DENMARK 1915 Issue to Date (#135
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83AM | 135v (121v), 5kr GPO, og, LH, “Color Spot on Right Posthorn” variety (AFA 81w), Nielsen certificate, AFA $875.00, $440.00 | |||
83C | 135 (121) 5kr GPO, used, VF, Scott $175.00, $85.00 | |||
83CD |
135 (121) 5kr GPO, used strip of 3, XF, $525.00+, $290.00 | |||
84S | 137 (123) 80ore on 8ore, used with proper cancel, VF, Scott $140.00, $69.00 | |||
86A | 138-41 (177-80) Surcharged Newspaper stamps, all og, NH and well above average centering for this set, Scott $840.00, $450.00 | |||
141v (180v), 27/10ore, og, NH, INVERTED WMK, VF, Facit $450.00, $230.00 | |||
86L |
145-54 (184-93) Complete set properly used, VF, Scott $291.50, $145.00 |
86M | 152, 27ore on 38ore, used pair, scarce and VF, Scott $220.00, $110.00 | |||
86N | 152v (AFA 92z) 27ore on 38ore, og, VLH, “E in right ORE separated from OR” variety, VF, AFA $100.00, $50.00 | |||
86W | 1920 Buildings, ESSAYS, 1ore to 100ore, note 100ore value border only, VF, $100.00 | |||
87 |
156-8P (194,6,8) 1920 Buildings Issue, IMPERFORATE PROOF BLOCKS of 4 in issued colors, VF and very scarce, $390.00 |
87A | 156-8 (194,6,8) 1920 Buildings Issue, IMPERFORATE horizontal pairs in issued colors, VF and very scarce, signed Pollak, $210.00 | |||
87D | 156-60 (194-8) Complete Buildings set, og, LH, VF, Scott $105.50, $59.00 | |||
87FD | 157 (196) 20 ore Building, Imperf. Corner Block PROOF in black, VF and scarce, $120.00 | |||
87H | 158v (197v) 40ore brown, HOOK on 4 variety, used, F/VF, Facit $125.00, $69.00 | |||
87K | 160v (198v) 40ore blue, “Hook on 4” variety, used, VF, Facit $150.00, $75.00 | |||
87L | 161v (172v4) 8 on 7ore, used, MIDDLE & FOOT OF E JOINED variety, VF, Facit $33.00, $19.00 |
87N | 163v (115v2) 8 on 3ore, og, NH, T & F CONNECTED variety in pair w/normal, VF, Facit $75.00, $39.00 | |||
88 |
164-75 (201-12) Complete set in se-ten Blocks of 4, og, 6NH/6LH, VF, Scott $145.00, $69.00 |
88AB | 164-75, Complete set in se-ten Blocks of 4, og, 175a NH – others VLH, VF, Scott $150.00, $75.00 | |||
88AC | 164-75 (201-12) Kings set in se-ten blocks of 4, used, Scott $150.00, $75.00 | |||
88BA |
168-71P, 15ore Kings, Imperf PROOFS in brown, 2 diff pairs, VF, $145.00 | |||
88BF | 171a, 15ore Kings, Complete sheet of 100, used, VF, Scott $1,250.00+, $350.00 |
88BN |
172-5v (209-12v) 20ore brown, Block w/HAIRLOCK variety at LL, og, NH, VF, Facit $225.00, $120.00 | |||
88K | 182 (171) 7ore on 27ore Chr. X, Block of 4, used, VF, Scott $68.00, $32.00 | |||
88M | 183v, (170v) 7ore on 20ore Chr. X, used pair, HOOK on E variety on stamp at left, VF, Facit $255.00, $135.00 | |||
88P | 185-91 (124-30) Surcharged Official set Complete, og, LH, Scott $104.75, $49.00 | |||
88PA | 185-91 (124-30) Complete set in used blocks of 4, scarcer and VF, Scott $1,380.00+, $650.00 | |||
88PC | 185v (AFA160y) 7ore on 1ore, Bump on 7 - #68 in sheet, unused no gum, corner crease at LR otherwise VF, AFA $37.50, $14.00 | |||
