1915 Issues to Date (#46
Net Price List |
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149YD |
49 (38) 4kop
ring type, Gutter pair, og, NH, scarce and VF, $52.00 |
149YF |
51 (40) 10kop
ring type, Gutter pair, og, NH, scarce and VF, $62.00 |
149YG |
53 (42v) 20k blue & red, broken “O” variety, used, VF, $35.00 |
149YH |
54 (43) 35kop
ring type, Gutter pair, og, NH, scarce and VF, $95.00 |
149ZB |
46-55 (35-44) 1891 Rings Issue, 1kr – 50kr, og, NH except 20kr LH, VF, Scott $392.40, $189.00 |
149ZD |
46-55 (35-44) Complete
set of lower values, used, VF, Scott $182.25, $95.00 |
150 |
56 (45) 1rubel, Complete sheet of 40, og, NH, insignif thin in LL corner margin otherwise VF, Facit for singles $5,280.00, $1,450.00 |
150A |
56 (45) 1rubel, Margin Block of 4, og, NH, VF, Facit $580.00+, $295.00 |
150AB |
56 (45) 1rubel,, og, NH, VF, Facit $145.00, $76.00 |
150AC |
56 (45) 1rubel, og, LH, VF, Scott $70.00, $39.00 |
150AF |
56(45), 1 rubel laid
paper, used, VF, Scott $70.00, $37.00 |
150AH |
57 (46) 3 ½ rubel, og, LH, fresh and F/VF, signed Pollak, Scott $240.00, $129.00 |
151 |
57-8 (46-7) 3 ½ + 7r Fournier Forgeries, used, essential for reference, VF, $89.00 |
151B |
58 (47) 7rubel, og, LH, F/VF, Scott $180.00, $75.00 |
151D |
58 (47) 7rubel black & yellow, used w/Rakenskaps cancel, VF, Scott $250.00, $130.00 |
153QL |
65P (50P) 5pen green, PROOF Block of 4, no gum as issued, VF, $80.00 |
153QN |
65P (50) 5p green,
IMPERF MARGIN PROOF, no gum as issued, VF, signed Pollak, $30.00 |
153QP |
65P, 74P, 5pen and 1mk Imperf Pair Trial Color Proofs, VF, $105.00 |
153QR |
Finland Ship cancels, 3 different on early 20th Century 10p stamps, nice strikes, VF, $45.00 |
153QX |
66 (51) 10pen, Imperf PROOF pair in red w/black network background, VF, $45.00 |
153QY |
66P (57Iv2) 10pen carmine, Imperf Proof pair, og, NH, light crease at top, gummed both sides, interesting item, Facit $215.00, $69.00 |
153QZ |
66P (51P)
10pen PROOF in blue, og, NH, VF, ultimately issued in carmine, $89.00 |
153S |
69 (54) 10mk black & gray, used, VF, Scott $260.00, $135.00 |
153T |
69 (54) 10mk black and gray, used, VF, Scott $260.00, $135.00 |
156AX |
72P (57IIv2) 10ore carmine, Proof Block of 4, unused no gum, VF, signed Pollak, Facit $475.00, $215.00 |
156AY |
72d (57IIv2)
10pen, IMPERF PAIR, unused no gum, VF, Facit $250.00, $110.00 |
156X |
75 (60), 10mk black & drab, og, NH, VF, Scott $240.00, $125.00 |
156Y |
75 (60) 10mk black & drab, PAIR, og, NH, VF, Scott $480.00, $240.00 |
157A |
75 (60) 10mk black & drab, used, VF, Scott $45.00, $24.00 |
157B |
75 (60) 10mk black & drab, used PAIR, VF, Scott $90.00+, $49.00 |
157C |
75v (60v) 10mk black & drab showing large part marginal watermark, used, VF, interesting, Scott $45.00+, $29.00 |
157D |
80b (65C2) 20pen blue, p. 14 ¼ x 14 ¾ , PAIR, og dist. NH, VF, Facit $120.00, $35.00 |
158AP |
95v (141C2), 40p Lion,
no wmk, p.14½x15, used block of 4, VF, Facit $85.00, $39.00
158B |
100 (103) 75p Lion, Imperforate pair, without gum, VF, $59.00 |
158BA |
101 (73) 1mk Lion,
Corner Block of 10, og, NH, VF, Facit $350.00, $80.00 |
158BB |
101 (73) 1mk Lion, Plate No. Block of 6, og, NH, scarcer and used, VF, $89.00 |
158BD |
101v, 1mk Lion, Imperf Pair reverse on Tissue, NH, VF, $60.00 |
158L |
108a (146) 10mk Lion, Part Sheet of 35, og, NH, VF, Scott $245.00+, $85.00 |
158Q |
(107) 25mk Lion, unwmk, used, VF, Scott $24.00, $12.00 |
158RA |
