5pen, Roul II, laid paper, used strip of 3 w/blue cds, multiples scarcer, Scott $825.00, $265.00  
143 17 (12S) 2pen gray, unused no gum, fresh and VF, Scott $45.00, $15.00  
143A 17 (12S) 2pen gray, p. 11, used w/blue cancel, VF, Scott $50.00, $25.00  

18 (13S) 5p orange, p. 11, og, hinge rem, Scott $100.00, $35.00

143H 18 (13S) 5pen orange, used, VF+, $7.00  
144 19 (14S), 8pen blue green, used, MONSTER MARGINS, VF, $75.00

19 (14S) 8p green, p. 11, used, VF, Scott $65.00, $33.00

144B 19 (14Sa) 8p light blue green, used, VF, $38.00  
144C 19 (14Sa,b,c) 8p green in blue green, yellow green, dark green shades, used, hinge thin on blue green, Scott $165.00, $55.00  
144S 23 (18S) 32p carmine, used, VF, Scott $30.00, $15.00  
144TA 23A, (18S), 32p ROSE shade, used, XF, $27.00  

23 (18S) 32pen CARMINE shade, used, XF, $35.00

144TC 23 (18S) 32pen, p. 11, used w/light cancel, XF, Scott $30.00+, $19.00  
144WA 24 (19S) 1mk violet, large stamp, used w/boxed town cancel, VF, Scott $120.00, $55.00  
144X 25 (12L) 2pen gray, Block of 4, NH, VF, Facit $145.00, $65.00  
145L 26 (13L) 5pen orange, og, hinged, VF, Scott $45.00, $23.00  


27 (15L) 10p brown, Corner Margin Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Facit for singles $750.00, $360.00

145U 28v (16Lv8), 20p ultra, p. 12½, Block of 4, og (2NH/2LH), lower left stamp showing White Flaw Over S in SUOMI, VF+, scarce multiple, $225.00  
145UA 28v (16Lv8) 20pen ultra, used, White spot in S variety, VF, $15.00  
145UB 28c (16LN) 20pen ultra, Imperf Pair 1892 Reprint, og, hinged, VF, $45.00  
147B 1892 Grand Duke Reprints, Coat of Arms complete set of 5, og, hinged, only 1000 made, VF, $150.00  
149G 39 (28) 5pen Imperf PROOF PAIRS in 2 shades of green, without gum, VF, $95.00  
149GM 39, 41-3, 5pen/1mk 4 diff PROOF singles, issued without gum, VF, $95.00  
149H 40 (29) 10pen rose, og, NH, VF, rough perfs common for issue, Facit $120.00, $55.00  
149HC 40b (29v) 10pen carmine, Imperf Pair, og, XLH, VF, Scott $160.00+, $90.00  
149LF 41 (30) 20pen orange, Imperf PROOF PAIR, without gum, VF, $85.00  
149MA Group of 3 different FANCY CANCELS, nice strikes, $55.00  
149MB Group of 4 early SHIP CANCELS, nice strikes, $39.00  

149MD Finland Cancel Collection of 49 items including: ships, fancy, st. line cancels, VF, $85.00  

43 (32) 1mk Coat of Arms, Imperf PROOF PAIR, without gum, VF, $65.00


44 (33) 5mk Coat of Arms, PROOF margin single, without gum, VF, $42.00

149SD 44 (33) 5mk green & rose, og, NH, VF, Scott $65.00, $34.00  
149SE 44-5 (33-4) 5mk & 10mk hi vals, og, LH, VF, Scott $50.00, $27.00  
149SF 44-5(33-4), 5mk & 10mk high values, used, VF, Scott $140.00, $70.00  

44(33), 5 mark green and rose, used, VF, Scott $60.00, $28.00

149SGA 44 (33) 4mk green & rose, used, VF, Scott $60.00, $33.00  
149SGX 45 (34) 10mk brown & rose, og, NH, VF, Facit $60.00, $32.00  

45(34), 10 mark brown and rose, used, VF, Scott $80.00, $39.00

149SJ 45 (33) 10mk brown & rose, Imperf Proof, VF, $55.00  

45 (34) 10mk brown & rose, Imperforate PROOF PAIR, VF, $95.00


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