Regular Issues to B.O.B.
Net Price List |
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# |
180AM |
1-9 (1-9) Complete set
of First Issue in sheets of 100 (1-6) and 50 (7-9), og, NH, a few w/minor
perf seps, some better Plate #’s, unusual and VF offering, partial sheets
shown, Facit $6,900.00, $2,500.00 |
180AX |
1-9 (1-9) Complete First Issue, og, NH, VF, Scott $90.00, $49.00 |

180B |
1-9 (1-9) King Christian
X/Polar Bear, Complete set, og, LH, VF, Scott $36.00, $19.00 |
180PNL |
5(5), 15ore, Plate No. 656 block of 4, og, NH except LH in margin , VF,
$120.00 |
180PP |
8 (8) 40ore Polar Bear,
Complete sheet of 50, Plate #701, og, NH, VF, Facit $3,900.00, $1,495.00
180PQ |
8, 40ore Polar Bear, Complete sheet of 50, used, VF, Scott as singles $425.00, $120.00 |
180R |
10-12, 1ore-7re Harp Seal, NH, VF, Scott $110.00, $38.00 |
181 |
10-18, Complete set of 9 in Full Sheets of 100, og, NH, VF, quite rare and
perfect for specialist or investor, Scott $55,000.00+, $13,750.00 |
181AA |
10-18 (10-18) Complete
set, og, NH, VF, Scott $325.00, $170.00 |
181AB |
10-18 (10-18) Complete set,
og, LH, VF, Scott $166.50, $85.00 |
181AC |
10-18 (10-18) Complete set, used, VF, Scott $360.00, $180.00 |