110 (107) 25mk Lion, Block of 4, used, VF, Scott as singles $96.00, $39.00 |
158T |
117-8 (82-3) 1mk & 4mk Vasa, Imperf Pairs, no gum, referred to as 'printers waste', VF, $75.00 |
158TB |
118 (83) 5mk Vasa, og, LH, VF, Scott $35.00, $19.00 |
158TC |
118 (83a,b) 5mk Vasa, printings I & II, og, LH, VF, Scott $70.00+, $39.00 |
158TE |
118 (83) 5mk Vasa, used, VF, Scott $85.00, $45.00 |
158TF |
118 (83) 5mk Vasa, Block of 4, used (and quite unusual), rich color, VF, Scott as singles $340.00+, $180.00 |
158WC |
126av (96v1,v2) 1½m ovpt in used
block of 4 showing "Narrow 2" variety at bottom right, VF,
$18.00 |
158WCA |
126a (96v2), 1½m on
50p, THIN 2 variety, VF, used $8.00
158WK |
127-40 (109-22) Complete set, used w/proper wmk, VF, Scott $408.70, $210.00 |
158WL |
128,133 (110,115) 20p & 60p Lion, Blocks of 4, each with Inverted Wmk, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Facit $90.00, $45.00 |
158X |
129 (111) 25pen Lion, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Facit as singles $165.00+, $75.00 |
158Y |
129 (111) 25p Lion, wmk swastika, used, scarcer and VF, Scott $90.00, $49.00 |
158Z |
132 (114wm2) 50pen Lion, Inverted Wmk, used, VF, Fait $100.00, $55.00 |
158ZB |
135a (116) 1mk Lion, p. 14, og, LH, VF, Scott $60.00, $32.00 |
158ZC |
135,a (116vm2) 1mk Lion, p. 14 & p. 14 ¼, 14 ¾, each with Inverted Wmk, used, VF, $20.00 |
158ZD |
136,a (118a, bvm2) 2mk Lion, p. 14 & p. 14 ¼ x 14 ¾, each with Inverted Wmk, used, VF, Facit $35.00, $20.00 |
159A |
140 (122) 25mk Lion, used w/proper Helsinki cancel, scarce and VF, Scott $400.00, $210.00 |
159J |
140 (122vm1&2) 25mk Lion, NH, VF, both normal and inverted wmks, quite scarce only 800 made, Facit $650.00, $345.00 |
159L |
140 (122) 25mk Lion, Block of 4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Facit $130.00, $65.00 |
159M |
25mk Lion, wmk swastika, Plate No. Block of 10, og, NH, VF, Facit $562.00, $260.00 |
159X |
146v (128W3) 1mk Lion, scarce Watermark 3, used, VF, Facit $85.00, $48.00 |
161L |
152 (134) 25mk Lion, wmk posthorn, used, VF, Scott $400.00 $210.00 |
161LA |
152 (134) 25mk Lion, wmk posthorn, used, VF, Scott $180.00, $90.00 |
161M |
152 (134) 25mk Lion, wmk posthorn, used Block of 4 with beautiful Vammala 1930 cancel, VF, Scott $1,600.00, $650.00 |
161MD |
153-4(135-6), Matched set of corner blocks of 6 tied by exhibit cancels, VF
and nice for exhibit page, Scott $252.00, $120.00 |
161ME |
153-4 (135-6)
Lion Ovpt set, used, VF, Scott $38.00, $19.00 |
161ML |
157 (139) 2mk Turku Castle, Complete sheet of 100, NH, center row with only one wmk (two is normal), VF, Facit $500.00, $140.00 |
162D |
175 (158) 3mk olive black, og, Nh, VF, scarcest value in set, Facit $60.00, $35.00 |
162H |
178 (160I), 10mk gray
lilac, og, NH, VF, Scott $128.00, $84.00
162HA |
178 (160I) 10mk gray lilac, og, NH, VF, Scott $128.00, $60.00 |
162HB |
178 (160I) 10mk gray lilac, Plate No. Strip of 3, og, NH, VF, Scott for singles $325.00+, $150.00 |
162J |
178 (160I) 10mk gray
lilac, og, LH, XF, Scott $55.00, $28.00 |
162Z |
312-23, Lion Definitives,
Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $55.15, $35.00 |
163B |
326 (442)
25mk gray, og, NH, VF, Scott $9.00, $4.50 |
163K |
415, 5mk dark slate, Plate No. Block of 4, hi val in set, NH, VF, Scott $84.00+, $45.00 |
163VA |
1984-89 UPU Presentation Book, all Finland and Aland issues bound in
attractive and scarce book, few issued, collector’s item, sample page shown, $125.00 |