89B | 176v (175v1) 20 on 30ore, SNAKES MOUTH variety in center of 3-strip, og, NH, VF, Facit $112.00, $65.00 | |||
90BA | 192-7 (221-6) Complete Ship set, og, NH, VF, Scott $200.00, $105.00 | |||
90BB | 192-7 (221-6) Complete set of Ships, og, LH, VF, Scott $69.50, $37.00 | |||
90ED | 197v (226v) 40ore Ship, colored spot in flag variety, used, VF, Facit $52.50, $29.00 | |||
90G | 210-19 (246-55) Complete set Chr. X set, og, NH, VF, Scott $295.00, $150.00 | |||
90H | 210-19 (246-55) Chr. X set complete, og, hinged, VF, Scott $111.25, $55.00 | |||
90J | 210-19 (246-55) Complete set Chr. X, used, VF, Scott $55.75, $25.00 | |||
90JF | 213v (AFA 189x) 10ore Chr. X, used Block, EYE BROW variety at LL, VF, $9.00 | |||
90K | 220-30, Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $75.00, $39.00 | |||
90LX | 223b, 228a, 5ore & 10ore Tete-beche Gutter Pairs, og, NH, VF, Scott for hinged $43.00, $40.00 | |||
90NC | 223d , 229b, 238A1, Se-Ten Booklet Panes of 4, og, LH, VF, Scott $115.00, $55.00 | |||
90NF | 223v, 228v (101TB1,2, 110TB1,2) 5ore and 10ore Tete-Beche pairs with and w/o gutter between, og, NH, VF, Facit $360.00, $135.00 | |||
90NG | 224v (TB2103av) 5ore rose lake, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Fait $12.00, $7.00 sold | |||
90NM | 228a, 10ore Tete Beche Gutter Pair, og, NH, VF, Scott $125.00, $65.00 | |||
90NP | 228v(110TB1) 10ore, Tete-Beche pair, og, NH, VF, Facit $135.00, $65.00 | |||
90NQ | 229v (TB111bv) 10ore brown, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $140.00, $70.00 | |||
90NR | 230v (TB112bv) 10ore violet, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $35.00, $19.00 | |||
90NS | 1930's/40's, Group of Tete Beche Gutter pairs, all og, NH, VF, Facit $425.00+, $175.00 | |||
90NT | 232-8 (220/36ty.1) Complete Ship set, type 1, og, NH, VF, Scott $325.00, $170.00 | |||
90NU | 232-8 (220/36 ty. 1) Complete set Ships, type 1, og, LH, VF, Scott $139.85, $74.00 | |||
90NV | 233 (231) 25ore Ship, type I, used, VF, Scott $29.00, $15.00 | |||
90Q |
238 (227v), 15ore dark red, PROOF without lines in large sail, dramatic item, og, NH, normal stamp at right for comparison, Gronlund certificate, AFA retail $675.00, $350.00 |
90R | 238av (TB227bv) 15ore deep red, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $140.00, $75.00 | |||
90RF | 239-43, Complete Chr. X set, og, NH, VF, Scott $75.00, $39.00 | |||
90RM | 241 (259&259v), 1kr brown, Block of 9 with center stamp re-entry variety – extra line above right “1” on center stamp (NH), og, 8 stamps NH, VF, Facit $395.00, $195.00 | |||
90S |
241v (259v), 1kr brown, used 3-strip showing Re Entry (pos.79), $17.00 |
90W |
244v (238v1) 4ore on 25ore, Cut Off Nose of 4 variety, used, VF, Facit $105.00, $50.00 |
90Y | 245v(239v) 10ore Ovpt, pair, NH, top stamp w/cut-off bar variety, VF, $17.00 | |||
90ZL | 246-51 (267-72) Complete H.C.A. set, og, NH, VF, Scott $87.50, $44.00 | |||