182S |
19-27, 22a-27a, Complete Ovpt sets, both colors, og, NH, VF, Gronlund certificate, Scott $4,250.00, $2,275.00 |
182T |
19-27 (19-27) Complete set w/Ovpt, og, NH,
light toning line from mount otherwise fresh and VF, Scott $1,350.00,
$540.00 |
182TA |
19-27, Complete Ovpt
set, og, NH, VF, Scott $1,350.00, $750.00 |
182TAA |
19-27, Complete Ovpt set, og, NH, VF, Pollak certificate, Scott $1,350.00, $770.00 |
182TB |
19-27, Complete Ovpt
set, og, LH, VF, Scott $795.00, $420.00 |
182TD |
19-21 (19-21) 1-7ore Harp Seal, og, NH, VF, Facit $350.00, $145.00 |
182TE |
19-21 (19-21) 1,5,7ore
Harp Seal, og, LH, VF, Scott $225.00, $120.00 |
182TEA |
19-21 (19-21) 1-7ore Harp Seal, used, VF, Scott $225.00, $110.00 |
182TG |
1970, 19-27 Complete
set of Liberation Ovpts in Blocks of 4, all tied Sukkertoppen on special
25 year Anniversary covers, VF, Scott for singles alone $4,450.00,
$2,250.00 |
183BA |
19v (19v) 1ore harp Seal, INVERTED OVPT, og, LH, XF, Gronlund cert of set from which this came, Scott $1,000.00, $590.00 |
183C |
20, 5ore Ovpt, Block of
4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $405.00, $165.00 |
183DA |
21, 7ore Ovpt, Block of
4, og, 2NH/2LH, VF, Scott $405.00, $165.00 |
183DBX |
22-7 (22-7) 10ore – 5kr Complete set of high vals, og, NH, VF+, Scott $1,095.00, $575.00 |
183DC |
22 (22) 10ore Chr. X, og, NH, XF, Scott $160.00, $95.00 |
183DH |
24v (24v) 30ore Dog Sled, INVERTED OVPT – only 400 made, og, XLH, VF, Scott $1,200.00, $725.00 |
183DJ |
25, 25a, 1kr Polar Bear with red and blue ovpts, used, VF, Scott $350.00+, $185.00 |
183DKC |
25v (25v) 1kr Polar Bear, INVERTED OVPT, og, VLH, VF, Gronlund cert of set from which this came, Scott $1,200.00, $735.00 |
183DKZ |
26 (26) 2kr Kayak, og, NH, VF, Scott $160.00, $90.00 |
183DL |
26, 2kr Kayak, og, LH,
VF, Scott $95.00, $50.00 |
183DLZ |
27 (27) 5kr Eider Duck, og, NH, VF, Scott $160.00, $88.00 |
183DN |
27, 5kr Eider Duck, og,
LH, VF, Scott $110.00, $59.00 |
184AR |
22a-27a (22-7v) Complete
set Wrong Color ovpts, og, NH, VF, Scott $2,900.00+,
$1,625.00 |
184AW |
1970, 22a-27a,
Complete set of WRONG COLOR Liberation Ovpts, all tied Sukkertoppen on
special 25 year Anniversary covers, VF, Scott for singles alone
$7,600.00, $3,700.00 |
184BL |
22a(22v2), 10ore WRONG COLOR OVPT, og, LH,
this is the scarcest stamp in the set, VF, Scott $375.00, $200.00 |
184BM |
22a (22v2) 10ore Red ovpt, og, NH lightly toned, scarce and VF, Scott $640.00, $195.00 |
185AD |
24a-27a, 30ore – 5kr Wrong Color Ovpts, og,
NH, Vf, Scott $1,360.00, $710.00 |
185AF |
24a (24v2) 30ore Wrong
Color Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Scott $340.00, $190.00 |
185AFA |
24a (24v2) 30ore Dog Sled, Wrong Color Ovpt, og, LH, VF, Scott $200.00, $110.00 |
185AG |
24a (24v2) 30ore Wrong
Color Ovpt, used, VF, Scott $240.00, $125.00 |
185AHA |
25a (25v2) 1kr Polar Bear, Wrong Color Ovpt, og, LH, VF, Scott $200.00, $110.00 |
185AJA |
26 (26) 2kr Kayak, used, VF, Scott $110.00+, $60.00 |
185AK |
26a (26v2) 2kr Wrong
Color Ovpt, margin single, og, NH, VF, Scott $340.00, $185.00 |
185AP |
27a (27v2) 5kr Eider
Duck Wrong Color Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Scott $340.00, $185.00 |
185AQ |
27a (27v2) 5kr Red Ovpt, og, NH toned and bit of ovpt ink on gum, VF, Scott $340.00, $90.00 |
185AP |
27a (27v2) 5kr eider duck Wrong color Ovpt, og, NH, VF, Scott $375.00, $245.00 |
185AR |
27a (27v2) 5kr Eider
Duck Wrong Color Ovpt, used, VF, Scott $240.00, $125.00 |
186B |
28-38 (28-41) Complete
set, og, NH, VF, Scott $125.00, $65.00 |
186E |
31a, 15ore Fred IX, dull purple shade, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $400.00+, $129.00 |
186F |
33, 30ore Fred IX, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $3,750.00+, $1,075.00 |
186J |
35, 50ore Polar Ship, Complete sheet of 50, NH, VF, Scott $2,625.00, $775.00 |
186L |
36-8, 1kr – 5kr Ship, Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $110.00, $45.00 |
187 |
37, 2kr Polar Ship, Complete sheet of 50, NH, VF, Scott $437.50, $139.00 |
187A |
38, 5kr Ship, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $150.00+, $45.00 |
187F |
39 (37) 60ore on 40ore Polar Bear, Plate #701 Block of 4, og, NH, VF, $50.00 |
187FB |
40 (38) 60ore/1kr Polar Bear Plate Block of 4 (no number), og, NH except 1 stamp LH, VF, very scarce, DAKA 1500kr/$180.00, $75.00 |
187G |
39-40 (37-8) Polar Bear Ovpt set in used Blocks of 4, VF, Scott $42.40, $20.00 |
187H |
39-40 (37-8) Polar Bear Ovpt set, og, NH, VF, Scott $76.00, $39.00 |
187J |
39-40 (37-8) Complete Polar Bear Ovpt set in Margin Blocks of 4, og, NH, VF, Scott $304.00, $95.00 |
187PF |
(38) 60ore on 1kr, Plate Block (without number), og, NH except LH in margin,
VF, $140.00 |

187PG |
41//149, 30 diff Greenland sheets of 50, incl #'s 41-2, 45,47,68, 70-3, 76, 98-101, 106-13, 116, 134-6, 146-9 NH, VF, Scott for singles $1,682.50, $349.00 |

187PH |
41-5, Complete set in Sheets of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $548.00+, partial sheets shown, $169.00 |

187PK |
42-3, 45, 66-8, 70, B3, Complete sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott as singles $840.00, $160.00 |

187PM |
48-9, 51, 54-8, 61, Complete Sheets of 100, NH, VF, incl. Scarcer #58, Scott as singles $1,250.00, $225.00 |
187PN |
48-52, 1ore – 15ore Northern Lights, Complete set in Sheets of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $240.00+, $85.00 |

187PQ |
53-7, 59-61, 20ore//80ore Frederick IX, Complete sheets of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $775.00+, $250.00 |
187PR |
53, 20ore Fred IX, Complete sheet of 100, NH, VF, Scott $425.00, $129.00 |
187PT |
58, 50ore Frederick IX, Complete sheet of 100, NH, VF, Scott $900.00, $260.00 |
187S |
66-7, Niels Bohr set in Complete sheets of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $257.50, $87.00 |
187T |
68, 35ore Kleinschmidt, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $32.50, $12.00 |
187U |
69, 50ore Prince & Princess, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $175.00, $57.00 |
187V |
70, 60ore Fred IX & Map, Complete sheet of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $70.00+, $22.00 |
187W |
78-85, Complete set of 8 in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $222.50, $65.00 |
187X |
86-97, Complete Queen set in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $322.50, $92.00 |
187Y |
102-5, Complete Eskimo Figures set in Sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $550.00, $155.00 |
187YD |
120-8, 131, Queen & Map Issue, 9 diff values in Complete sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $465.00, $105.00 |
188C |
226-7, Ovpt set in
complete sheets of 50, og, NH, VF, because of low printing these getting
scarcer and here is opportunity to put some away at a favorable price,
(only part of sheets shown here)
188F |
289-90, Landscapes set in Sheets of 20, mgn only wear, NH, VF, Scott $127.00, $39.00 |

188LK |
293-5, Complete set of Souvenir sheets (3) in presentation folder, NH, VF, $19.00 |
188LM |
293-5 (264-72) Complete set of Souvenir
Sheets (3) on FDC’s, these are scarce used, VF, Facit $31.00, $21.00 |
188LQ |
Black Print Souvenir sheets, 3 diff, NH, VF, $39.00 |
188LX |
706a//B31a, Group of 9 diff Greenland souvenir sheets, NH, VF, Scott $120.00, $55.00 |
188MA |
B1, 30+10ore Semi-postal, Complete sheet of 50, used, VF, $40.00 |
188MAA |
B2, 30ore + 10ore on 25ore Ovpt, Complete sheet of 100, og, NH, VF, Scott $525.00+, $159.00 |
188MB |
B2 (43v) Semi
Postal showing “f under r” variety, used, VF, Facit $45.00, $25.00 |
188N |
B3,5,6,8,10,11, Semi-postals in Complete sheets of 50, NH, VF, Scott $387.50, $99.00 |
188Q |
B18a, Boy Scout & Red
Cross Souvenir sheet, og, NH, VF, Scott $20.00, $14.00 |
189A |
Presentation Pack prepared by Greenland Post Office for Int’l Stamp Expo,
less than 100 were made, sealed and VF, $15.00 |

192 |
Three diff. Expedition Ovpts on 1ore, all with margins (Scott #48), these
are privately made Cinderellas, only 2 sheets were made, $25.00 |
193 |
Greenland Charity labels, 12 diff, VF, $45.00 |

194 |
1962, 25ore & 1kr Saving stamps, og, NH, VF, $75.00 |
194G |
Greenland Christmas seals, 9 different full
sheets for years including 1976-9, 1981, 1984, 1990, 1991, and 1993, NH, VF,
$59.00 |
194H |
THULE (T1-5) Complete set, og, LH, VF, $23.00 |
194J |
THULE (T1-5) Complete set in Sheets of 50, og, NH, VF, Facit $2,400.00, $595.00 |
194PA |
THULE (T1-5) Complete
1935 set, used, $25.00 |
194Q |
THULE (T1-5)
1979 Red Cross reprint sheet of 5, VF, $6.00 SOLD |