90ZM | 246-51, Complete Hans Christian Anderson set in Margin Blocks of 4, fresh og, NH, VF, Scott $350.00, $159.00 | |||
90ZMA | 246-51, Hans Christian Anderson set, Blocks of 32, NH, VF, Dealer Lot, Scott $2,800.00, $575.00 | |||
91A | 246a, 248-9a, H.C.A. Set Tete Beche Pairs w/full Gutter, og, NH, VF, Scott $220.00, $110.00 | |||
91AB | 246a, 248-9a, H.C.A. Set Tete Beche Pairs, og, NH, VF Scott $220.00, $115.00 | |||
91AF | 248a,c (269TB1,2) 10ore HCA Tete Beche pairs with and w/o gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $125.00, $60.00 | |||
91AT | 252-6 (273-7) Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $62.50, $32.00 | |||
91AX | 259v (AFA 240x) 10brown, og, LH, COLOR STREAK IN SKY above hat, VF, AFA $60.00, $30.00 | |||
91BA | 1930'S Complete set 10ore - 30ore ESSAYS in green including 30ore Lighthouse, VF, $45.00 | |||
91CL | 264-6E, 1938 Thorvaldsen Artist ESSAYS in 5 colors, unselected in competition for the issue, VF, $50.00 | |||
91CX | 261v (284v) 30ore “Double Frameline at Left” variety (pos. 1) in pair at left, og, NH, VF, Facit $140.00, $70.00 | |||
91CY |
261v (284v) 30ore blue, “double frameline at left” variety, used, VF, Facit $52.00, $30.00 |
91CYD | 1941, 20ore Vitus Bering (Scott #278) ESSAYS of ship at sea in 4 diff colors, VF, $45.00 | |||
91DL | 1930’s, 10ore Essays in purple and red, no gum as issued, VF, $50.00 | |||
91DM | (288) 10ore ESSAY for 1940’s stamp, VF, $25.00 | |||
91DMA | 294 (315v2) 10ore Chr. X, used, LINE IN 7 of 1970, VF, $6.00 | |||
91DN |
296v (317v) 40ore blue, “Double line after 0 in 40” variety shown in stamp at right w/normal stamp in pair, NH, VF, Facit $40.00, $22.00 |
91DP | 296v (317v) 40ore blue, used, DOUBLE LINE after O & K variety, VF, $9.00 | |||
91DT | 303v (327v) 40ore blue, Block showing “Double Entry on Ferry Rail” at LR, NH, VF, Facit $60.00, $30.00 | |||
91DW | 1947//1976 Sheet lot, 22 different incl. #'s 304, 352, 355-8, 403, B19, B21, B24, B26-7, B29-34, B49-52, all NH, ,VF, Scott as singles $970.00, $220.00 | |||
91DZ | 318v (TB346av) 10ore green, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $23.00, $12.00 | |||
91DZA | 319v (TB330bv) 15ore Fred IX, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF Facit $23.00, $12.00 | |||
91DZAB | 319v (AFA 319ax) 15ore violet, BROKEN M variety at LL in block of 6, og, NH, VF, AFA $50.00+, $25.00 |
91DZB | 320v (TB332v) 20ore Fred IX, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $30.00. $18.00 | |||
91E | 335 (359) 30ore Fred IX, used on piece – postmarked 1 year early, VF, $20.00 | |||
91EB | 309v (359v) 30ore Fred IX, 3-strip showing “String on Plate” Error, og, NH, unusual and VF, $90.00 | |||
91ER | 354v (TB381v) 25ore Fred IX, Tete Beche pair w/gutter, og, NH, VF, Facit $140.00, $75.00 | |||
91L |
463E, 60ore, IMPERF ESSAY, VF, issued stamp at right, $45.00 | |||
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